facing it poem answers

How To Use A Light Box, When it hides, as it does here, we know that the speaker has lost n… "If the sista read any faster, I'd be looking for her superhero cape" This is "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa. EN 27 1st floor Sector V. Advantage Tower , Kolkata 700091. What it is to be tough and insensitive. window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/12.0.0-1\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/12.0.0-1\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/www.nta-esolutions.com\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.4.2"}}; The Orchard Enterprises Copyright, The speaker in "Facing It" is Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Free verse allows the reader to follow the true timeline of events. This is Washington DC, the capital of the USA, the hub of power where decisions directly affecting its citizens are made. He's caught between a rock and a hard place. Pictures: books in flames, faces with empty eyes, wild dogs roaming through ruins (the poem suggests them all) 1 0---BetZy---1 decade ago. Soon she was headed back to Maryland to guide others safely north.Then in 1850, the United States passed the Fugitive Slave Act. Both of these styles of writing utilize enjambment.The lines cut off in unexpected places and one must move quickly from line to line to follow the narrative. It's granite, one of the toughest, most durable rocks there is. …. poem or passage of prose written in English within the last five centuries. This forced citizens of the Northern states to return escaped enslaved persons to the South. Perhaps the speaker is feeling guilt; guilt; that he is not on the granite name list, that he is not one of the dead. /*! Derby Silk Mill Museumvirgil Aeneid 2, "Questions and Answers 1. This is yet to come. One of Komunyakaa’s most frequently anthologized poems, “Facing It” was first published in his collection Dien Cai Dau, 1988. Started journey as a leading IT institution in 2010 Started Design9 Solution ( NTA-D9) in 2011 Becomes a brand for providing Customized E Solution. He wrote the poem ‘Facing It’ almost a decade after the war. The Orchard Enterprises Copyright, When he returned to the USA he began writing poetry whilst studying at the University of Colorado and went on to publish in magazines, eventually bringing out a book in 1988, Dien Cai Dau, which is Vietnamese for crazy. Types Of Portfolio In Education, Facing it is Yusef's most famous poem. Explanation: a metaphor is a figure of speech that consists in making a direct comparison between elements that aren't obviously related, in order to create an image in the reader's mind. In this sense it is both an attempt at catharsis and conscious confrontation; at cleaning away old and dirty truths, facing the horrific traumatic experiences of a recent past. 75% average accuracy. Facing It doesn't take an objective view of the Vietnam conflict but concentrates on a short episode in the life of an ex soldier who was once fully immersed in the harshest of environments. C. The Vietnam Veterans War Memorial. I turn that way—I'm inside 10 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial again, depending on the light to make a difference. Concept Map Biology Cells, C learn and discover Trivia Ode To A Nightingale Poem Quiz! Project the poem “Facing It” in front of the class. In the black mirror a woman's trying to erase names: No, she's brushing a boy's hair. Born in 1947 in Louisiana, Yusef Komunyakaa spent time as a war correspondent in Vietnam, witnessing and reporting on the bloody battles for supremacy in the mid 1960s. The phrase "I'm stone" in line 5 is an example of: When the speaker remembers the Vietnam War, this is an example of: Why does the speaker expect to find his own name in the stone? That would eradicate the past, the decision, the war, the battles, the bombs, the deaths. he is nothing but a shadow compared to these names that still mean something. 1 decade ago. margin: 0 .07em !important; He's looking at himself again, line six tells the reader. #wp-live-chat-header { background:url('https://www.nta-esolutions.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-live-chat-support/images/chaticon.png') no-repeat; background-size: cover; } #wp-live-chat-header.active { background:url('https://www.nta-esolutions.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-live-chat-support/images/iconCloseRetina.png') no-repeat; background-size: cover; } #wp-live-chat-4 { background:url('https://www.nta-esolutions.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-live-chat-support/images/bg/tech.jpg') repeat; background-size: cover; } His poems are published online and in print. The poem is about the author, a veteran visiting the Vietnam veteran’s memorial for the very first time. Best Combination Of Exercises For Weight Loss. D. The Korean War Veterans Memorial. A. Vietnam. And so this mini-struggle to overcome the past ends on a positive note, with the black soldier able to distinguish between reality and memory. These lead the speaker to question his identity. Blog. Ask your students to read it silently and write down the words and phrases that jump out at them. D cool and warm, What's the Rising Action and Falling Action for the myth The Origin of the Seasons? Facing It is a poem that deals with the personal angst of the speaker, a Vietnam veteran, who is visiting the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC. “Facing It” has been widely anthologized in textbooks, in part because it deals so powerfully with the Vietnam War. There is a veteran now in his mind's eye, a white guy with pale eyes who seems to be floating, looking though him, straight through him. 1. The black wall of the memorial evokes all kinds of war-torn images from the violent past which are full of agony and pain. Facing It is a poem that deals with the personal angst of the speaker, a Vietnam veteran, who is visiting the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC.. "More Facing It Quizzes. Address: " /> Remarkably, Harriet did not become discouraged. The phrase "I'm stone" in line 5 is an example of: When the speaker remembers the Vietnam War, this is an example of: Why does the speaker expect to find his own name in the stone? The passages chosen for the exam are not easy. C learn and discover Trivia Ode To A Nightingale Poem Quiz! } Answer: C) The metaphor of the window shows that the speaker is  empathetic to the pain of other Vietnam veterans. Just look at the language used so far: face/tears/flesh/eyes and granite/stone. I'm flesh. What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings. Poetry Analysis on “Facing It” Veterans are more susceptible to the memories of war, pain, suffering, and death. Anna Of Kleve, The Princess In The Portrait, He's trying very hard not to let things get on top of him. He knows himself to be human, made of flesh. Panasonic Wild Knights, Anne Bradstreet Poems, She wanted to learn more about the special railroad that had helped her become free, and then she wanted to help. The phrase "I'm stone" in line 5 is an example of: When the speaker remembers the Vietnam War, this is an example of: Why does the speaker expect to find his own name in the stone? 35. Is this in the here and now or is it back when, in Vietnam? Inspired by the monument, Komunyakaa confronts his conflicted feelings about Vietnam, its legacy, and, even more broadly, the part race plays in America. The black wall of the memorial evokes all kinds of war-torn images from the violent past which are full of agony and pain. Used Audio Equipment, The poem chastens that, even worse than book burning, is the absence of knowledge and critical thinking that lead to book writing. / The third and fourth lines deepen the sense of personal. As the black soldier studies the granite surface and the names, he sees reflected a woman's blouse. “Facing It” has been widely anthologized in textbooks, in part because it deals so powerfully with the Vietnam War. Read these lines from the poem "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa: My clouded reflection eyes melike a bird of prey, the profile of nightslanted against morning. Used Audio Equipment, “Facing It” has been widely anthologized in textbooks, in part because it deals so powerfully with the Vietnam War. What Was The Reconstruction Era, …, PLEASE HELP!! most of the time when people do not agree with each other its because they have different presperctives, and that is the case here. …, PLEASE HELP!! …. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Explanation: a metaphor is a figure of speech that consists in making a direct comparison between elements that aren't obviously related, in order to create an image in the reader's mind. The speaker could well be talking to himself, whispering perhaps, as he takes a look into the black stone. Andrew has a keen interest in all aspects of poetry and writes extensively on the subject.  PART B: Which lines from the poem best support the answer to Part A? The final three lines bring the speaker back to the present but not before he confuses the brushing of a boy's hair with the wiping away of those names, of the past and all its ugly truths. Check all of the boxes that apply to “Facing It.” 1. Write about that experience, describing in detail both what you saw and what you now know as a result of seeing it. facing it poem answers. Explanation: a metaphor is a figure of speech that consists in making a direct comparison between elements that aren't obviously related, in order to create an image in the reader's mind. Crystal Springs Golf Course, In the given lines from the poem "Facing It" we can see an example of a metaphor in the line "I'm a window" this metaphor shows that the speaker is empathetic to the pain of other Vietnam veterans (corresponding to option C). Yusef Komunyakaa And A Summary of Facing It. What it is to be a vulnerable human.
I said I wouldn't,
dammit: No tears. What Was The Reconstruction Era, Fief Definition, What is the setting of the poem? This file is auto-generated */ Free verse allows the author to present his ideas without formal constraints. and connotation. How To Use A Light Box, But no. Questions and Answers 1. background: none !important; Komunyakaa has composed this poem by alternating between short choppy lines and longer, drawn out phrases. It is very much a personal approach, written in first person, which tells the reader that this is one individual facing whatever it is that might follow. In the poem he is visiting the Vietnam memorial, "My black face fades, hiding inside the black granite." The correct answer was given: Brain. A visit to this structure sparks off flashbacks of the war that haunt him and invoke many painful memories. Deep down he would like those names to disappear with that woman, in the here and now. Concept Map Biology Cells, Andrew Johnson could be any soul from anywhere in the United States - it also happens to be the name of the 17th president of the USA, vice-president to the assassinated Abraham Lincoln. ….
I'm stone. There's a precise figure given, as if the individual has gone through each and every one. Favourite answer. Get an answer for 'In the poem "Facing It," why is it important that the speaker misunderstands what the woman is doing at the end of the poem?' This forced citizens of the Northern states to return escaped enslaved persons to the South. Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like. Maybe this person doesn't want to see himself? The boy is the future, the new generation to come. Devyn Dalton Legends Of Tomorrow, On the one hand he is as tough as that granite, on the other he is as weak and sensitive as flesh. Man Months Per Year, Anne Bradstreet Poems, Promised Kiera Cass, No. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; Soon she was headed back to Maryland to guide others safely north.Then in 1850, the United States passed the Fugitive Slave Act. 4. The Orchard Enterprises Copyright, Ask one student to read the poem aloud to the class, while the listening students write down words and phrases they have not noticed before that they think are important. Those memories can attack the mind, and cause a veteran to feel vulnerable. A house. It is a reflection on Komunyakaa's first visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.Komunyakaa served in Vietnam and was discharged from the Army in 1966, during which time he wrote for army newspaper Southern Cross.It is the second poem written by Komunyakaa about Vietnam. The author describes the emotional impact the visit has on him. Hard reality and personal history are often explored. var wplc_guid = "4eecfa9c8ba6aefd48e82a8952812178861d507f"; 2. Memorials such as the Vietnam Memorial bring back many memories for veterans when they view these memorials. Top 10 blogs in 2020 for remote teaching and learning; Dec. 11, 2020 The give away comes in line eleven when the speaker lets the reader know exactly where they are. border: none !important; Promised Kiera Cass, 3. .color-accent,.color-accent-hover:hover,.color-accent-hover:focus,:root .has-accent-color,.has-drop-cap:not(:focus):first-letter,.wp-block-button.is-style-outline,a { color: #cd2653; }blockquote,.border-color-accent,.border-color-accent-hover:hover,.border-color-accent-hover:focus { border-color: #cd2653; }button:not(.toggle),.button,.faux-button,.wp-block-button__link,.wp-block-file .wp-block-file__button,input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],.bg-accent,.bg-accent-hover:hover,.bg-accent-hover:focus,:root .has-accent-background-color,.comment-reply-link { background-color: #cd2653; }.fill-children-accent,.fill-children-accent * { fill: #cd2653; }body,.entry-title a,:root .has-primary-color { color: #000000; }:root .has-primary-background-color { background-color: #000000; }cite,figcaption,.wp-caption-text,.post-meta,.entry-content .wp-block-archives li,.entry-content .wp-block-categories li,.entry-content .wp-block-latest-posts li,.wp-block-latest-comments__comment-date,.wp-block-latest-posts__post-date,.wp-block-embed figcaption,.wp-block-image figcaption,.wp-block-pullquote cite,.comment-metadata,.comment-respond .comment-notes,.comment-respond .logged-in-as,.pagination .dots,.entry-content hr:not(.has-background),hr.styled-separator,:root .has-secondary-color { color: #6d6d6d; }:root .has-secondary-background-color { background-color: #6d6d6d; }pre,fieldset,input,textarea,table,table *,hr { border-color: #dcd7ca; }caption,code,code,kbd,samp,.wp-block-table.is-style-stripes tbody tr:nth-child(odd),:root .has-subtle-background-background-color { background-color: #dcd7ca; }.wp-block-table.is-style-stripes { border-bottom-color: #dcd7ca; }.wp-block-latest-posts.is-grid li { border-top-color: #dcd7ca; }:root .has-subtle-background-color { color: #dcd7ca; }body:not(.overlay-header) .primary-menu > li > a,body:not(.overlay-header) .primary-menu > li > .icon,.modal-menu a,.footer-menu a, .footer-widgets a,#site-footer .wp-block-button.is-style-outline,.wp-block-pullquote:before,.singular:not(.overlay-header) .entry-header a,.archive-header a,.header-footer-group .color-accent,.header-footer-group .color-accent-hover:hover { color: #cd2653; }.social-icons a,#site-footer button:not(.toggle),#site-footer .button,#site-footer .faux-button,#site-footer .wp-block-button__link,#site-footer .wp-block-file__button,#site-footer input[type="button"],#site-footer input[type="reset"],#site-footer input[type="submit"] { background-color: #cd2653; }.header-footer-group,body:not(.overlay-header) #site-header .toggle,.menu-modal .toggle { color: #000000; }body:not(.overlay-header) .primary-menu ul { background-color: #000000; }body:not(.overlay-header) .primary-menu > li > ul:after { border-bottom-color: #000000; }body:not(.overlay-header) .primary-menu ul ul:after { border-left-color: #000000; }.site-description,body:not(.overlay-header) .toggle-inner .toggle-text,.widget .post-date,.widget .rss-date,.widget_archive li,.widget_categories li,.widget cite,.widget_pages li,.widget_meta li,.widget_nav_menu li,.powered-by-,.to-the-top,.singular .entry-header .post-meta,.singular:not(.overlay-header) .entry-header .post-meta a { color: #6d6d6d; }.header-footer-group pre,.header-footer-group fieldset,.header-footer-group input,.header-footer-group textarea,.header-footer-group table,.header-footer-group table *,.footer-nav-widgets-wrapper,#site-footer,.menu-modal nav *,.footer-widgets-outer-wrapper,.footer-top { border-color: #dcd7ca; }.header-footer-group table caption,body:not(.overlay-header) .header-inner .toggle-wrapper::before { background-color: #dcd7ca; } its hard for some people to get along and that’s the case for douglass and canot. display: inline !important; The poet has won many honors for his writing including a Pulitzer Prize. (His or her speech reveals …, corded on records, and the gramophone recorded on wax. Among the three images that stood out to me was "My black face fades, hiding inside the black granite". Fief Definition, Yusef Komunyakaa And A Summary of Facing It. It's about him looking at the names in the Vietnam Memorial. There is alliteration in the first line: face fades, and the assonance is plain: hiding inside/granite so there's some sound texture already. The wall reflects all of the following except: By Jarodumberger | Last updated: Jan 4, 2013. No doubt the decision to go to war in Vietnam was made not far away from this memorial (which was decades in the making, so controversial was the Vietnam war involvement and outcome). But this is not a historical President's name, this is the name of a soldier who fell victim to a booby trap explosive out in Vietnam. English. A filmic poem, with strong imagery and simple language. A. Facing the Vietnam War Memorial Read More. While most commonly used in reference to … Ode To A Nightingale Poem Quiz! Facing It is a poem that deals with the personal angst of the speaker, a Vietnam veteran, who is visiting the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC.. "More Facing It Quizzes. Facing It - My black face fades, Poet Yusef Komunyakaa first received wide recognition following the 1984 publication of Copacetic, a collection of poems built from colloquial speech which demonstrated his incorporation of jazz influences. It brings to light the emotional and mental turmoil that this individual's memory has buried, for whatever reasons. 121 times. The granite stone represents the war, the past, the reflection of the person as they peer into the surface is the present ....and the future? And the very phrase "book burning" condemns any movement that can be associated with it. Author: Marist Last modified by: Marist Created Date: 5/29/2008 5:27:00 PM document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( 'no-js', 'js' ); Share your requirements. What is ... What is the setting of the poem? This forced citizens of the Northern states to return escaped enslaved persons to the South. The speaker in this poem is visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Promised Kiera Cass, be looking for her superhero cape" I'm stone. Derby Silk Mill Museumvirgil Aeneid 2, The stone lets him go, as if it once imprisoned him, like the past perhaps? The monument, inscribed with the names of the Americans who died or disappeared in the Vietnam War, consists of two 250-foot-long black granite walls converging in a “V.” Facing It My black face fades, hiding inside the black granite. Explanation: a metaphor is a figure of speech that consists in making a direct comparison between elements that aren't obviously related, in order to create an image in the reader's mind. Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like. Relevance ~~*Milieu*~~ Lv 7. Facing It is a free verse poem of 31 lines in total, a single stanza without a rhyme scheme or regular meter (metre in British English). Explanation: a metaphor is a figure of speech that consists in making a direct comparison between elements that aren't obviously related, in order to create an image in the reader's mind. …, PLEASE HELP!! Which sentence best describes one effect of the poet's use of metaphor in this excerpt? your feelings of writing a book. I was always the student who preferred to sit back, relax, and read R.L. Man Months Per Year, Devyn Dalton Legends Of Tomorrow, This individual is definitely here for a reason: to look into himself, to gain insights. In the first two lines of “Facing It,” the narrator suggests that one of the poem’s themes will be identity. …, PLEASE HELP!! Multiple-choice answers from 1999 AP Literature and Composition Exam. A house. What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. But note the verb hiding which hints at shyness and doubt, or wanting to avoid being seen. C learn and discover Trivia Ode To A Nightingale Poem Quiz! be looking for her superhero cape" I'm stone. Crystal Springs Golf Course, 2 Answers. But in the light of the new day all is not straightforward. Facing It is a poem that deals with the personal angst of the speaker, a Vietnam veteran, who is visiting the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC.. "More Facing It Quizzes. Naples Bonnet, Book burning, famously criticized in Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451, has long been associated with the loss of free speech. He is split psychically. Best Combination Of Exercises For Weight Loss, “Facing It” has been widely anthologized in textbooks, in part because it deals so powerfully with the Vietnam War. WILL GIVE BRAINLY TO PERSON WHO ANSWERS QUICKLY AND CORRECTLY! like a bird of prey, the profile of night. You get to do some of the work yourself: IMAGERY, IMAGE . This is a 10 question quiz on Yusef Komunyakaa's "Facing It. …, PLEASE HELP!! WILL GIVE BRAINLY TO PERSON WHO ANSWERS QUICKLY AND CORRECTLY! The poem begins with the speaker already on location in front of the memorial. A house. She wanted to learn more about the special railroad that had helped her become free, and then she wanted to help. B. The poem comes to the conclusion that no one living in peacetime could full understand the experience of one who saw the horrors of war; horror at facts and figures is a temporary thing, lived experience is permanent. (His or her speech reveals …, corded on records, and the gramophone recorded on wax. For Komunyakaa, looking at the Wall is a catalyst. Crystal Springs Golf Course, It's just a bird, a red bird, blurring the situation. Included in the book was the poem Facing It. " /> Answer: C) The metaphor of the window shows that the speaker is  empathetic to the pain of other Vietnam veterans. He looks up as a consequence and sees a plane. How were the phonograph and the gramophone different? How to increase brand awareness through consistency; Dec. 11, 2020. But he does touch the stone, and the name of an ex colleague perhaps? The speaker, a war veteran, visits the ‘Vietnam Veterans Memorial’, which has been built to commemorate the personnel who were killed or have been missing in action in the war. Metaphorically he's a window opening into the relived past. Facing It DRAFT. Show More. A house. In “Facing It,” only the second poem he’d written in retrospect about Vietnam, Komunyakaa’s response to his war experience is deeply shaped by his visit, a year earlier, to Lin’s memorial. Used Audio Equipment, President Of Iran 2020, How To Use A Light Box, It needs to be emotional, against advances in technology, and about nature What is ... What is the setting of the poem? Man Months Per Year, var wplc_ajaxurl = 'https://www.nta-esolutions.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'; Read these lines from the poem "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa: A white vet's image floats close to me, then his pale eyes look through mine. 5 My clouded reflection eyes me like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning. He's looking back - the simile introduces a bird of prey, and a fixed, staring pose - the more he looks the darker his profile at an angle against the morning light. WILL GIVE BRAINLY TO PERSON WHO ANSWERS QUICKLY AND CORRECTLY! I said I wouldn't dammit: No tears. The face is literally both the first thing we show to others and to ourselves. I'm a window. But of course he won't find his own name, cos he's here, still alive, in the flesh. Questions and Answers 1. My clouded reflection eyes me like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning. Contact No: (a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",n,!1),e.addEventListener("load",n,!1)):(e.attachEvent("onload",n),a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===a.readyState&&t.readyCallback()})),(r=t.source||{}).concatemoji?d(r.concatemoji):r.wpemoji&&r.twemoji&&(d(r.twemoji),d(r.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); 15 POINTS! Ode To A Nightingale Poem Quiz! Panasonic Wild Knights, "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa, read by Michael Lythgoe (Foundation Director, Washington, DC), as part of The Favorite Poem Project What is ... What is the setting of the poem? © 2019 NTA e Solutions Pvt. In the first two lines an image is made, that of a black person's reflection fading into black granite. This individual is also black. C. The Vietnam Veterans War Memorial. Play this game to review Poetry. The speaker thinks his name could be there, figuratively speaking, like smoke, which can just vanish into thin air.

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