wayne may credentials

The newer approach is slightly different: Did the Scotford brothers make some fake artifacts? He will not accept the testimony of Scotfield’s stepdaughter that she saw him make the fake relics. THE “MICHIGAN PLATES AND RELICS” ARE NOT AUTHENTIC. There is no narrow strip of mountainous wilderness starting on the Pacific coast and going eastward to an east sea. Service in the Church includes four Branch Presidencies, three Elder Quorum Presidencies, Seminary Instructor, Gospel Doctrine Instructor and Veil Worker. Wayne State University's M.A. No one was suspicious until 1890, when Soper was elected Michigan’s Secretary of state, not a very important job in those days. Even a few seasoned archaeologists, such as William C. Mills of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society and Rowland B. Orr of the Ontario Provincial Museum were fooled. Dr. Of the Nephites, 6,562 were slain. May’s book, and the archaeology of the region, require that the Adena and the Hopewell cultures occupied the same lands, but at different time periods. It must be high up in the Narrow Strip of Wilderness and near the head of river Sidon. He may be "friended" at Hershel Wayne House on Facebook, or @hwhouse on Twitter. Wayne May, (or anyone else) must not close his eyes to the truth: To claim that the Sidon river runs south instead of north is an untruth. Therefore, all other locations cited by May relative to the Mississippi River as river Sidon must likewise be in violation of what the Book of Mormon states: 1. “After Scotford’s death and Soper’s retirement to Chattanooga, Tennessee, no new examples were dug up. His map at page 75 shows the following: 1. 6   . You can follow below steps to configure credentials for the reports: 1. choose the report, click '...', choose Manage. It was about 200 BC when King Mosiah  translated the stone, which informed him for the first time, about the Jaredite people, about Coriantumr and the last great battle, and about Coriantumr living in or near Zarahemla for 9 moons (Omni 16:20-21). Mayors, postmasters, ministers of all faiths were taken in, and their credibility transferred to the bogus affidavits. The climate of northeastern United States would not permit the native men to have lived during the winter with only a loin cloth and with shaved heads let alone going to war during that time (Lund pages 207-210, Alma 3:5, 43:20, 3rd Nephi 4:7), nor could Alma and Amulek have survived more than 2 weeks in jail naked during the last of December through the first of January (Alma 14:21-28). 9. Wayne Bank has a secure data warehouse to store all Internet Banking access credentials in an encrypted format. ...The mother Gentiles were gathered together upon the waters and upon the land also, to battle against them. To claim that the Michigan plates and relics are authentic is an untruth. Gardner concludes his article by stating at page 28: Copyright © 2021, Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum. And after the decades, the Michigan Tablets fell into almost complete oblivion. The river Sidon could not have run south from the narrow strip of wilderness. The Security Credentials Office verifies that badge applicants have undergone and cleared the required security background checks and ensures that badge holders understand the security rules and procedures related to the possess… All the men I have visited who have seen the collection in Salt Lake City, or now in Lansing, Michigan agree there are fakes in the collection. Until that time they are in the limbo category, as it were, of controversial artifacts. He completely ignores Richard B. Stamp’s scientific examination (more real tests) of the relics. Therefore, the last battle of the Jaredites had to have taken place about 250 to 221 BC. The blank piece of copper from which the artifact was made appears to have been cut from a larger piece with a guillotine-style table shear or bench shear. Archaeology proves that the Hopewell people (200 BC to AD 500) grew out of the prior Adena culture (1000 BC to 200 BC). I am also retracting some of the theories presented in This Land, Volume one. The obvious conclusion from the above is that the Book of Mormon events could not have occurred in North America, but only in the Mesoamerica area. “Never hypnotized me in their lives, said Granny firmly. Stamps also examined some of the copper pieces, yielding the same microscopical conclusion as the report to Talmage. The grateful “discoverer” almost always willingly signed an affidavit attesting to its authenticity. As part of his conclusions on the artifacts, Stamps provides the following information about the discovery of these artifacts (page 28): The finds appeared only when Scotford or Soper were on the scene. ...The power of God was with them and also that the wrath of God was upon all those that were gathered together against them to battle. I don’t believe they are real so I am retracting everything I wrote about those artifacts. 8. It is undeniable that this is referring to the United States, so, therefore, how could the events of the Book of Mormon not have taken place there? This would have to have been around 580 BC. them through local and regional exchange networks. The winter frost action combined with the day thaw-night freeze sequence in early spring destroys low-fired prehistoric ceramics from the Woodland period. By: Wayne Rash | May 07, 2016 NEWS ANALYSIS: Nobody knows for sure where all of the billion-plus Pwned credentials came from, but at this point that hardly matters. It had to have been south of the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness because the land of Lehi was south and the land of Mulek was north of said wilderness (Helaman 6:8-12). Many of the artifacts are on slate. ... Sean S Wayne may only conduct securities business with residents of states in which they are properly registered. Only structures 2 and 8 are open 24 hours. Dr. Wayne May has a 4.3/5 rating from patients. This estimate is confirmed by the fact that about the year 121 BC the 43 people of Limhi returned from the land Desolation with the 24 pure gold plates together with rusted swords. Applicants must complete the equivalent of a U.S. four-year degree, including all state and external/internal examinations required for the degree. Wayne decided to pursue a PhD degree at Stanford University in Psychology. (Joseph Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, vol. Watch Wayne May's past presentations about American archaeology and its parallels to the Book of Mormon civilizations. His continuing to use them as if authentic, all the while claiming he does not take sides, is to me, fraudulent. 4.. 30..And it bordered upon the land which they called Desolation, it being so far northward that it came into the land which had been peopled and been destroyed, of whose bones we have spoken, which was discovered by the people of Zarahemla, it being the place of their first landing. He will not accept a neighbor, Granny Robson’s, testimony that Scotfield told her they had a Detroit ancient relic factory in their house. The testimony of witnesses to the forgeries and the absence of any artifacts since the time of the forgers, coupled with the absence of artifacts from known sites, all tell us that a “PROPER SCIENTIFIC FRAME OF MIND” REQUIRES THAT WE DECLARE THEM FORGERIES AND LOOK FOR OUR SUPPORT OF THE BOOK OF MORMON IN FIRMER GROUND, GEOGRAPHICALLY, CULTURALLY, AND ARCHAEOLOGICALLY. I believe that his disclaimer in his book, at page 19, shows that May is fully aware of the credible evidence against these artifacts and this only exacerbates the fraud: “We are quite careful in the way we treat controversial artifacts. At page 19 of his book May states: The true critical evidence on the Michigan tablets has yet to come. However, only customers have the ability to see the access credentials they have chosen and provided. I will show, from the Book of Mormon, why the Hill Cumorah in New York cannot be the same place where the last great battles of the Book of Mormon occurred. The Credentials Office is closed for Lunch 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Airport Authority’s Holiday Schedule The following schedule will … One of the cultures must have lived very far northward from the other (Alma 22-:30). At its greatest extent, the, . ...the wind did never cease to blow towards the promised land... 12. I Nephi 13:12 states, speaking of Columbus “...and I beheld the Spirit of God that it came down and wrought upon the man: and he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren who were in the promised land.” As you can readily see on the foregoing map, Columbus came to Central America and South America, not the United States area. The Liahona and Nephi guided the ship to the promised land, I Nephi 18:22. Fraud is defined as an intentional untruth or dishonest scheme used to take deliberate advantage of another. All rigorous scientific tests have declared them forgeries. may not be equivalent to a four-year U.S. bachelor's degree. Actual fraud includes cases of misrepresentation designed to cheat others. Clearly he will only believe that which supports his personal desire that the relics be proven authentic. (All quotes taken from Brant Gardner’s article will be italicized). All highlighting is mine. …they were wroth with him when they had arrived in the promised land… (Mosiah 10:15). Join Wayne on a Book of Mormon Tour and see the archaeological discoveries of the Nephites and Jaredites. Joseph Smith's last statement of belief, though not prophetic, on the location of Zarahemla was September and October of 1842 wherein he either stated, approved, or at the least never disapproved, that Zarahemla was in Guatemala, Central America. The River Sidon must run northerly from the middle of the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness. The Jaredite/Nephite people coexisted for at least 250 years, The concept of the Mississippi as the river Sidon is fatally flawed. 7 p.258). This scripture is clearly talking about the other “English” Gentiles that came out of captivity that settled in the United States and harassed but did not destroy the “mixture of thy [Nephi] seed”( I Nephi 13:30). Zarahemla cannot be on or near the Mississippi. The Adena lived in a variety of locations, including: culture that flourished along rivers in the northeastern and Midwestern. The Great Lakes cannot be the west sea because the west sea must be west of the river Sidon. (book), Map of the Archaeological Cultures of Ohio. This is because of the special spiritual and physical events that either took place or will take place in the United States of America. Therefore, all of May’s speculations and claims are in contradiction to what the Book of Mormon and the prophet Joseph Smith state. Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American self-help and spiritual author and a motivational speaker. 4. Professor Francis Kelsey of the University’s Latin department made his own assessment of the objects. He offered hundreds of objects—copper weapons, ornaments and all kinds of copper implements as well as clay pipes and bowls which he claimed had been unearthed by Scotford in Isabella County, near Big Rapids, at sites within three miles of Lansing, even in back of Palmer Park. Wayne May. Therefore, the hill Ramah/Cumorah, where the two great last battles occurred, was located in the promised land in the Mesoamerica area, and not New York. “Speaking as one who has thoroughly embarrassed myself publicly by ever having been connected to the Michigan Tablets, I can now say that a bad tast has been left in my mouth. There is no evidence of the use of a written language, let alone two written languages, in all of South America during said time period. May gives another disclaimer and plea for the scientific community to prove or disprove these artifacts. If MAT 1050 or above is needed to meet your specific degree requirements, you can meet QE through obtaining a C or above in at least one of your area's required math course sequences or by obtaining a course placement at t… The scriptures corroborating these criteria are as follows: Alma 22:27 … [The land of Nephi] was divided from the land of Zarahemla by a narrow strip of wilderness, which ran from the sea east even to the sea west,…and the borders of the wilderness which was on the north by the land of Zarahemla, through the borders of Manti, by the head of river Sidon, running from the east towards the west—and thus were the Lamanites and the Nephites were divided. Clearly each group of gentiles went to a different part of the greater land of promise. The River Sidon cannot flow southerly from the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness. He did not visit the U.S. United States must be eliminated as the location of the lands of the Book of Mormon because: 1. Every artifact examined bore marks of modern manufacture…why May would continue to believe that some artifacts might be authentic when every expert he has consulted calls them forgeries and every piece that has undergone testing is clearly a forgery... Perhaps even more telling is the story of the artifacts that May does not relate. Root was an opinion columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.. Root was the Vice … The Adena/Hopewell cultures could not have been the Jaredite/Nephite cultures because the Adena/Hopewell inhabited the same general areas but at different time periods. You may go all over North and South America and build up stakes when the time comes. The next day Charles denied this and said that Percy had hypnotized Granny Robson using skills gained in a correspondence course. Even the edges have been peaned (hammered to remove the straight edges), whereas most traditional pieces are diamond shaped with a strong ridge running down the center of the blade or point. The following brief synopsis and accompanying map from Wikipedia clearly show the geographic overlapping of these two groups. Eventually, any discussion of the artifacts’ possible genuineness was no longer considered. The land of promise in North America is not the promised land where Lehi and Columbus landed in Mesoamerica. A request that the University of Michigan evaluate the relics and publish its findings led to further scholarly investigation. The other “English” Gentiles who came out of captivity never “went” to the “promised land” but they were in the “land of promise”. See hours of operation for closing times for other locations. May’s co-author, Edwin G. Goble, has written several retractions showing remorse in ever having anything to do with this book and its contents. The Journal of Book of Mormon Studies makes mention from James E. Talmage’s journal the story about the step-daughter of Scotford (the discoverer of some of the Michigan relics), who stated that he had fraudulently manufactured many of the relics. A noted teacher, he has been recognized for teaching excellence by the University of Maryland, Wayne State University (the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2x), as well as the Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award), and the Society for I/O Psychology (the Distinguished Contributions in Teaching Award). Francis Kelsey, 1892 declared: “There is no reason why honest people should be deceived any longer as to the true character of these forgeries, or be misled by the fanciful interpretations of misguided enthusiasts.”. Read more. It was with good reason that the scientific community declared that what Scotford and Soper were selling and declaring to be authentic were really fraudulent. Scotford, with help from his sons and son-in-law, manufactured the relics and planted them in mounds or turnouts. Submit the necessary credentials: All new freshmen must submit a high school transcript or GED scores. SAVE 39% This is the Newest Edition of the BofM $ 113.85 $ 69.00 Add to cart; Faith Crisis Volume 1 NEW! It does seem compelling. (E). Many of the unfired Michigan Relic clay pieces have survived for more than one hundred years only because they have been stored in museums or collectors’ cabinets, protected from the harsh Michigan weather. Constructive fraud includes untruths or misrepresentations that one knows or should reasonably know to be untrue. Quoting from Gardner’s article at page 14-21: Richard B. Stamps ran several types of examinations on multiple examples of the Michigan artifacts. To claim that the Nephites/Lamanites occupied the same land at the same time frame or any part thereof as the Jaredites occupied before their self destruction is an untruth. Therefore, one could safely assume that even though there was a first landing by the Mulekites near the area of the land of desolation, nonetheless, they did not stay there very long but were directed by the Lord far to the south and” up” to Zarahemla. The Lord promised Nephi he would be led “towards the promised land” and “after ye have arrived in the promised land” (I Nephi 17:13-14). Michigan does not have slate quarries, but there was a large business importing slate roofing tiles during the appearance of the Michigan relics. Wayne and Kristine are the parents of seven children, and grandparents to twenty two. Due to limited staffing and an overwhelming number of phone calls, voicemails, emails, and letters you may now schedule your own appointment in order to receive services from our office using our eScheduler (see below). On page 8 Goble states (unedited): Just for the record, I was involved in writing This Land, volume 1 only, and my association with May ended in 2002, after May got upset with me for my first retraction that I made of what I wrote about the Michigan Artifacts and Burrows Cave Artifacts that appeared in Brant Gardner’s first review….Mr. I can say with complete certainty on my part that they are frauds. Then they will either be declared frauds definitively, or they will move into the category of proven artifacts. 6. Can you imagine Alma and his 30,000+ soldiers crossing the Mississippi River on foot in the middle of the winter at or near Saint Louis and that first day fighting and killing 12,532 Amlicites on the east side of Sidon? 2. He further told me that the Saint Louis area and northward, was Zarahemla. He had to have been found by the people of Zarahemla about 250 years after the Mulekites arrived in the Promised Land. The “Michigan Plates” and Relics have no bearing on the Book of Mormon because they are untruths as will be shown in this next section. Not one of the Great Lakes is west of the Mississippi. Check out Waynes great selection of books, dvds & magazines covering the archaeology of the Book of Mormon people. 18. They landed west of the Land of Nephi not south. May 2020 Stoddard’s at their Best! False advertising settlement. The Book of Mormon says the river Sidon flowed northerly. If one is going to attempt to identify geographical locations of the Book of Mormon, the fundamental premise must be that it must conform precisely to what the Book of Mormon states and cannot go against specific directions, spatial requirements, elevations and consistent textual descriptions stated therein. The concept of the Book of Mormon lands being in the United States of America is also fatally flawed for many additional reasons. Are you an author? INTraining We are all committed to making the necessary adjustments needed in order to successfully respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and to find ways to, nonetheless, move forward during these uncertain times. The landing place of the Nephites must have been west of the land of Nephi and west and south of the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness where it ended near the west sea (I Nephi, 22:28 and Helaman 6:10). The whole book and series of This Land clearly takes the position of proposing the authenticity of the Michigan plates and relics. 14....I beheld many multitudes of the Gentiles upon the land of promise...”. Additionally, the piece I studied was too flat to have been built up by the cold-hammer, folding, laminating process that we see in Native American artifacts. I feel an obligation to inform my many friends in attendance, and anyone else who is interested in studying the Book of Mormon, that what Mr. May says is not what science and the Book of Mormon really state. The concept of the Adena/Hopewell cultures being the Jaredite/Nephite cultures is fatally flawed. Scotford and Soper targeted important people in a community. Wayne May, (or anyone else) must not close his eyes to the truth: To claim that the Sidon river runs south instead of north is an untruth. One major reason that Goble gave for recanting his involvement with May was the erroneous conclusion that the Adena culture was the Jaredite people and the Hopewell culture was the Nephite Nation. Then they relented and told her that she was in Detroit’s ancient relic factory. The river Sidon cannot flow south from Manti (see above scriptures). Therefore, Nephi cannot be in Arkansas. Alma 2:24…we followed the camp of the Amlicites, and to our great astonishment, in the land of Minon above [south of] the land of Zarahemla, in the course of the land of Nephi, we saw a numerous host of the Lamanites and behold, the Amlicites have joined them; [River Sidon was down from Minon and Nephi, therefore, it had to have flowed northward.]. Talmage had earlier seen clear evidence of modern saw cuts on slate artifacts, an observation Stamps confirms. Real evidence will come when they are put through tests to determine their authenticity. Review of Wayne N. May's This Land: Zarahemla and the Nephite Nation, 2002. 45....for just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise. 1. …I beheld the Spirit of God, that it wrought upon other Gentiles, and they went forth out of captivity, upon the many waters. Omni1:16 states: And they journeyed in the wilderness, [not the narrow strip of wilderness] and were brought by the hand of the Lord across the great waters, into the land where Mosiah discovered them; and they had dwelt there from that time forth’. The concept of the Book of Mormon lands being in the United States of America is also fatally flawed for many additional reasons. Hello Wayne Allen, Unfortunately, it seem you cannot upload login credentials with RDL files, you have to configure it in SSRS web portal. The west sea as all of the Great Lakes. I will show from the Book of Mormon that he is wrong on all counts. However, May continues to beguile people into believing that the artifacts are authentic, and, hence, proof of the Book of Mormon and proof that the events of the Book of Mormon took place in the eastern half of the United States. 12….King (Ammoron) had departed out of the land of Zarahemla [from the east sea area]and had made known unto the Queen [in the chief city of Nephi (Alma 47:20] concerning the death of his brother, and had gathered together a large number of men, and had marched forth against the Nephites on the borders by the west sea. program in school and community psychology prepares students to be school psychologists and mental health therapists for work within and outside of schools. 3. The river Sidon cannot be the Mississippi. Coriantumr had to have lived between about 350 BC and 221 BC. (D). . 2. He is the host of The Wayne Allyn Root Show on KBET and the USA Radio Network and formerly on Newsmax TV. Some of the concentrations may be combined. Columbus was guided by the Lord to the promised land, I Nephi 13:12. If he fails to do so and continues propagating the above as “possibly true” by further writing and selling his books, artifacts and DVD’s and in giving firesides and presentations, as he has done in the past, in my opinion, he will be committing, at least civil fraud. WHY BOOK OF MORMON EVENTS COULD NOT HAVE OCCURRED IN THE UNITED STATES: BUT ONLY IN MESOAMERICA. “...And they were driven....towards the promised land” (I Nephi 18:8). The following quote is taken from an excellent article by Brant Gardner cited in (FARMS Review Volume 20, Issue-2, Pages 141-62; Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute. I now believe that the Narrow Neck of Land and the Land of Zarahemla in Mesoamerica…. The Adena culture was a Pre-Columbian Native American culture that existed from 1000 BC to 200 BC, in a time known as the early Woodland Period. Not content to reach merely a local audience, the two sent their denunciations of the Michigan Relics to a national magazine, Morris Jastrow, 1892 declared: “I beg of you to announce that the tablets and monuments claimed to have been excavated are willful forgeries, remarkable only for their clumsy character and the great ignorance betrayed by the forger.”. 8. Wayne State University President M. Roy Wilson and School of Medicine leadership are blasting a recent decision by Tenet Healthcare Corp., owner of the Detroit Medical Center, to oust WSU pediatricians from Children’s Hospital of Michigan after decades of service and in the midst of the city’s struggles with the coronavirus outbreak. , Hayriver Press,Colfax, Wisconsin March 2002. May has not offered competent scientific rebuttal but merely his personal speculations, conclusions, and unverified testimonials. At least his co-author Edwin Goble was honest in saying that he was working toward FINDING OUT the authenticity of the relics and when he saw the evidence he honestly recanted and published it. 3. 3. There must be evidence of substantial Gold in: 1. the land of the first inheritance; (gold, silver, and copper (I Nephi 18:25); 2. the land of Nephi; (copper, gold, silver in great abundance (2Nephi 5:15); 3. the land of Zarahemla; (gold, silver, precious ore (Helaman 6-9-11); 4. the land of the Jaredites; (all manner of gold, silver, iron (Ether 10:23). credentials. …May appears to be deliberately blind. In addition, several of the clay pieces have the “IH/” symbol on one side and marks of saw-cut wood on the other. This shift toward seeing yourself as an infinite spiritual being having a human experience, rather than the reverse — that is, a human being having an occasional spiritual experience — is loaded with fear for most people. 2. There was another interesting and probative testimonial by Granny Mary Robson cited by Gardner at page 12: She told the News on September 6th that one winter she had a room at 3131/2 Michigan next to the one occupied by Percy Scotford and his brother, Charles, age 21. Some three-year general degrees (from Canada, India, Pakistan, France, Lebanon, etc.) With its rainy springs, humid summers, and cold, snowy winters. Email KDE Office of Educator Licensure& Effectiveness regarding questions or concerns about any of the data displayed. or society, but a widely dispersed set of related populations, which were connected by a common network of trade routes, known as the Hopewell Exchange System. 5. They publish the quarterly magazine Ancient American which covers pre-Columbian Americas. The artifacts were disputed from the beginning:”When the University of Michigan was given an opportunity to buy two caskets a prehistoric beer mug, a bowl, three goblets and some copper coins at $1,000 and refused, the items were offered at $100, and when the University declined, Soper left them at Ann Arbor (page 28). 10…also they have brought breastplates, which are large, and they are of brass and of copper, and are perfectly sound, 11…they have brought swords, the hilts thereof have perished, and the blades thereof were cankered with rust…. 2. In September 2012, Medifast's subsidiary, Jason Pharmaceuticals, paid a $3.7 million USD civil penalty for false advertising. Gillman, who worked extensively in Southeastern Michigan, reports that none were found before 1890. ...that the Gentiles who had gone forth out of captivity did humble themselves before the Lord; and the power of the Lord was with them. Some of these reasons are very well articulated by John Lund in his book, South America must be eliminated as any part of the Book of Mormon geography because, THE “MICHIGAN PLATES AND RELICS” ARE NOT AUTHENTIC, PARALLELS: Mesoamerican and Ancient Middle Eastern Traditions, Decoding Ancient America: A Guide to the Archaeology of the Book of Mormon, Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon, Is This the Place?

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