biblically accurate seraphim

The reaction of Isaiah to such a vision is revolutionary. Perhaps it is because we never do anything 100% to the glory of God that no work is untainted with sin. Or consider the woman in today’s reading from Mark. Due to the author’s adoption of the persona of a figure named in the bible, the work had great influence until Erasmus publicised doubts about the age of the work in the early 16th century.[2]. Vine writes that every believer should have an "Isaiah 6 reaction" to the glory of God for…, The more we apprehend the facts and character of the atoning sacrifice of Christ and the glories of His Person the more deeply we realize our own sinfulness. But God's redeeming grace hastened to meet his need, applying to his lips a coal from the incense altar (originally from the altar of blood sacrifice; cf. I can only imagine The foundations of the thresholds trembled - the bases of the thresholds shook. Blessed spectacle!-a soul prostrate before the glory of the incarnate God! God always has a remnant of faithful men and women among the unfaithful majority who chose to rebel rather than return and repent. Isaiah 6:13 YET THERE WILL BE A TENTH PORTION IN IT, AND IT WILL AGAIN BE SUBJECT TO BURNING, LIKE A TEREBINTH OR AN OAK WHOSE STUMP REMAINS WHEN IT IS FELLED. God is no respecter of persons, and He will not hold back His hand of just discipline for His children. "With twain they covered their faces, and with twain they covered their feet." Job 14:7ff. High on a lofty throne, in splendor bright, Wiersbe - He did not discuss his call with the Lord, as did Moses (Ex 3:11-4:15) and Jeremiah (Jer 1:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), but accepted the appointment and made himself available to his Master. For each occasion we must come to the Throne by way of the Cross. 36: Word Biblical Commentary : John. In a vision, Isaiah saw God's holiness and glory, and he was utterly overwhelmed. “No man has seen God at any time” (John 1:18). Isaiah, chapter six teaches us that even in this age the day of grace may come to an end for certain individuals. God Himself tells us, 'Be still, and know that I am God' (Ps. Moody Publishers, The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95, Oswalt, J. N. The Book of Isaiah. (The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95), Motyer observes that "The two verbs, has touched and is taken away, are co-ordinate perfects, stressing that as soon as the one happened the other happened also. 13:14, 15; John 12:39, 40, 41; Acts 28:25, 26, 27. (Motyer, J. Moses, David, Apostles). But God is promising that just as a tree may sprout again from a stump, so there will be a remnant of the nation that will survive. In the morning, his brother and sister who hated him slept in. He does not blind the eyes of those that would fain see, and apart from His interposition, would see. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, Hide Me In Your Holiness - a beautiful old Maranatha chorus, How Deep The Father's Love For Us - Fernando Ortega, Here Am I Send Me - Powerful Missionary Quotes with Musical Background, Motyer, J Alec: The Prophecy of Isaiah- An Introduction & Commentary, The Bridge Illustration = The Romans Road to Salvation, Collected writings of W. E. Vine. [7], The cherubim are mentioned in Genesis 3:24,[6] Exodus 25:17–22, 2 Chronicles 3:7–14, Ezekiel 10:12–14[8] and 28:14–16,[7] and 1 Kings 6:23–28.[9]. Criswell explains that "God in His omniscience knew in advance that the nation would not respond but would remain indifferent and unrepentant, and thus would become hardened. The "angels" or malakhim (Heb. Related Resources: Give Us Clean Hands - Chris Tomlin. For instance, God's throne is in the heavenly temple, which, as we will learn later this month, served as the pattern for the earthly temple. (Isaiah 6:3-5 on mp3). One of the Dead Sea Scrolls construes them as angels, late sections of the Book of Enoch portray them as a class of celestial beings who never sleep, but guard the throne of God. Even today while Israel as a nation is blinded (2 Cor. TODAY IN THE WORD - A. W. Tozer once said the most important thing anyone could know about him was what he believed about God. This well-known passage teaches us a lot about the God we worship and the ministry of worship itself. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. But it is never meant to be a message of despair to any lost sinner who desires salvation and would like to come to the Savior. John MacArthur writes that "Isaiah’s message was to be God’s instrument for hiding the truth from an unreceptive people. The "Thrones" (Greek: thronoi, pl. Isaiah 6:1 IN THE YEAR OF KING UZZIAH'S DEATH, I SAW THE LORD SITTING ON A THRONE, LOFTY AND EXALTED, WITH THE TRAIN OF HIS ROBE FILLING THE TEMPLE: To help keep this chapter in context observe the preceding table and the following outline adapted from Talk Thru the Bible which summarizes the first section of Isaiah dealing primarily with prophecies concerning the Kingdom of Judah…, C The Parable of the Vineyard Isa 5:1–30, E The Destruction of Israel by Assyria Isa 7:1–10:4, 2 Sign of Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz Isa 8:1–22, 3 Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth Isa 9:1–7, F The Destruction of Assyria by God Isa 10:5–12:6, 3 Restoration of the Messiah’s Kingdom Isa 11:1–16, 4 Thanksgiving in the Messiah’s Kingdom Isa 12:1–6, 790 - Uzziah (790-739BC) becomes king of Judah, reigns 52 years, 759 - Jotham becomes king of Judah assuming reign when Uzziah becomes leprous, 742 - Micah begins his prophetic ministry (cp ministry to Hezekiah Jer 26:18, 19, Mic 3:12), 739 - Isaiah begins prophetic ministry in year King Uzziah died (Isa 6:1f), 731 - Ahaz becomes king of Judah (2Ki 15:38, 16:1, 2Chr 28:1), 726 - Hezekiah becomes 12th king of Judah (2Ki 16:20, 18:1,2) and one of 3 best (2Ki 18:5), 722 - Shalmaneser (2Ki 17:3, 18:9) dies while besieging Samaria, Sargon seizes crown, 722 - Sargon of Assyria (Sargon) (Is 20:1) conquers Samaria (2Ki 17:6, 18:9, 10, 11, 12), 701 - Sennacherib (son of Sargon) of Assyria lays siege to Jerusalem, 695 - Manasseh becomes king of Judah (2Ki 21:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), 586 - Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquers Judah. (1 Jn 1:9-note). How do I respond when I "hear" the Master's voice (especially in His Word) commanding a certain response? To be what God intended will be glory. When the boats come in, the former fishermen leave everything behind and follow Jesus. He then could say, "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ" (Php 3:7-note). It is interesting to recall that King Uzziah himself (cf Isa 6:1) had been "cut off" (ruined) after becoming leprous (the discipline of the Lord - 2Chr 26:19, 21) and according to the Mosaic law had to cry "Unclean (tame')! Isaiah, mighty seer, in days of old So even as Moses' ministry to Pharaoh resulted in hardening of his heart rather than repentance, in a similar fashion Isaiah's prophetic ministry to Judah would (sadly) result in increased hardening of his hearer's hearts. After crushing the Gentile kingdoms Messiah establishes His Millennial Kingdom (Da 2:34-35-note, Da 2:44-45-note). HISTORICAL CONTEXT: A Timeline of Isaiah. potestates), or "Authorities" (from the Greek exousiai or exusiai, the plural of exousia, see the Greek root in Eph 3:10)[12] are angels whose primary duty is to supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies to ensure that the cosmos remains in order. The interested reader is referred to other resources for more in depth discussion (Smith: New American Commentary, Oswalt: The New International Commentary). (Moody), TODAY IN THE WORD - Visitors to the Mount St. Helens volcano in Washington can now peer directly into the huge crater left by the volcano's deadly eruption on May 18, 1980. Some Christian theologians that include the Thrones as one of the choirs do not describe them as wheels, describing them as adoring elder men who listen to the will of God and present the prayers of men. The prophet Daniel spoke about these days of future national purging, purifying and refining writing... Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. GOD is honored when His truth is preached, no matter what attitude the hearers take toward it, and that Word will not return void, but will accomplish the divine purpose (Is 55:11). [citation needed], These angels are those through which signs and miracles are made in the world.[12]. Lofty (07311) (ruwm) is a primary root which conveys three ideas (1) literal height, (2) height symbolic of notions (glory, exaltation - Ps 34:3 exalt His name), and (3) height symbolic of negative notions (arrogance & pride). ‘Opportunity in human life is as often judgment as it is salvation.’ (Motyer, J Alec: The Prophecy of Isaiah- An Introduction & Commentary). Who was, and is, and evermore shall be. Holy, holy, holy! It has pleased GOD to commit the declaration of His truth to men rather than to angels. of thronos), or Elders, are a class of celestial beings mentioned by Paul the Apostle in Colossians 1:16 (New Testament). See related study of this great Name of God - Jehovah Rapha: (Jehovah Rophe) The LORD our Healer, Vine - The people had so persistently perverted their ways that they had gone beyond the possibility of conversion and healing. On the surface it seems to indicate Isaiah's hardening ministry will prevent genuine repentance. Personal guardian angels come from this class. (Ref). At the same time his holiness encompasses His moral authority, which derives from His royal position. (Notes from My Bible, p. 85). But now power is in question, and it is not the Lord (Adonai) but Jehovah (Lord) who answers (referring to creation power)—“and Jehovah said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I. The chosen ones are those who have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ whereby their disposition has been altered and their ears unstopped, and they hear the still small voice (1Ki 19:12KJV) questioning all the time, "Who will go for us?" That is how great God’s holiness and grace can be. At that time the divine hardening had run its course and Isaiah is able to issue an ultimatum (Isa 1:19, 20-note, one which Hezekiah apparently took to heart, resulting in the sparing of Jerusalem (see Isa 36-39) and cf. Martin Luther. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well. Lev 5:2; 7:19, 21; 10:10; 11:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 35, 38, 47; 13:11, 15, 36, 44, 45, 46, 51, 55; 14:40, 41, 44, 45, 57; 15:2, 25, 26, 33; 20:25; 22:4; 27:11, 27; Nu 5:2; 9:6, 7, 10; 18:15; 19:13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22; Dt 12:15, 22; 14:7, 8, 10, 19; 15:22; 26:14; Josh 22:19; Jdg 13:4; 2Chr 23:19; Job 14:4; Ec 9:2; Isa 6:5; 35:8; 52:1, 11; 64:6; Jer 19:13; Lam 4:15; Ezek 4:13; 22:5, 10, 26; 44:23; Hos 9:3; Amos 7:17; Hag 2:13, 14. Many people take the adage “the Lord helps those who help themselves” to mean that they can never come to the Lord until they have exhausted their own resources. All unclean, my lips, my spirit, vile and foul in all I do! The plural pronoun ("us") refers to the Lord, the seraphs, and the rest of the heavenly assembly. According to medieval Christian theologians, the angels are organized into several orders, or "Angelic Choirs". But passivity and helplessness are not the same. The effect of this was to confirm them in their sin, and therefore confirm them in their lost estate. Isaiah 6:10b reflects the people's attitude and might be paraphrased accordingly: "Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their mind, repent, and be restored, and they certainly wouldn't want that, would they?". It is interesting that up to this time Isaiah had never heard the call of God. In that passage Isaiah was saying that sin would yield captivity, but that God would bring a Redeemer (cf Isa 7:14). 4:8). To argue over how he saw Him is to miss the splendor of this scene. When a letter appeared in the Church Times about a year ago, suggesting that there is no Welsh bishop capable of giving a comprehensible interview in Welsh, Crap got Mr Rhys Evans (occasionally of the Old Deanery, Bangor) to ring the Editor, Paul Handley, to complain that the letter was not accurate. It was Jesus Who Moses experienced in the burning bush. He places His Spirit within us so that Christ is formed in us (Gal. And similar to the LORD in Isaiah 6, Jesus (Who in fact I believe is also Jehovah of Isaiah 6) gives Peter, James and John a commission to be "catching men" to which they responded to the Lord's call/commission (much like Isaiah) by leaving everything and following Him. God does not need or want servants who think they are doing God a favor. While this may have been a literal coal, it is used symbolically (otherwise it would have literally burned Isaiah) and in the context was God's vehicle for purifying His prophet of his uncleanness. Both this woman and Isaiah show the close link between humility, coming helplessly before the Lord, and obedience. This period of the Day of the Lord corresponds to the last 3.5 years of Daniel's Seventieth Week during which time the Campaign of Armageddon will be waged and be brought to an abrupt termination when the King o kings returns (Rev 19:11-16-note) and defeats all of His and Israel's enemies (Rev 19:17-21-note). in the light of the Lord's infinite holiness. You will spend eternity in heaven getting to know God.” But not many continue in the chapter to dwell on the specific message Isaiah is told to preach (Isa 6:9,10) because this message shocks us. Evidently Isaiah was in the temple in Jerusalem when he had this awe-inspiring vision of God's throne (Isa 6:1). Verse 1 says that Isaiah saw the Lord. Every hope I must abandon! The Book of Tobit is not, however, acknowledged by most Protestant denominations, such as Reformed Christians or Baptists. Archangels, 9. (January 14th). Uzziah was generally a good king (2Ki 15:3, 2Chr 26:8) but was struck with leprosy when he entered the Temple of the LORD (2Ki 15:5, 2Chr 26:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) which led to his isolation as a leper for about the last 15 years of his life until his death (2Ki 15:7). For this reason, Isaiah needs the live coal from off the burnt altar, which is symbolic of Christ's death. (The Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Translation: 1995. They told him that he was a rotten sinner, but he looked them straight in the eye and said, "As far as I know, I am a righteous man." The coal touched his mouth, corresponding to Isaiah’s sense of “unclean lips” and his imminent prophetic calling. The LORD of hosts - In Isa 6:1, 8, 11 the divine name is Adonai but the Seraphim acclaim Him as Jehovah Sabaoth, LORD of the armies. The stars vanish when the sun appears. Despite her best efforts to find help, her terrible condition worsened and she desperately sought Jesus (Mk 5:26, 27). ), Vine, W. Collected writings of W. E. Vine. Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee; The angels are sent as messengers to humanity. Tobit is considered deuterocanonical by Catholics (both Eastern and Western Rites), Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Anglicans. John now added the explanation that it was Christ’s glory which Isaiah saw, and it was of Christ that he spoke. You might have a vivid childhood memory of reaching out to touch that hot stove Mom warned you against. It becomes clear that the nation has hardened itself so that they have passed the point of repentance and response to God. The representative of the grace of GOD to needy men flew swiftly to tell of His saving favor, based upon the atoning sacrifice. Rather this hardening is the outworking of the message of Pr 29:1. : מַלְאָכִים), i.e. The lips are specified because of the fact that he had just seen choirs of holy creatures worshipping with pure lips. These sinners deserve death and will experience the wrath of God, with no hope of healing because they purposely reject what they knew to be the will of God. The quiet passionate insistence of His "Follow Me" (Mt 4:19, 8:22, 9:9, 16:24, 19:21) was spoken to men with every power wide awake. Isaiah 6:6 THEN ONE OF THE SERAPHIM FLEW TO ME WITH A BURNING COAL IN HIS HAND, WHICH HE HAD TAKEN FROM THE ALTAR WITH TONGS. Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty! Go and tell - Beloved, these two commands should greatly encourage us because they show that although we, like Isaiah, are men and women of unclean lips, the thrice Holy God is ever willing to use vessels who are willing to be used for His holy purposes (cp 2Ti 2:21-note, Jer 15:19). God then took the initiative to spiritually cleanse Isaiah. You come into His presence because you are in Christ. Redhnyan : Tiny fiddlehead fern fairies. Isa 41:8; 43:5; 53:10; 59:21; 65:9; 66:22; 1Ki 19:18; Ro 11:5), but Messiah would be the ultimate holy seed (Heb. It is a common belief among Christians that they are assigned to every human being, Christian or not.[23]. The altar - John describes an altar in heaven (Rev 6:9, Rev 8:3), but one cannot state with certainty that that is the same as seen by Isaiah. As a result "their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened" (Ro 1:21-note). Again the theme is sounded: the Messiah’s glory is revealed in His suffering. The throne of God is in the heavenly temple (Rev. Dominations, 4. A final question which needs to be answered is why Isaiah was to preach and call the nation to repentance which was already judicially blind. It is not exhaustive because no one can see God and live. THEN I SAID, HERE AM I. He saw that he was a sinful man in a sinful community. This proposal has no linguistic or contextual basis and should be dismissed as allegorical. “No man can see Me and live!” (Exod. In the Old Testament this kind of symbolism is usually negative, but for Jesus it is clearly positive. Send me!’” (Isa 6:8). ", Cherubim have four faces: one of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle (later adopted as the symbols of the four evangelists). (1 Ki 8:10, 11, 12), Tony Garland in his discussion of The Abiding Presence of God (take a moment to read this insightful discussion) writes that…. 739 - Isaiah begins prophetic ministry in year King Uzziah died (Isa 6:1f). (, The Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Translation: 1995. make a distinction between archangel (with a lower-case a) and Archangel (with an uppercase A). For example, hired servants could quit if they did not like the orders of their master. 4:19). Charles Ryrie says that the glory of God…, is the manifestation of any or all of His attributes. (The Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Translation: 1995. Comment: The prophet Zechariah is speaking of the last days, in that day,  Day of the Lord, specifically that segment that is known as the Great Tribulation (Begins - Mt 24:15-note, named - Mt 24:21-note), AKA the Time of Jacob's Distress (Jeremiah 30:7-note) or AKA "a time of distress" (Da 12:1-note). If we walk in the light of His Word, we are going to see exactly what Isaiah saw -- that we are undone and men of unclean lips. This call for service comes from Adonai, for this is the name used in Isaiah 6:8. In contrast, slaves had no other option but to obey their master (see, for example, Ge 24:1–12). Raymond Ortlund feels that the burning coal…, belongs to the place of sacrifice and atonement and forgiveness. But note that even in the face of Judah's steadfast unbelief by the majority of souls, there is Isaiah, a picture of the remnant, those who see and are convicted by the light, who confess sin and who receive redemption from the Redeemer! (Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., et al: The Bible Knowledge Commentary. Isaiah 6:11 THEN I SAID, "LORD, HOW LONG?" Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth! Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:5, 6). Seraphim, 2. As used here, qadosh [holy] signifies the entirety of the divine perfection which separates God from His creation. That's another way of saying that theology matters. God's glory is essentially the profound, glowing, visible, confluent expression of the attributes of Deity which bears witness to a still more profound and incomprehensible reality of essence. 1. It is one thing to condemn the saints, it is quite another to take upon ourselves the confession of their sins as ours. In a word, Isaiah 6 shows that unbelief is the result of rejection of the light that is given, and that the rejection of the light in turn, in accord with the sovereign decree of God, gradually makes belief impossible. One of the most stirring portions of Scripture describes this vision. I take it that this act of putting the coal on his lips was just an external manifestation of what happened in the inner man. “Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth! Isaiah’s attitude was brokenness in the blinding light of God’s holiness (Isa 6:5). When our Lord called His disciples there was no irresistible compulsion from outside. In the OT, God revealed His glory at Sinai (Ex 24:16, 17), in the tabernacle (Ex 40:34, 35, 36, 37, 38), in the Jerusalem temple (1Ki 8:10, 11) and here in Isaiah 6 to the prophet. Seraphim, 2. Victor, Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments, MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word, Play & praise as you ponder one day seeing Holy Holy Holy, Praise to the Lord the Almighty - Fernando Ortega (recommended! All veiling their sight, With two they covered their feet, in acknowledgment of the lowliness of their glorious service. This revelation of God as the absolute Lord ruling over the affairs of people caused the prophet to lament over his own sinfulness. Antiochus IV of Syria almost consumed even this remnant during the inter-testamental period. Others (like Gary Smith, New American Commentary series) argue for Isaiah 6 as special "recommissioning for a new task". Wiersbe - The prophet knew that he could not faithfully preach for the Lord unless he was prepared and cleansed. (Sept 30 - My Utmost for His Highest), Isaiah 6:9 HE SAID, " GO, AND TELL THIS PEOPLE: 'KEEP ON LISTENING, BUT DO NOT PERCEIVE; KEEP ON LOOKING, BUT DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Of course, this sarcastic statement may also reveal that the Lord Himself is now bent on judgment, not reconciliation. The sight of divine greatness and holiness makes him feel his own littleness and sinfulness. Whenever the invisible God becomes visible, and whenever the omnipresence of God is localized, this is the Shechinah Glory. 63)", "Dionysius the Areopagite: Celestial Hierarchy". The immutable principle is that persistent unbelief will eventually produce a hardened heart that becomes progressively more impenetrable over time! They need to have their lips touched with a living coal. Vine feels that "If we are to engage in any particular service for the Lord, we can render it effectively only as we freshly appropriate to ourselves the efficacy of the atoning sacrifice of Christ for the cleansing of our hearts from sin. Perhaps you accidentally stepped on a live coal from your campfire during your last vacation. The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary. HALLELUJAH! In this verse Isaiah's prophetic warning was given some 150 years in advance of its fulfillment. “The Son is the King Jehovah Who rules in the Old Testament and appears to the elect, as in the New Testament the Spirit, the invisible Minister of the Son, is the Director of the Church and the Revealer in the sanctuary of the heart” [Olshausen]. Page183. Comment: God considers Isaiah 6:9, 10 so significant that they are quoted no less than six times in the NT (Mt 13:14, 15; Mk 4:12; Lk 8:10; Jn 12:40; Acts 28:25, 26, 27, 28; Ro11:8)! Only Michael and Gabriel are mentioned by name in the New Testament. Removed men far away - This prophecy is spoken in the past tense, as if it had already been fulfilled. In catching fish, Jesus has caught Simon Peter. At the Cross, His wounds acquit me! 4:10, 11, 12. He will use us. Here is an example of the great mystery, inscrutable to our finite minds, of God's election versus man's will. During the reign of Uzziah, Judah was politically and militarily at her height, but chapters 1–5 show that her spiritual, moral, and social ills had reached the crisis state. For the past few days, we’ve considered aspects of God’s nature that need to be understood to foster prayer. Beloved, let this truth be ever present to your mind that as we increasingly see glory in Christ, we shall increasingly see that there is no glory in ourselves. Putti are the often wingless (sometimes winged) human baby/toddler-like beings traditionally used in figurative art. Seraphim, 2. John records in his vision of the heavenly temple that…, the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power; and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished. For example, at the completion of Solomon’s Temple (note) in Jerusalem…, It happened that when the priests came from the holy place, the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. Keep on listening… do not perceive… keep on looking… do not understand - Can you imagine Isaiah's first reaction upon hearing these words he was to speak to the people of Judah - to say they are not seeker friendly would be an understatement! Maybe at your last backyard barbecue, the wind blew a bit of hot ash from your charcoal grill and singed your skin. For the first time he really worships God. We only know God as He has revealed Himself. Man can only see God as He has revealed Himself. The judgment of God means that they will continue this way. Isaiah's prophecy was written between 740-680BC and Judah was taken into exile into Babylon in 3 stages, 605BC, 597BC, and 586BC, this last date resulting in the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem. Archangels, 9. Fish adds that "Symbolically the fire had a purifying effect, but the cleansing came not from the fire, but from the initiative of the Lord and the fact that a sacrifice for sin had been offered. Praise God! What the Master commands of His bond-servants, He always enables. Virtues, 6. And they came, and filled both of the boats, so that they began to sink. Given the solemnity and "heaviness" of the message, Isaiah would need all the divine enablement he could get, especially in view of the fact that the prophet is forewarned that his mission would be (in one sense) an abysmal "failure"! Archangels, 9. The shrinking Jeremiah, ordained from before his birth to be a prophet, answers the call to service by saying, somewhat like Moses: "Ah, Adonai Jehovah! It is the majestic presence or manifestation of God in which He descends to dwell among men. Woe is me - It is interesting to note the prophet himself pronounced 6 woes on Israel (Is 5:8, 11, 18, 20, 21, 22 - a different, albeit synonymous Hebrew word [hoy in Isaiah 5, 'oy in Isaiah 6] than that translated "woe" in this verse), but when confronted with the transcendent glory infinite holiness of God, in alarm and despair, he could only cry "woe". Cherubim, 3. Seraphim, 2. Perhaps this is a preview of believers calling out to other believers in a symphony of praise to God. Behold, His glory filleth all the earth!” (Ed: Truth be said if we went and told exactly what Isaiah was to go and tell, keep listening but do not perceive, etc, that message would not be well received! Eyes dim… see - So they cannot perceive God's message. Remember you are God’s sword, His instrument—I trust, a chosen vessel unto Him to bear His name. Isaiah 6), but also to the great Suffering Servant prophecy of Isaiah 53 (v. 38). J Vernon McGee applies this grand scene to our everyday lives noting that…, if we would see Him today in that (high and lifted up) position, we would be delivered from low living. Holy, holy, holy! Glory also involves “honor” or position of power. A new form appears in the New Testament: the Incarnate Word [John 1:14]. Don't just flee, but fill that "spiritual vacuum" with persistent proper pious pursuit of… ) righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart (Ed: Select your "spiritual running companions" prayerfully and carefully). This is a solemn warning for all who are outside of Christ to take heed and to come to Him in faith. (Is 57:15), One of the seraphim - The worshipping one became a ministering one, reminiscent of the writer of Hebrews rhetorical question concerning angelic beings…, Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation? To be where God is will be glory. In moments like that it is easy to see the futility of any hope but an ultimate one.

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