laser blepharoplasty vs traditional

As with most types of cosmetic surgery, blepharoplasty traditionally involves the use of a scalpel to make incisions and cut out areas of excess tissue. Laser blepharoplasty is cosmetic surgery for the eyelids that uses CO2 lasers instead of a scalpel. Over 1000 of our valued patients have now given us their formal seal of approval using Trustpilot’s market-leading platform. Privacy Policy, Center for Advanaced Facial Plastic Surgery A laser probe can be placed under the skin and melt the fat. Dr. Warren Lent Face, Plastic Surgery blepharoplasty, laser blepharoplasty, laser eyelid surgery. Patient during his Upper Blepharoplasty with Dr Fallahdar (involving a laser). The surgeon next removes excess fat and skin in the eyelid and seals the wound. The surgeon explains the cost of a. is a surgical procedure, and a patient must qualify for treatment. INTRODUCTION For years, traditional upper blepharoplasty incisions have been made with scalpel and or scissors. Here, we explore how the two procedures differ and explain why they shouldn’t be promoted as opposing methods. December 10, 2015. About Traditional Blepharoplasty The amount of collagen our bodies produce diminishes over time, causing the skin to gradually loosen. If a surgeon believes a laser eyelid lift is too risky, alternative treatments to revitalize the eyes’ appearance can be explored. Even though laser sounds more exciting, traditional blepharoplasty may be better. Laser blepharoplasty is done on an outpatient basis at under local anesthesia. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to determine which modality (CO 2 laser vs. 4.0‐MHz radiowave surgery) produced the most aesthetic postoperative upper blepharoplasty scar at 1 year in a consecutive cohort of patients operated by the same surgeon. It allows us to make precise incisions and results in little bleeding since the laser seals blood vessels as it moves through tissue. Beverly Hills, CA 90212, Phone 310-657-2203 Blepharoplasty can be divided as traditional blepharoplasty and laser blepharoplasty. These procedures are known for the speed and ease with which they can be performed, combined with the fact that they boast some of the shortest recovery times cosmetic surgeries can offer. 9401 Wilshire Blvd #650 Some bruising and swelling can occur after a. , but these issues typically disappear on their own within a few days of treatment. Asian Blepharoplasty vs. Babak Azizzadeh, M.D., F.A.C.S. Laser blepharoplasty is only recommended if the procedure is considered safe for a patient. Laser Blepharoplasty distinguishes itself from its traditional counterpart through the main tool used during the procedure, i.e. Laser vs. Also, the surgeon devotes time to respond to the patient’s blepharoplasty treatment concerns and questions, so the patient feels good about the procedure. Then, a surgeon places a metal plate near the patient’s eyeball and uses a laser to make an incision into the eyelid. may be performed under general anesthetic. Issues that may disqualify a patient from a laser eyelid lift include any previously diagnosed medical conditions or health issues that jeopardize the patient’s health and well-being. The surgeon next removes excess fat and skin in the eyelid and seals the wound. The laser is a particularly effective tool to tackle periorbital areas, since superficial incisions are directly cauterised, meaning that there’s very little bleeding involved. In addition, the surgeon can determine if the patient qualifies for a laser eyelid lift, a traditional blepharoplasty, or both. We practise The Art of Beauty.’ Request a Consultation. With laser-assisted blepharoplasty, a micro-focused CO2 laser is used to cut the skin and remove the fat. Most patients require time off from work or school to recover after a laser eyelid lift, with the initial recovery period lasting up to 10 days. Incisions are made with a scalpel, their location depending on the issue(s) you’re trying to address. It also revitalizes the skin. The loss of elasticity and effects of gravity become very apparent on the upper eyelids as the skin begins to droop, adding to a tired and older-looking appearance. laser blepharoplasty for the upper eyelid. During a traditional Blepharoplasty procedure, excess skin, tissue, and fat are either removed or repositioned, to give you a more open and less tired appearance. is globally recognized for his facial plastic and reconstructive surgery expertise, and he performs laser blepharoplasty and other facial rejuvenation procedures at the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles. Solomon Facial Plastic Nasal and Facial Surgery Centre was one of the first in the Toronto area to offer another option using the UltraPulse® Fractionated CO2 Laser. An expert surgeon understands the dangers associated with a laser blepharoplasty procedure. Here you can see various risks associated with laser blepharoplasty. The laser was intended to reduce trauma to surrounding facial tissue during surgery, thereby limiting the recovery and severity of post-surgical side effects. With laser blepharoplasty, Dr. Kent Remington removes excess sagging skin, repositions fat, and tightens loose muscles as needed. They can also receive an eyelid lift to treat sagging upper eyelids that otherwise make it difficult to see. There is no … Understanding Nose Irregularities Before Rhinoplasty Surgery. 9401 Wilshire Blvd #650 An expert surgeon understands the dangers associated with a. procedure. Le médecin esthétique utilise un laser Plexr (contraction de "plasma" et "exérèse"). As such, a. helps a surgeon make accurate, precise incisions and determine the exact amount of tissue to remove during treatment. Some of the benefits of CO2 laser blepharoplasty include: Minimized bleeding – As the laser beam vaporizes tissue, it seals small blood vessels. Issues that may disqualify a patient from a laser eyelid lift include any previously diagnosed medical conditions or health issues that jeopardize the patient’s health and well-being. include more youthful and rejuvenated eyes and a balanced, natural-looking facial appearance. A laser eyelid lift is typically done using a CO2 laser to make the incisions, and therefore replaces the scalpel blade used in traditional blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty takes a decade or more off the age of your face. Or, in other cases, a patient benefits from a traditional blepharoplasty over a laser eyelid lift. patients can usually resume their normal activities within about one week of treatment. Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal or repositioning of excess skin, fat or muscle tissue the eyelids. However, laser blepharoplasty is a revolutionary procedure that is quickly becoming far more popular than the traditional … This is particularly useful when treating patients who take anticoagulants. The laser is specifically designed for use on soft tissue. Laser blepharoplasty is a safer and more effective alternative to traditional eyelid surgery, as it encourages skin tightening from the inside, rather than the external skin tightening of traditional surgery. Required fields are marked *. What to expect at your skin clinic consultation following Covid-19? Book a consultation and take that first step. They are virtually identical to those associated with a traditional eyelid lift. In some instances, a. provides the best option to accomplish this goal. Beverly Hills. The government lock down meant that our clinics unfortunately had to temporarily close for a few months. Following a blepharoplasty, a surgeon tracks the results of treatment. This allows the surgeon to learn about the patient, perform a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s eyes and other facial features, and review their medical history. The surgeon discusses laser blepharoplasty and performs an evaluation to determine their eligibility for treatment. To learn more or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh, please contact us online or call us today at 310-657-2203. Laser Blepharoplasty distinguishes itself from its traditional counterpart through the main tool used during the procedure, i.e. However, one of the biggest questions that comes with blepharoplasty patients is whether they should have the procedure performed with a laser or a scalpel. Patients may experience a little discomfort during laser blepharoplasty… Il procède par impacts successifs, pour créer une ligne de points de lésion sur la paupière inférieure ou supérieure. Laser skin resurfacing can be performed after a laser or traditional blepharoplasty, but it is not required for every patient. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LASER BLEPHAROPLASTY AND TRADITIONAL BLEPHAROPLASTY? The advantages here lie in the laser’s versatility, specifically that it can serve as a cutting tool, a cautery, as well as a blunt dissection device. If a patient only needs to address puffy eye bags, then an incision is made on the inside of the lower eyelid and the underlying fat pads are reduced. Download Citation | Radiowave Surgery versus CO2 Laser for Upper Blepharoplasty Incision | INTRODUCTION: For years, traditional upper blepharoplasty incisions have been made with … The laser energy works to immediately cauterize blood vessels in order to stop bleeding. Your email address will not be published. The results of laser blepharoplasty include more youthful and rejuvenated eyes and a balanced, natural-looking facial appearance. All Rights Reserved. Whereas a traditional blepharoplasty requires a facial plastic surgeon to use a scalpel, a laser eyelid lift involves a CO2 laser. Reduced bleeding makes laser blepharoplasty surgery faster and easier for the surgeon. Although blepharoplasty surgery is a top option for many patients, a laser eyelid lift offers a safe, effective alternative. At the end of the day, these two Blepharoplasty methods rely on different tools, and it’s worth remembering that any tool is only as good as its user. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) gives The Private Clinic good & outstanding in their latest visit. allows a patient to achieve results that replicate those of a traditional eyelid lift, without going under the knife. It also revitalizes the skin. Les résultats sont visibles juste après et s'améliorent au fur et à mesure de la cicatrisation. Blepharoplasty plays a vital role in facial rejuvenation. In traditional blepharoplasty, a surgical blade is used to cut the skin and remove the excess fat. In Laser Blepharoplasty we can combine 2 functions of the laser to get the best results. CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Also, laser is being marketed for performing blepharoplasty in different ways. Traditional Cataract Surgery in 2020 There are two major types of surgery that can be performed on eyes clouded with cataracts — one uses lasers, and the other does not. A laser blepharoplasty also requires only about seven to 10 days of recovery time and delivers; comparatively, it takes about two to four weeks to recover from a traditional eyelid lift. A patient must meet with a surgeon before a laser eyelid lift. Practices promoting Laser Blepharoplasty often do it as a marketing tool, since patients tend to shy away from ‘going under the knife’. The Private Clinic of Harley Street Limited is owned by The Private Clinic Group Limited 06293464 © 2021 The Private Clinic. Fax: 310-461-0319, ©2021 CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery. To find out more call 0333 920 2471 or click here to use our online contact form. Generally, no stitches are required during a laser blepharoplasty, and the procedure does not leave any visible scars. The main difference between the two procedures is that we use a CO2 laser as our “scalpel” when you opt for laser rather than traditional surgery. A Blepharoplasty procedure – which can involve Eyelid Surgery, Eye Bag Reduction, or both – can address such issues, but there is a divide within the industry as to whether traditional or laser procedures are more effective. The surgeon requests follow-up appointments after a blepharoplasty to ensure the patient achieves their desired results as well. A traditional blepharoplasty (surgical eyelid lift) is a safe and effective solution, however, if you wish to avoid a surgical procedure, there is a new method for rejuvenating the eyelid area. In 2021 our clinics and hospitals have GMC Registered Surgeons and are regulated by the Care Quality Commission(CQC). What are some of the benefits of a CO 2 laser blepharoplasty over a traditional blepharoplasty? It’s nevertheless important to remember that a Laser Blepharoplasty is still a surgical procedure and what matters most is the experience and skill of your surgeon. Some bruising and swelling can occur after a laser blepharoplasty, but these issues typically disappear on their own within a few days of treatment. So, similarly in this procedure, there are some risks associated which you must know if you want to use laser blepharoplasty for puffy eye bags. When the eye area is subjected to asymmetry, wrinkles, puffiness, and heavy or drooping skin, then you might find that your most emotive feature is no longer reflecting the best version of yourself. There are many facial plastic surgeons who perform laser blepharoplasty treatments in cities and towns nationwide, but it is important to select a surgeon with extensive eyelid lift expertise. Your surgeon may opt for laser blepharoplasty, which is performed by Carbon dioxide laser, or opt for traditional scalpel surgery depending on your condition and situation. We have over 35 years’ experience in offering the best in advanced minimally invasive non surgical treatments and expert led surgical procedures in our clinics and hospitals. You May Also Like: Ptosis Surgery – Best Surgical Treatment For Ptosis … The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, laser blepharoplasty results in far less bruising and swelling following plastic surgery. The advantages of Laser Blepharoplasty over the traditional scalpel method are - in this method there is a lot less bleeding and bruising as the laser seals as it cuts and it is a quicker procedure as it is a cleaner operation site. There are many facial plastic surgeons who perform. Now, let’s look at the differences between laser and traditional blepharoplasties. a laser. How to prepare for your cosmetic surgery video consultation? Like a laser upper eyelid lift, a laser blepharoplasty for eye bags may be performed under general anesthetic. Lasers can be used similar to a cautery. Furthermore, a laser eyelid lift procedure does not cause scarring, while a traditional blepharoplasty leaves scars. Trois ou quatre séance… Furthermore, a laser eyelid lift procedure does not cause scarring, while a, The goal of any blepharoplasty procedure is to help a patient bolster their facial appearance with little to no risk. A search of the literature does not show a similar study in Caucasian patients. and performs an evaluation to determine their eligibility for treatment. Bleeding slows the surgery; obscures the surgical field; and can lead to increased swelling, bruising, and pain. The surgeon can also decide if the patient can benefit from other facial revitalization treatments. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some surgeons will only work with one method, but there are pros and cons for each, with no decisive literature in favour of either. Although effective, increased intraoperative bleeding can be problematic. The difference in laser eyelid surgery is that Dr. Albert uses the CO 2 laser as the cutting tool, in lieu of a scalpel. Along with the benefits mentioned above, a laser blepharoplasty causes less bruising and swelling after treatment in comparison to a traditional eyelid lift. Although this perception is sometimes used for marketing purposes, it is not warranted, certainly not in the case of blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. It’s a straightforward procedure that can have your surgeon stitching you up in as little as 30 minutes. Patients can undergo a blepharoplasty to remove excess skin from the upper eyelids or bags from the lower eyelids. Practically, the rejuvenation of this complex anatomical area requires a combination of therapies including fat excision, transfer or repositioning, simultaneous brow or mid-face lift, and adjunctive treatment for skin resurfacing and periorbital hollows. A laser skin resurfacing procedure is used to treat sun-damaged skin, acne scars, skin texture and tone issues, and facial lines and wrinkles. A search of the literature does not show a similar study in Caucasian patients. Laser blepharoplasty is sometimes touted as being superior because of people's perception of lasers as high-tech devices which provide superior results. Come and see our expert surgeons to discuss the best options to achieve the shape that you want. The Private Clinic is a multi award winning medical group with clinics located across the UK. The procedure rejuvenates the eyelids and can also resurface and tighten under eye wrinkling. Durée : 20 à 30 minutes. Traditional Blepharoplasty ‘We are Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery. To learn more or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh. A, also requires only about seven to 10 days of recovery time and delivers; comparatively, it takes about two to four weeks to recover from a traditional eyelid lift. As such, a laser blepharoplasty helps a surgeon make accurate, precise incisions and determine the exact amount of tissue to remove during treatment. CA 90212. , also referred to as an eyelid lift, is used to enhance the appearance of the eyes. To decide between a laser or traditional blepharoplasty, a patient should consult with a surgeon. Covid-19 has resulted in many cosmetic surgery clinic closures and we have had to quickly adapt to new ways of working to keep things running, We are delighted to have passed with a Good rating and Outstanding commendations in our latest CQC inspections for Manchester, Birmingham and The London Fitzroy. Traditional vs. Laser Cataract Surgery Laser Cataract Surgery uses a femtosecond laser to perform many of the surgical steps that were traditionally performed by hand. To further understand the differences between the 2 types of eyelid surgeries and to understand the details on how they fit into a surgeon’s practice, you may find the following important. For any excess skin on the upper eyelid, cuts are made along the skin’s natural folds and creases to remove the excess. Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Laser blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure, and a patient must qualify for treatment. If the surgeon believes a patient can benefit from laser resurfacing or any other facial rejuvenation procedure, the treatment can be performed accordingly. The treatment helps improve skin tone, texture, and pigmentation. There are many “tools” for performing blepharoplasty. Company reg: The Private Clinic of Harley Street Limited 10036829. Your email address will not be published. The precise, reproducible steps performed by the laser mean better lens positioning, less trauma to the eye, and more predictable visual results which are especially important with LifeStyle Lens Implants. Like all surgeries, laser blepharoplasty is also a surgery and no surgery is free of risks. The procedure can be performed for medical or cosmetic reasons, and it helps patients correct a variety of upper and lower eyelid issues, such as: Along with the benefits mentioned above, a l, causes less bruising and swelling after treatment in comparison to a traditional eyelid lift. is only recommended if the procedure is considered safe for a patient. These procedures are identical. In some instances, a laser blepharoplasty provides the best option to accomplish this goal. Laser blepharoplasty cost varies based on where the procedure is performed, the surgeon providing the treatment, and other factors. Or, in other cases, a patient benefits from a traditional blepharoplasty over a laser eyelid lift. The mechanics and physics of CO Laser blepharoplasty causes less bleeding and bruising, which leads to a faster recovery. In this blog, we will discuss laser eyelid surgery i.e., laser blepharoplasty. , a patient may receive general anesthetic. There are other advantages as well, including less risk, faster recovery and limited anesthesia. They can also receive an eyelid lift to treat sagging upper eyelids that otherwise make it difficult to see. Traditional Cataract Surgery in 2020 Home » Guide to Cataract Surgery: Types, Costs, & More » Laser vs. Also, the surgeon devotes time to respond to the patient’s blepharoplasty treatment concerns and questions, so the patient feels good about the procedure. Whereas a traditional blepharoplasty requires a facial plastic surgeon to use a scalpel, a laser eyelid lift involves a CO2 laser. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can be performed through an incision that is made with a traditional surgical scalpel or a laser. However, these methods can be used in conjunction and don’t have to be mutually exclusive. A laser blepharoplasty allows a patient to achieve results that replicate those of a traditional eyelid lift, without going under the knife. Secondly, there is no need for laser blepharoplasty … Traditional Blepharoplasty vs. Laser Blepharoplasty. The surgeon carefully evaluates a patient and determines their eligibility for an eyelid lift and other facial rejuvenation procedures. Although many advertise Laser Blepharoplasty as minimising the risk of bleeding and bruising, they leave out that laser wounds can have a delayed healing rate and result in unsightly scarring. The treatment helps improve skin tone, texture, and pigmentation. procedure is used to treat sun-damaged skin, acne scars, skin texture and tone issues, and facial lines and wrinkles. Patients can undergo a blepharoplasty to remove excess skin from the upper eyelids or bags from the lower eyelids. A patient must meet with a surgeon before a laser eyelid lift. It’s commonly performed for cosmetic purposes, helping to reverse the aging process and create a more youthful appearance. Laser Blepharoplasty (Bladeless Blepharoplasty) vs Traditional Blepharoplasty Many studies have shown that patients undergoing upper lid blepharoplasty (blepharoplasty upper) using the carbon dioxide laser on one eyelid and a conventional technique on the other showed no clear advantage over one the traditional method over laser blepharoplasty. However, it all depends on your anatomy. The eyes and their surrounding area serve as focal points when meeting someone for the first time; they’re where we turn to when trying to tell if someone is being truthful and the region we use to determine someone’s emotional state. If the surgeon decides the patient is a good candidate for laser eyelid lift surgery, a personalized treatment plan is created. However, some lasers (like the CO2 laser) are known to produce irreversible coagulative necrosis – cell death – along the edge of a wound. Advantage of Laser Blepharoplasty over traditional scalpel method. Blepharoplasty surgery, also referred to as an eyelid lift, is used to enhance the appearance of the eyes. The procedure can be performed for medical or cosmetic reasons, and it helps patients correct a variety of upper and lower eyelid issues, such as: Along with the benefits mentioned above, a laser blepharoplasty causes less bruising and swelling after treatment in comparison to a traditional eyelid lift. treatments in cities and towns nationwide, but it is important to select a surgeon with extensive eyelid lift expertise. Laser Blepharoplasty vs Traditional Blepharoplasty. The CO2 laser is considered ideally suited for blepharoplasty because it is gentle on the skin. The surgeon requests follow-up appointments after a blepharoplasty to ensure the patient achieves their desired results as well. asymmetry, wrinkles, puffiness, and heavy or drooping skin, Eyelid Surgery, Eye Bag Reduction, or both, Consulting Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeons, click here to use our online contact form, The Private Clinic Achieves 1000 Trustpilot Reviews. If a surgeon believes a laser eyelid lift is too risky, alternative treatments to revitalize the eyes’ appearance can be explored. 2 laser vs. 4.0-MHz radiowave surgery) produced the most aesthetic postoperative upper blepharoplasty scar at 1year in a consecutive cohort of patients operated by the same surgeon. The lower eyelid area is approached in two different ways. However, these risks are infrequent and very minor. How laser blepharoplasty works . In some cases, a laser blepharoplasty can improve the patient’s vision in addition to the aesthetic benefits. The laser may also be used to resurface and tighten lower eyelid skin. The advantages here lie in the laser’s versatility, specifically that it can serve as a cutting tool, a cautery, as well as a blunt dissection device. The surgeon explains the cost of a laser blepharoplasty prior to treatment. In fact, some of the best results can be achieved when combining both techniques, since they are complimentary and their use – or lack of – should be based on the patient and their individual requirements of their case. They are virtually identical to those associated with a traditional eyelid lift. Dr. Babak Azizzadeh is globally recognized for his facial plastic and reconstructive surgery expertise, and he performs laser blepharoplasty and other facial rejuvenation procedures at the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles. During a laser eyelid lift to correct eye bags, a surgeon removes the bags via a small incision on the inside of the lower eyelid. One of the most marked advantages of the laser method versus the scalpel method is that laser blepharoplasty patients can return to work following the procedure much sooner than traditional scalpel method would allow. If the surgeon decides the patient is a good candidate for laser eyelid lift surgery, a personalized treatment plan is created. Then, a surgeon places a metal plate near the patient’s eyeball and uses a laser to make an incision into the eyelid. The goal of any blepharoplasty procedure is to help a patient bolster their facial appearance with little to no risk. A laser blepharoplasty also requires only about seven to 10 days of recovery time and delivers; comparatively, it takes about two to four weeks to recover from a traditional eyelid lift. varies based on where the procedure is performed, the surgeon providing the treatment, and other factors. Prior to a laser blepharoplasty for the upper eyelid, a patient may receive general anesthetic. We consultations for Blepharoplasty procedures at our London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds and Northampton clinics. dina.elbarbary Posted on July 16, 2019 Posted in General. Laser can be used to resurface the skin. Like any plastic surgery procedure blepharoplasty is traditionally performed using a surgeon’s scalpel. Most patients require time off from work or school to recover after a laser eyelid lift, with the initial recovery period lasting up to 10 days. Laser blepharoplasty patients can usually resume their normal activities within about one week of treatment. The eyes and their surrounding area serve as focal points when meeting someone for the first time; they’re where we turn to when trying to tell if someone is being truthful and the region we use to determine someone’s emotional state. Blepharoplasty – Traditional Scalpel Method vs CO2 Laser. Generally, no stitches are required during a laser blepharoplasty, and the procedure does not leave any visible scars. Yes, Blepharoplasty or you may call it bilateral blepharoplasty is the term used for eyelid surgery. During a laser eyelid lift to correct eye bags, a surgeon removes the bags via a small incision on the inside of the lower eyelid. a laser. Laser blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery that uses a CO2 laser in lieu of the traditional scalpel. A surgeon employs the laser to remove unwanted fat and skin around the eyes. Our team of Consulting Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeons is made out of some of the most highly qualified individuals who have been recognised for the precision and effectiveness of their work. Les "micropuits" cicatrisent en se rétractant, ce qui retend la peau et donne de l'éclat au regard. The laser may also be used to resurface and tighten lower eyelid skin. The surgeon carefully evaluates a patient and determines their eligibility for an eyelid lift and other facial rejuvenation procedures. Laser for eyelid surgery is not scientifically proven to be superior to the scalpel. Conversely, if any excess skin needs to be removed along with the fat, then a discreet incision is made along the lower lid, hidden from view by the lower lash line. The surgeon discusses. A significant proportion of Asian men and women either do not have a crease above the lid margin of their upper eyelid, or they have a low-lying fold that is barely noticeable.

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