lady of law honey cake

And I basically left it there. Thank you for posting this recipe. – I’m not remotely artistically inclined, so I used sticker dots, jar lids, and poker chips to create a polka-dot pattern on top with the crumbs. I haven’t made it in 20+ years, but I remember that the whole boiling of honey sounded weird to me too. My frosting was still completely gooey wet the next day. I have no idea why because I used 1-16oz tub of sour cream + the tub refilled again with Greek yogurt (curbside pickup grocery shopping is not perfect) and a can of condensed milk. P.S. The filling with the chopped nuts does not spread thinly very easily and I just did what worked quickly. ; Creamy coconut filling made by folding a little bit of the frosting into whipped cream. Sooo funny. Hi Gelatin: put one package over one tablespoon of cold water; let sit for five minutes, Add three tablespoons of boiling water and stir until dissolved It’s totally worth adding chopped (and toasted) walnuts to the cake layers. Cut or tear one of your used pieces of parchment paper into strips and tuck them all around the underside of the cake to protect your cake plate. So, I decided to just use Cookie cutters and just make graham-y cookies for my kids and give up on the cake. Also… My Mom does the baking soda and vinegar thing, too. 2.5 Years Ago: Asparagus-Stuffed Eggs Very lightly dust the top with flour if you’re going to put something on it (such as the bottom of a 9-inch cake pan or the rim of a 9-inch bowl) to trim the shape to an even 9-inch circle. Hi Deb! – I left the mess in the fridge for 2 hours before checking on it, at which point it was a bit too late to try to nudge them into better alignment – they were already absorbing the liquid and the frosting was firming up. Five years ago: Apple Pie Cookies I am very excited to try this cake. 4). At least in Lithuania anyway. I’m not Dot, but wanted to reassure you about the ingredients – so far so good. I got really excited when I saw this on your Instagram a few days back. i hope this helps at least one baker! – The layers are very, very thin. This is an extraordinary thing. If using a regular cake pan, line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper and grease again. But it seemed like a real project, and I never got the energy to do it. But I think maybe using a plate that had a slight depression in the center it actually helped keep the layers in place during assembly and refrigeration? I’m making this today after work and perhaps bring it to the break-fast super on Wednesday! It was a resounding hit, eclipsing the pecan & pumpkin pies by a mile. Thank you for all you do and share! Not sure if I’m allowed to post a link here, but here’s the specific one I used: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Puzzingly, while I know it to be authentic (the recipe came from Russia with a relative of mine), “kimmel” means “caraway” not “fennel.” Caraway seeds look a lot like fennel seeds, so maybe someone mistranslated from Yiddish? I can’t wait to surprise my husband with a homemade version. I counted seven layers of Crackers. Many thanks Tatyana! And who doesn’t love more frosting? The cake was a huge success and can’t wait to make it again. I found that extremely helpful this summer plus the pictures are georgous! Deb, I’m enjoying the conversation as much as this fabulous recipe, which I’ll certainly be trying soon! Gulp. Did I maybe not roll it flat enough?? * My sour cream/condensed milk mixture was thick enough that it didn’t flow over the edges. It tastes like an extraordinarily good honey graham cracker (i.e. There’s so much in this process that feels illogical to me but it works splendidly so I decided not to “fix” what wasn’t broken. I haven’t ground my scraps yet but I don’t think I’ll have nearly that many to work with (I may have eaten cake batter for dinner that night…). Plus, the feeling you get when you’re wondering whether you’re making a cake, a cookie, or a molded batter, or some Frankenstein’s patched-up monster hybrid. I think it’s largely scarcity and a kind of making-do…. If I remember correctly I ended up putting in some greek yogurt as well b/c I ran out of sour cream (but not much). Whisk in baking soda. What dairy free components can I use as subs in the frosting? I considered suggesting cinnamon as an addition, I don’t think it would be unwelcome here, but ended up loving the caramel-y flavor and didn’t want to cover it. But your story about chasing down the recipe and getting no resolution is too wonderful. Yes, sour cream may be sloppy and messy, but that’s not the kind of cake which requires excellent frosting/decoration work. Mine were purchased in London England, standard supermarket versions. I’m making this cake now and my filling also hasn’t seeped out after 3+ hours in the fridge. Thank you for the recipe! Filling is another matter entirely; the one I remember from childhood had ground walnuts and lemon and maybe sugar and…something. And it is very popular in Slovakia too. I am married to a Czech. Making it rectangle and flatter could also avoid this problem perhaps. In thinking about it I strongly suspect that I overbaked the layers by a bit and they’re not supposed to be as dry as they turned out (even soaking up the icing). – next time I will actually use the cake pan as a cookie cutter instead of a cutting guide – my edges are rather ragged and it’s not a very pretty stack. :) Cook’s Illustrated has an apple stack cake from the good old USA and a strawberry version also. Olga, this was super helpful to me as someone trying to recreate a childhood (ok adult too) favorite. They are awesome! I’m not sure what to do now. I couldn’t have served it on the plate it had been assembled on, since the cookies were sitting in a swimming pool of icing. The melting pot strikes again!!! Next time, I may try sweetening with honey or a honey/sugar blend just to see what happens? Looks amazing!!! Sadly, my Russian Anthill cake didn’t fare as well the following year :(. You want something spoonable from a pot rather than pourable from a bottle. How very thoughtful of us opposite season fans on the other side of the world! We’ll all benefit from the grief it initially caused you. Hello Deb, And since the taste of the filling is much less sour when substituting mascarpone for some of the sour cream, while there supposed to be a contrast between the sweetness of the cake layers and the sourness of the filling, i spread a thin layer of a very sour fruit preserve (sea buckthorn in my case, but you can use blackcurrent, for example) on every second layer of the cake under the sour cream filling. what a dramatic intro for a cake – wow!, and the result is stunning! I’ve been making this cake without deviating from the final recipe for about 6 years now, and it’s pretty much hassle free with reliably great results every time. The dough is going to be thick like a bread but you’ve got this. I fill it with Dulce de Leche and add ground walnuts to the crumb topping. I lined the same cake pan used for circles with plastic wrap hanging well over the sides, Followed some frosting at the bottoms, and then went about layering the cookies inside the pan, and gently but tightly wrapped the layers up in plastic. I think I’d rather just make Deb’s carrot-graham cake for similar flavor. Mine turned out ugly, but man it was tasty! Much simpler than trying to assemble it inside a vessel or cake ring. It will turn dark brown immediately. Always bake double portion and prefer square layers. The lightest fresh whipped cream comes tucked between the squares, all outfitted in a silky dark chocolate ganache. All frozen cakes are packed with a dry ice packet and in a sturdy insulation bag, good for both long-hauls and shorter trips. After 4 days there is still some sitting in the fridge :D If you really, really love to make many-layered cakes… You need to try vinatarta (sometimes spelled vinatorta). I made this for an Olympics themed dinner party (rebranded as an Olympic Dessert from Russia with the Olympic Rings stenciled on top). :) Use both for best results. It was tasty and had everyone mmmming and aaahing from the first bite. Just make sure you get them filled and frosted a day before you want to slice in. I made this cake a few years ago with mixed success – it wouldn’t have been a successful birthday cake, that’s for sure. However, I cannot help but think it tastes like a spice cake. Every bite reveals the crisp, refreshing and fruity flavor. Is it a coincidence that you posted this in the middle of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?? We called it the WW3 ultimate weapon. I got a very thin cream the first time /cream, sour cream, double cream, all different, especially in the different countries /, which totaly disappeared on the next day, having been sucked by the cookies. I think the sour cream/condensed milk combo was fabulous – it would be great over fresh fruit. Your instructions were a great help. Since tasting there’s I had also looked at several conflicting recipes, but then given it a miss. Ah, good to know. But the other day I was at this Kitchen Connection store or whatever it’s called and saw PRE-cut parchment paper. Onwards! I will be happy to help you. i found that last part quite difficult! Is there any reason I couldn’t scrape the batter into the stand mixer bowl and beat the mixture in the stand mixer while adding the eggs? Besides I always manage to mess up when cutting wax paper. It helps that the filling is quite wet (hence the mess) and that the cookie is pliable. You did a beautiful job! The sour cream, honey, other thick liquid ingredients in the filling have kept it quite nicely and it is very tasty. 2. One person, who grew up in the region eating honey cake (she was team smetannik) said it was the best she ever had, and I basically died of joy. Everyone who says the baking soda step feels like mad science is right–and it’s an absolute BLAST. As a self confessed chocoholic who usually turns her nose up at anything non chocolate, I am sure I could eat a whole cake of this by myself. Place it gently on top of the cake. Just wondering if I did something wrong! Im Czech and remember estung ir tbete but tbe origin is from Ukraine and it has many versions.And yes,bakeries are lying,its nit a czech specialty at all:) but l still make bcs its sooo good. I, too, found great discrepancies with the recipes. I loved Medovnik (Czech name for the same/a similar cake) while living in the Prague but I could never find plausible sounding a recipe. It also lasts well, but will surely be finished before day 5! I wish I could have sent pix of my Abominable Snowcake as it dripped the sour cream frosting, but it ended up delicious! Although I cut them 9″ in diameter, after baking they shrank to 7 1/2″. Needless to say, this will be our Christmas dessert!! It is my Christmas go-to recipe for my children who have a partly Icelandic background. But I’m not surprised if they think it’s Czech – it really is in every bakery here! Here’s the final product, Last note, my friends and I found this to be VERY sweet (I’ve been cutting down sugar, so that might be part of it), and though we LOVED the taste, we needed small slices. Darra Goldstein has a good recipe for the layered chicken pie which is known as kurnik in her book “A Taste of Russia” – I’ve made it and it is very good! You will stress about how thin they are. It was like a magic trick- despite my doubts (eggs into hot caramel?!) I am so very impressed. Thank you! Also I am afraid of someone telling me I’m running a copyrighted recipe of theirs and I had no idea because it was just a copy-paste in the comment… Regardless, thank you for offering to share it. So here’s another idea what do you think: World Market sells these amazing gibersnak cookies that are really thin and delicious. ;). I’ve had the same problem – I’ve made it three times and it’s only had this problem the last time. If I did, try to recreate it using published recipes as guidance. I made this and followed the recipe except I cooked the condense milk in water for about 3-4hrs and then mixed it with the sourcream. I’m kind of in the middle of the process of making the cake for Rosh Hashana – butter, eggs -- >> cake mix. I left out the cinnamon that I was threatening to add. And, since imitation is the best form of flattery, I have lightly adapted your recipe and linked to it on my own blog: Worked like a charm!! I’ve never made a cake like this (to be honest I’ve never heard of a recipe like this) so I am so excited to try this out! This will quickly become a huge mess. I saw it pop up on FB back in the fall, but only got around to making it tonight. So, I’ve been thinking. it was worth all the time and trouble when it came out so beautifully, and all the russians said it tasted authentic. A new addition to the Mille Crêpes family comes a true delight to tea lovers. The recipe she uses has next to no instructions, so I went with yours, hoping it would turn out OK. I love it and have wanted to recreate it at home, but never found anything that remotely resembles it, but hands down yours looks exactly like it! My audience will be forgiving, but it doesn’t look as crisp as in the above pictures. I spent my entire birthday WORKING for gosh sakes, because I couldn’t come downstairs). Jen, I’m in Miami, let’s make it together! They look similar though, that’s why people confuse them I guess. I often put walnuts on top and sometimes between the layers, and will sometimes sprinkle chocolate shavings on top instead of or in addition to the walnuts. As a fellow American married to a Russian (though alas, my in-laws are not fantastic cooks), I appreciate Russian recipes! like nothing we can buy in a box) that’s at once caramel and penuche and biscoff or stroopwafel layered with a sweetened cream or custard or cream cheese, yet the version I was eating, as per the ingredients on the label, contained exactly zero of these things. That was more than I needed by about half, but nothing was wasted :) I assembled the cake a day after making the layers, so the icing had chilled overnight & the seepage was pretty minimal. So being the impulse shopper that I am I went ahead and got a pack of 30. Made 8″ rounds (after near tears when making the first 9″ round, which I realized after was actually 10″! And it would be a little easier to handle the dough. Do you think if you didn’t press, that you might have enough filling inbetween? Crosshatch pipings of chestnut-infused cream, lush and true to flavor, graces the entire surface of the gâteau. i didn’t have enough milk (2 c shy. This cake is so hot right now. If i had your email, i could send it to you. The original location is on Neptune Avenue in Brighton Beach. (The gingerbread house recipe is also out of a Time-Life book, but in the German one). This cake! After the overnight chill, I did the crumb coat and it turned out beautifully. I’m Czech and yes, this cake is super popular in our country but originally it’s from Georgia (I think). This looks like something that I really want to eat but may not have the time or inclination to actually make. It’s not going to significantly cool off, just settle a little. This post brought tears to my eyes—both of sadness and joy. Our signature cake and famous worldwide, the Lady M Mille Crêpes feature no less than twenty paper-thin handmade crêpes layered with ethereal light pastry cream. Those were some of my best childhood memories—of slathering the layers in sour cream, cutting off (and devouring) the uneven edges, cutting into the final product the next day (we always let it sit overnight to let the layers fuse and meld with the divine creaminess). I found I needed to add an extra 1/3-1/2 c flour to get the dough cohesive enough to roll. My MIL doesn’t bake, just does savory stuff, so I’m a little more on my own with stuff like this. Greetings from Germany. It’s heavenly. it got marginally easier as the dough came closer to room temp. 2. My filling was pretty thick and didn’t ooze out of the layers at all, so I covered the top and sides with whipped cream. I think for a couple of breakfasts with coffee? You could, you’ll want the whisk going pretty fast for the egg part and the paddle for the flour. Her variant was to alternate layers with a fruit filling, usually a homemade jelly of either apricot or pineapple. I haven’t tested it with this but am hearing over and over again that Russian sour cream is more rich and thick and … doesn’t that sound like creme fraiche to you too? Families would each prepare a layer of this special ginger and molasses cake to donate to the shindig. I love/admire/am in awe of your dedication to making this — and I have to say, it’s a stunner! I had the same confusing as others about the last half cup of flour but worked it out. When I first read the recipie I wondered at the icing and kind of thought, “I don’t know about this.” Once again just fantastic! We’re going to use them again. That being said, for some reason, I couldn’t the layers to nudge back (I was kinda afraid of smooshing the cake), and I found that the sour cream didn’t ooze out the side, so, well, I had to make a second batch (the horror) to just dump over the top. I can tell from my personal experience with honey cakes that chilling sour cream after sugar has been added (in my version it’s sugar and not sweetened condensed milk) actually helps to make things more manageable. What could the problem be? This created a super thick and rich yogert. Without trying to insult anyone, it is similar to Asian cooking or any cuisine from poorer countries. I think it’s the famed one from the 20th Century Cafe in San Francisco. Hi Deb! It was easy – this dough whisk is amazing for yeast doughs and, it turns out, heavy cookie dough. I bake medovnik 1 to 2 times a week and even after couple of years I still can´t get enough. At no point does it feel like making a cake. (Bravo, you.). It can also help to roll the dough out and then wait a minute for it to cool even further before peeling. the flavor and texture are unique – not like any other cake I have ever tasted. Yet to make it as I probably would not share this with anyone. Then, I remembered your icebox cake recipe, and decided perhaps I could somehow make this one work like that. Every bite is filled with the delicate aroma of whisky. My friends mother who is a master of this cake recommended to bake thicker cookies and then slice them in two, therefore the surface is more porous and there is better absorption of the filling. HI! I am just a beginner at baking, so perhaps it was just me haha. I add milk to the hot honey caramel and then add eggs – no scrambled eggs :) I hope these informations helped. Smetannik, on the other hand, centers on the sour cream filling, smetana. Ten! I tasted this cake while visiting Saint Petersburg two summers ago, and as soon as I saw this post I knew I HAD to make it. Frosting Last year I saw Samin Nosrat’s recipe for this in NYT, and wanted to make it for Rosh Hashana. As a lover of almost every dairy product I’ve ever tried (in our country and many others), I have to say, smetana is not EXACTLY the same as sour cream. Also did you see the one pastrywithJenn just posted on her IG? Mia P. Manansala here, and today I'm happy to present our guest author, Maria DiRico's (AKA Ellen Byron), fantastic recipe for honey phyllo rollups! I describe it in the last steps. there’s gotta be something, Deb. Also, any thoughts on using gluten free flour here? ), but I will still see what happens with the other “cookies” on another day. So it was dry and fairly tasteless to serve. She was from Poland and every year right after Thanksgiving she would make a honey cake in a sheet pan. Thank you for the advice – I did think that….am going to try anyway because it sounds delicious! Huh. Oh, my! (as in, after part has been eaten) I saw that you said to keep it in the fridge, I just wasn’t sure if it was a life or death situation whether or not it’s refrigerated. Somehow, the frosting measurements didn’t scale properly when halved; I ended up putting 1/4 cup frosting per cookie, rather than 3/8 cup as I would have expected. When I just made this I could barely get eight paper-thin 8 inch rounds and had literally no scraps left over. I scrolled through your comments below, and while users made some reference to eggs, I didn’t see your respond to anything about this particular question. I want to see you make a Schmettentorte! I am so happy to see this recipe. Have you gotten to try it yet? Which I hope makes up for the involuntary LOL I did when I recognized that photo from the other day, the one with all the icing dripping out between the cookies. Hi. When getting stiff/whipped, add one tablespoon of the dissolved gelatin per cup of cream. It is high in vitamin C and promotes collagen formation in the skin. I have a question though: what kind of sour cream did you use? This cake is not Russian honey cake. not sure what i did wrong with the dough, but i nearly gave up a few times because the layers kept sticking to the parchment paper. And then this happened: And I was all because I couldn’t believe I’d gotten so close just to trash the whole thing. I am intrigued but a bit daunted, even if the results are great. I am from Montréal, Canada btw :). I thought you had not gotten my request for Medovik. There were a lot of good suggestions on how to deal with it in the comments. The dough is definitely yeasted. – Despite the above, I might ease up a tiny bit on the amount per layer so I’d have a bit more left over for final decorating. So I reckon your cake is really very simple – it’s just super-large honey biscuits done ‘chocolate ripple cake’ style! The whipped cream will give a bit of volume to the icing and it will be easier to ice the layers. It’s just perfect, not too sweet but sweet enough, so light and delicate and the way it melds together is perfect. In fact, check on it closer to the 1-hour mark than the 3-hour mark, depending on how cold your fridge is. Did you not roll it between parchment sheets? I’m fairly new at baking and this recipe is going to be great but I found the instructions right in the middle for someone that has never baked before to be fairly hard to understand are you supposed to take it off the heat let it cool and then put it back on the heat? I also ate all the cookie scraps while making the cake so I blended up some graham crackers to sprinkle on top. I think as long as you have the right amount of cream, it will absorb either way. I don’t like smetana, so even if I know there is smetana in the recipe, I would rather call it medovik. I can’t wait to get back to my own kitchen and start baking. Yes, I had it 99% ready for last Friday but a) got panicked and wanted to do one more round of testing and b) figured people would be made if I suggested a dairy dessert for what is often a meat meal. It’s still delicious, of course! So to get the same texture and flavor here in US as Russians get in Russia, we mix heavy cream for fatness and stability, with sour cream for tang. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Dough is simple, filling is a breeze and rolling out the layers is a bit of a chore, but by the second one you get the hang of it. It got much easier to work with as it cooled, and came out to about 60g of dough per 6 inch cookie. Sigh. I layer inside the pan and it keeps it from shifting too much (had this problem the first time). I’d love to know how the two compare and am willing to try a frustration-free recipe. Hi Deb What do you think? I’ll be sure to tag you in the photos on Instagram. Interesting historical cake connection… thanks for the recipe! This lotion contains Goat’s Milk, Honey and Shea Butter. crazy) idea to have this be my first in many many years. I whip 1 pt of heavy cream, then add 1/2 of powdered sugar. If I can not reasonably nail down a recipe in 2 to 3 rounds, I’m out. From watching the sugar and honey mixture turn a deeper brown after adding the baking soda, to rolling out the dough and stacking the layers, it was all a treat. (Sooo good!) Sponge layer would be typically white. Are you looking for the best and most beautiful Happy Birthday Wishes for Daughter in Law. When I ask my mom, who was there and thus should know, she says, vaguely, “just grind some nuts…” When I ask other Hungarians, they say “get it from a bakery.”. Reading this recipe seriously stressed me out. My discs did not come out the same size :( Though I did cut them all the same, some got accidentally pulled into somewhat of an oval on the warm baking sheet, so I couldn’t fix them. I wish I’d checked it sooner but I don’t think you’ll be miserable if you have given it, say, 12 to 15 hours. Mine came out deliciously this weekend, but was kind of a mess to look at… after an hour in the fridge, my layers were *not going anywhere*, so the cake stayed kind of caddywompus. Thanks for the help! Oh my goodness!!! First, I’m a huge fan of your blog. for reals! I see another it’s / its swap — “on it’s way”, (Also I think there’s a word missing from “contained exactly zero these things”). Four years ago: Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls The melt in your mouth slight honey, rich, creamy flavour is lovely. It still tastes grrat but for some reason the cream filling turned out quite runny and so I really don’t get the layering that you achieved. I had the same experience following recipe in UK (see earlier comment), I think sour cream in US is very different – good luck! 2. Lady M® Champagne Mille Crêpes with Champagne Deluxe Package, HKD 1,180 – 9 inches whole cake & one limited edition of Lady M x Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne N.V. Lady M Champagne Mille Crêpes is a specially handcrafted seasonal treat and infused with Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne N.V.. I ended up making more filling, as there was none left to coat the exterior after putting 3/4 cup per layer. So it would involve rolling oblongs, and maybe cutting them after baking. I have only made medivnyk twice, for my dad, whose mom was a superb cook. Also I was thinking to add a non-traditional bit of orange zest to the batter. I’m excited to try your version (although I will be adding walnuts, as we used to do back home). :-). Or perhaps has anyone seen a video that does this recipe justice? Thank you. The cheapest thing in the protein line was a turkey breast and it still cost me $8.38 over the $40.00 voucher. If your frosting doesn’t seem runny, I suggest frosting all the way to the edges because it won’t reach the edges fully otherwise! With this method the dough is not sticky at all once it cools down and there is no need to reheat it. But I do have a question for you – do we really NEED a very thin filling here for better absorption? I ended up with 11 layers, so I made two smaller cakes – I was worried the added height and weight would cause too much filling to ooze out. It was well worth the time and effort. What do you think is the minimum amount of time the cake needs to rest? Sweet Procrastination. I love this recipe nonetheless, and haven’t attempted it since. I’ve had enough flops over the years that I know that it’s worth testing all my theories (i.e. the reasons it looked awful were the following: 1st, i followed directions and measured out 3/4c. I live in France, where there’s no sour cream. My mom would prepare it on special occasions, in rectangular form, cut it into diamonds and dust with powdered sugar. We ate it at a Kyrgyzstan restaurant and have been dreaming about it since. I decanted it, poured away the excess, covered it in crumbs, and it did look fab. Everyone loved it. Do you have any advice here? Smetannik has honey in the recipe too, but only a little.” “Smetanik is a cake with sour cream used both in frosting and batter.” “smetannik, but you are missing the walnuts.. We make it with walnuts on each layer.”, “Medovnik, which I I think is also called Medoviy Tort — is basically the same thing, except, and this is where you get LOTS of debate, has honey in the sour cream frosting.” “Medovik is a honey cake which is usually assumed to have a sour cream frosting (though not always). Even with full fat, I needed the full 32 oz to get exactly 2/3 of that (I made a smaller cake). I made this cake a few years ago for my 30th birthday party. I actually don’t press them together at all, mostly just lay one on top of the other. The “cover” Parchment Paper removed first and stuck filling scraped off and spread on the about-to-be bottom of the cake; the rest of the Parchment Paper peeled away reasonably nicely. i had this same problem, alanna. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Goat’s milk is high in protein, triglycerides, Vitamin A, B6, B12 and E making it an excellent natural moisturizer that helps hydrate and nourish skin. And sweeten the cream with honey? I also used half whole wheat flour, half white to give it extra flavour. First time they came out pale and terrible and like homemade matzoh. DM me on IG @charmainesf Cannot wait to make this cake. Just use a cheese cloth. Seven years ago: Quiche Lorraine It worked wonderfully. It was driving me crazy. I get so stuck on details, I realized I was never going to make the cake (3 years and weeks of research later) because I was never going to get to the bottom of these things (baking soda, whisking eggs into boiling liquid) and then I did and I was so happy because it’s so unbelievably delicious. Whenever there was a gathering like a barn dance. Lightly flour your counter and divide the still-warm dough into 8 even pieces. When it’s ready, turn off the oven but leave the cake inside (keep the door slightly open using a wooden spoon) for 5- 10 minutes.

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