is germany an elongated state

However, it has no legal significance. In 1948, the military governors of the three Western Allies handed over the so-called Frankfurt Documents to the minister-presidents in the Western occupation zones. Germany is 357,168 km2. In the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71, those four states joined the North German Federation which was consequently renamed to German Empire. Also a region located far from the capital gets isolated which is a problem. However, the unincorporated areas are continually being incorporated into neighboring municipalities, wholly or partially, most frequently in Bavaria. The threshold for a successful vote was set at one-quarter of those entitled to vote in Bundestag elections. In the three free states of Bavaria, Saxony, and Thuringia, the government is the "state government" (Staatsregierung); and in the other ten states, the "Land government" (Landesregierung). Out of the ten largest cities in Germany, four are situated in North Rhine-Westphalia. Article 118 stated "The division of the territory comprising Baden, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern into Länder may be revised, without regard to the provisions of Article 29, by agreement between the Länder concerned. For instance, many municipalities develop and expand the economic infrastructure of their communities through the development of industrial trading estates. Another word for elongated. How to use elongate in a sentence. The original elongated souvenir penny book with the coin on the cover.Penny Machine locations around the world, Collecting Tips, EC History, Online Store, and more! Article 18 of the constitution enabled a new delimitation of the German territory but set high hurdles: "Three fifth of the votes handed in, and at least the majority of the population are necessary to decide on the alteration of territory". Territorial boundaries were essentially redrawn as a result of military conflicts and interventions from the outside: from the Napoleonic Wars to the Congress of Vienna, the number of territories decreased from about 300 to 39; in 1866 Prussia annexed the sovereign states of Hanover, Nassau, Hesse-Kassel, and the Free City of Frankfurt; the last consolidation came about under Allied occupation after 1945. Only the special arrangement for the southwest under Article 118 could enter into force. 81.9% of voters decided for Baden to remain part of Baden-Württemberg, only 18.1% opted for the reconstitution of the old state of Baden. It is larger than New Mexico 314,917 km2 and smaller than Montana 380,831 km2. Some states call themselves a "free state" (Freistaat). 2. Also Argentina, Vietnam, Panama, Norway, Italy, Malawi, maybe even Mexico. The referendums in Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate were held on 19 January 1975 (the percentages given are the percentages of those eligible who voted in favour): The votes in Lower Saxony were successful as both proposals were supported by more than 25% of eligible voters. People trying to climb over/escape Berlin Wall. In five of the German states, there are unincorporated areas, in many cases unpopulated forest and mountain areas, but also four Bavarian lakes that are not part of any municipality. Henceforth, the 10 "old states" plus 5 "new states" plus the new state Berlin add up to current 16 states of Germany. The large states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia are divided into governmental districts, or Regierungsbezirke. For other uses, see, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Federal Republic of Germany ("West Germany"), Allied occupation of Germany after World War II, Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, Composition of the German State Parliaments, List of German states by household income, List of German states by Human Development Index, List of German states by population density, List of German states by unemployment rate, "Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany", Deutscher Bundestag Public Relations Division, "House of Commons debates (Welsh affairs)", "German Federalism and Recent Reform Efforts", "Sub-national HDI - Subnational HDI - Global Data Lab", "Bruttoinlandsprodukt – in jeweiligen Preisen – in Deutschland 1991 bis 2018 nach Bundesländern (WZ 2008) – VGR dL", "Results of the referendum on the Saar Statute (23 October 1955)",, CityMayors feature on Germany subdivisions, Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art, Table of administrative divisions by country,, First-level administrative divisions by country, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from November 2019, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing reorganization from November 2019, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles containing potentially dated statements from March 2009, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, reconstitution of the Free State of Oldenburg 31%, reconstitution of the Free State of Schaumburg-Lippe 39.5%, integration of Koblenz and Trier into North Rhine-Westphalia 13%, reintegration of Rheinhessen into Hesse 7.1%, reintegration of Montabaur region into Hesse 14.3%, This page was last edited on 15 February 2021, at 19:09. or elongated 1. If the applicant does not understand German, the consular agent will explain the contents of the paper to the applicant and translate it orally. In Rhineland-Palatinate, these districts were abolished on January 1, 2000, in Saxony-Anhalt on January 1, 2004, and in Lower Saxony on January 1, 2005. Paragraph 4 stated that the vote should be disregarded if it contradicted the objectives of paragraph 1. The former provinces of Farther Pomerania, East Prussia, Silesia and Posen-West Prussia fell under Polish administration with the Soviet Union taking the area around Königsberg (now Kaliningrad), pending a final peace conference with Germany which eventually never took place. Astro Blasters elongated penny Disneyland USA cent Buzz Lightyear souvenir coin. In the Paris Agreements of 23 October 1954, France offered to establish an independent "Saarland", under the auspices of the Western European Union (WEU), but on 23 October 1955 in the Saar Statute referendum the Saar electorate rejected this plan by 67.7% to 32.3% (out of a 96.5% turnout: 423,434 against, 201,975 for) despite the public support of Federal German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer for the plan. Hugo Preuss, the father of the Weimar Constitution, drafted a plan to divide the German Reich into 14 roughly equal-sized states. In particular, the outcome of the 1951 referendum did not reflect the wishes of the majority of Baden's population. Former German territory that lie east of the Oder-Neisse line fell under either Polish or Soviet administration but attempts were made at least symbolically not to abandon sovereignty well into the 1960s. Just prior to the German reunification on 3 October 1990, the East German states were reconstituted close to their earlier configuration as the five "New States". In 2015, its GDP was 645.6 billion Euros making it the wealthiest state in Germany. $1.99 + $0.55 shipping. E(xclusive )E(conomic )Z(ones) This gives resource rights to … The minister-president appoints a cabinet to run the state's agencies and to carry out the executive duties of the state's government. Typically, a district-free city or town and its urban hinterland are grouped into such an association, or Kommunalverband besonderer Art. In this case, the bill had to be introduced again and after passing had to be confirmed by referendum in the Federal Republic as a whole (paragraph 4). Berlin was under the sovereignty of the allies, USA, Great Britain, France and the Soviet-Union. Southern Mountainous Boundaries divide Germany from France, Czech Republic, and Austria, Water Boundaries at the top, and divided from Denmark with a Lake. During the 1960s, researchers came across a series of burial sites in Germany. In 2012, these districts' authorities were merged into one central authority, the Landesdirektion Sachsen [de]. This was in contrast to the post-war development in Austria, where the national Bund (federation) was constituted first, and then the individual states were carved out as units of this federal nation. See more. For example, if the capital were to be in the middle of an elongated state that stretches mostly north and south, then parts of the state that are east and west of the capital would receive communication and effects of power faster than the ends of the state that are north and south Only four unincorporated areas are populated, with a total population of about 2,000. Cultural Boundaries:  N/E Germany, North primarily Protestant, South primarily Catholic. Like in other parliamentary systems, the legislature can dismiss or replace the minister-president after a successful no-confidence vote. Between 1945 and 1947, new states were established in all four zones of occupation: Bremen, Hesse, Württemberg-Baden, and Bavaria in the American zone; Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, and North Rhine-Westphalia in the British zone; Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden, Württemberg-Hohenzollern and the Saarland – which later received a special status – in the French zone; Mecklenburg(-Vorpommern), Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia in the Soviet zone. Image Credit: Bavarian State Archaeological Collection. North Rhine–Westphalia, German Nordrhein-Westfalen, Land (state) of western Germany.It is bordered by the states of Lower Saxony to the north and northeast, Hessen to the east, and Rhineland-Palatinate to the south and by the countries of Belgium to the southwest and the Netherlands to the west. Ämter ("offices" or "bureaus"): In some states there is an administrative unit between the districts and the municipalities, called Ämter (singular Amt), Amtsgemeinden, Gemeindeverwaltungsverbände, Landgemeinden, Verbandsgemeinden, Verwaltungsgemeinschaften, or Kirchspiellandgemeinden. First, they administer programs authorized by the federal or state government. Did You Know? Later, the constitution was amended to state that the citizens of the 16 states had successfully achieved the unity of Germany in free self-determination and that the Basic Law thus applied to the entire German people. Poland and Germany are also compact states. A disadvantage of an elongated state is _____. As of January 1, 2005, there were 246 such areas, with a total area of 4167.66 km2 or 1.2 percent of the total area of Germany. The amended article now defines the participation of the Federal Council and the 16 German states in matters concerning the European Union. Second, Article 28(2) of the Basic Law guarantees the municipalities "the right to regulate on their own responsibility all the affairs of the local community within the limits set by law." After a relatively brief discussion and mostly negative responses from the affected states, the proposals were shelved. The remaining thirteen states are called Flächenländer (roughly 'area states'). When the German Economy was repaired, they were not happy that these guest workers had stayed permanently, which lead to discrimination to Guest Workers, as they wanted jobs back for their Economy, and began denying citizenship to Turkish Immigrants. Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on 1 July 1867. Amendments to the Grundgesetz generally require a two-thirds majority of both chambers of the parliament; the fundamental principles of the constitution, as expressed in the articles guaranteeing human dignity, the separation of powers, the federal structure, and the rule of law are valid in perpetuity. Federalism has a long tradition in German history. Learn more about the German language. The Holy Roman Empire comprised many petty states, numbering more than 300 around 1796. Before this time, the states of the German Empire were called Staaten (states). Bavarian Elongated Skulls Regular skulls compared to artificially deformed skulls. Today, it is very common to use the term Bundesland (federated land). Article 29 was again modified and provided an option for the states to "revise the division of their existing territory or parts of their territory by agreement without regard to the provisions of paragraphs (2) through (7)". In each of those cities, the executive branch consists of a Senate of approximately eight, selected by the state's parliament; the senators carry out duties equivalent to those of the ministers in the larger states. A state can also be an elongated state or a state with a long, narrow extended territory. occupied state. The distance does not vary significantly from the center of the state, but it has a small, protrusion of land at the top. The state of North Rhine–Westphalia was created in 1946 through the … 2. As German is the official language in Germany, the text of the application will be put forward only in German. On 24 August 1976, the binding provision for a new delimitation of the federal territory was altered into a mere discretionary one. Since the deadline passed on 5 May 1958 without anything happening, the Hesse state government filed a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court in October 1958. The German use of the term Länder (‘lands’) dates back to the Weimar Constitution of 1919. No single state comprised more than 30% of either population or territory; this was intended to prevent any one state from being as dominant within Germany as Prussia had been in the past. [14] The option for a referendum in the Federal Republic as a whole (paragraph 4) was abolished, which meant territorial revision was no longer possible against the will of the population affected by it. The debate on a new delimitation of the German territory started in 1919 as part of discussions about the new constitution. It is merely a historic synonym for "republic" and was a description used by most German states after the abolishment of monarchy after World War I. The minister-president is typically the head of the biggest party of a coalition. U.S.-GERMANY RELATIONS Following U.S. independence from Great Britain, the United States established the first Consulate on German soil in Hamburg in June 1790, and the second one in … Municipalities (Gemeinden): Every rural district and every Amt is subdivided into municipalities, while every urban district is a municipality in its own right. As the premiers did not come to an agreement on this question, the Parliamentary Council was supposed to address this issue. The Bundestag however decided that both Oldenburg and Schaumburg-Lippe should remain part of Lower Saxony. The proposal should not take effect if within any of the affected territories a majority rejected the change. In the north, either a single new state consisting of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen and Lower Saxony should be created (solution A) or two new states, one in the northeast consisting of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and the northern part of Lower Saxony (from Cuxhaven to Lüchow-Dannenberg) and one in the northwest consisting of Bremen and the rest of Lower Saxony (solution B). Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The German political system operates under a framework laid out in the 1949 constitutional document known as the Grundgesetz (Basic Law). During the Allied occupation of Germany after World War II, internal borders were redrawn by the Allied military governments. Berlin was not a state until the German reunification on 3rd October 1990. After China and the United States, Germany is the world’s third-largest exporter. Approximately 300 states existed at the eve of the French Revolution in 1789. These are strong, intermediate, and non-deformed skulls (from left to right) from the Early Medieval sites Altenerding and Straubing in Bavaria, Germany. There are 13 area states in Germany (Flächenländer), and 3 city states (Stadtstaaten), Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen. The states of Berlin, Bremen, and Hamburg are governed slightly differently from the other states. The other alternative was that the Palatinate (including the region of Worms) could be merged with the Saarland and Baden-Württemberg, and the rest of Rhineland-Palatinate would then merge with Hesse (solution D). The referendums in Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate were to be held by 31 March 1975, and the referendum in Baden was to be held by 30 June 1970. (Paul Cullen -- Paul from Koeln/Cologne). These were reduced to nine in 1952 when three south-western states (South Baden, Württemberg-Hohenzollern, and Württemberg-Baden) merged to form Baden-Württemberg. Despite the original intention, the Grundgesetz remained in effect after the German reunification in 1990, with only minor amendments. Local government also provides public utilities, such as gas and electricity, as well as public transportation. Paragraph 1 of Article 29 was rephrased, with the provision that any state had to be "of a size and capacity to perform its functions effectively" put first. Every fourth job in Germany depends on exports, which accounted for 47% of Germany’s GDP in 2018 (almost four times the export share of U.S. GDP). In the other states there are the following subdivisions: The most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia is uniquely divided into two area associations (Landschaftsverbände), one for the Rhineland, and one for Westphalia-Lippe. Article 23, which had allowed "any other parts of Germany" to join, was rephrased. C $2.55. Buena Vista Street elongated penny California USA cent Disneyland souvenir coin. They are intended to implement simplification of administration at that level. Divided from others with Language Boundaries. From 1957, when the French-occupied Saar Protectorate was returned and formed into the Saarland, the Federal Republic consisted of ten states, which are referred to as the "Old States" today. With the Paris Agreements, West Germany regained (limited) sovereignty. Article 29 reflects a debate on territorial reform in Germany that is much older than the Basic Law. However, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany ruled that the rejection was unlawful: the population of Baden had the right to a new referendum because the one of 1951 had taken place under different rules from the ones provided for by article 29. The city-states of Berlin and Hamburg are subdivided into boroughs. In his investiture address, given on 28 October 1969 in Bonn, Chancellor Willy Brandt proposed that the government would consider Article 29 of the Basic Law as a binding order. Find more ways to say elongated, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. In fact, until 1933 there were only four changes in the configuration of the German states: The 7 Thuringian states were merged in 1920, whereby Coburg opted for Bavaria, Pyrmont joined Prussia in 1922, and Waldeck did so in 1929. Before January 1, 2000, Bavaria had a bicameral parliament, with a popularly elected Landtag, and a Senate made up of representatives of the state's major social and economic groups. Local authorities foster cultural activities by supporting local artists, building arts centres, and by holding fairs. The somewhat complicated provisions regulate that "revisions of the existing division into Länder shall be effected by a federal law, which must be confirmed by referendum". Fragmented state: I would give Azerbaijan, Malaysia, and the United States (b/c of Alaska) as the three most obvious non-island examples. gates To make or grow longer. The justification was that a reconstitution of the two former states would contradict the objectives of paragraph 1 of article 29 of the constitution. The referendum in Baden was held on 7 June 1970. Initially, only seven of the pre-War states remained: Baden (in part), Bavaria (reduced in size), Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse (enlarged), Saxony, and Thuringia. low German, middle German and upper German. Also elongated states are close to water like Chile, Italy, and Vietnam. German language, official language of both Germany and Austria and one of the official languages of Switzerland. $1.99 + $0.55 shipping. At the same time, the Court reaffirmed the requirement for a territorial revision as a binding order to the relevant constitutional bodies.

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