mimosa pigra uses

The database and code is licensed under a When using any herbicide always read the label first and follow all instructions and safety requirements. Existing plants must be prevented from spreading). Cutting at ground level will usually result in resprouting. Useful Tropical Plants Database 2014 by M. pigra is a small prickly shrub that infests wetlands and is also an agricultural weed in rice fields in many parts of the old world tropics. Originally from China, mimosas are also called silk trees. Currently, Mimosa pigra has replaced over 80,000 hectares of native vegetation on … The species is famous due to its uses as a medicinal plant and in the restoration of degraded soils. The precise management measures adopted for any plant invasion will depend upon factors such as the terrain, the cost and availability of labour, the severity of the infestation and the presence of other invasive species. The tree growing wild is the false mimosa, aka silk tree. This plant is used widely in Traditional Medicine and has many benefits. May Protect Against Ulcers. Genus: Mimosa L. Mimosa pigra L.; This species is accepted, and its native range is Tropical & Subtropical America. Agroforestry Uses: The spine-free form of the plant is widely cultivated in the tropic, where it makes an excellent ground cover; is planted for erosion control, especially in humid areas; and is an excellent green manure, where its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen helps to enrich the soil[ with help from Mimosa Mimosa pigra was an uncommon shrub on the Kafue Flats until the river was dammed in 1977 at Itezhi-tezhi to regulate the flow for hydropower production. They consist of several (6-16) pairs of branchlets (pinnae), each about 5 cm long and bearing numerous (20-45) pairs of small leaflets (pinnules). It can become a threat to biodiversity, where it restricts access to water, for some mammals and inhibits the regeneration of native vegetation. The seeds (4-6 mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide) are light brown, brown or greenish-brown in colour, elongated (oblong) in shape, and somewhat flattened (compressed). Mimosa pigra (shrub). These leaves are sensitive and they fold together when touched and also during the night. The stems are covered with short, stiff, appressed hairs, as well as scattered, recurved prickles to ½ inch long. Witt pers. Mechanical control can be effective as long as the plants are cut 10 cm or more below ground level. Fire alone may actually increase M. pigra densities by plant regrowth and enhanced seed germination. The fruit is an elongated and flattened pod (30-120 mm long and 7-14 mm wide) that is covered in bristly hairs. It is a woody shrub included in the top 100 of the most invasive species in the world. It was purposely introduced to Thailand, from Indonesia, in 1947 as a green manure and cover crop in tobacco plantations. Mimosa pigracan be used as a medicinal plant, a green manure for poles, hedges and for fuelwood. Differenciating between pigra and pudica: It can be distinguished from Mimosa pudica by its large size, large pods (6 to 8 cm long as opposed to 2.5 cm long) and leaves, which have 6 to 16 pairs of pinnae as opposed to 1 to 2 pairs on Mimosa pudica leaves Other information: Mimosa pigra is considered an invasive noxious weed. Mimosa pigra has become very abundant in floodplains and seasonal wetlands in East Africa over the last few decades having previously been a riparian species. If prevention is no longer possible, it is best to treat the weed infestations when they are small to prevent them from establishing (early detection and rapid response). Locations within which Mimosa pigra is naturalised include tropical Asia, south-eastern USA, northern Australia, tropical Africa as well as many oceanic islands with warm climates. Mimosa pigra is invasive in parts of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (A.B.R. In India it is used on glandular swellings and leaf-sap is applied for sinus disorders. Peptic ulcers are sores on your digestive tract lining. It is used to treat unspecified medicinal disorders. Its ornamental value was still being promoted in seed catalogues since the 1980s. Results. CABI Publishing 2011. www.cabi.org/ISC. Mimosa pudica is widely cultivated around the world under a wide range of ecologies and climates.

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