market segmentation of apple

Apple Inc., founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, ad Ronal Wayne in 1976, is now recognized as one of the most innovative companies in the world thanks to its ability to transcend the barriers in the computer industry to tap in other markets; namely the consumer electronics, telecommunication, and music industries. The multinational technology company positions itself as a premium brand offering products and services with advanced functions and capabilities for additional costs. So let me watch about Apple organization structure. Accordingly, “no longer do the barista and the corporate executive use the same iPhone — today, there are high-end models, consumer models, and a long line of old products the company keeps around to fill every niche and price point.”[1]. In the beginning of 2000s PCs and laptops became very popular. Market Segmentation Market segmentation is the division of a market into different groups of customers with distinctly similar needs and product/service requirements. Apple Inc Report contains a full analysis of Apple segmentation, targeting and positioning and Apple marketing strategy in general. Positioning refers to the selection of the marketing mix that is the most suitable for the target customer segment. The industry size of Apple in Malaysia is booming and gaining more market share compare to their major competitor, Samsung as Apple offer more value to their customers. Which is useful for a reader to understand how Apple Inc. became big success in the business and use strength to overcome their weakness also the threats of the competition also the recommendation for the Apple. Apple’s iPhone Market Segmentation  Introduction about Apple : Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company was established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California. There are a few reasons why Apple is the top brand worldwide. As the name implies, multi-segment positioning attempts to target multiple customer segments at the same time with different product or service packages. make IPhone 7 one of the most globally sold products? Therefore people demanded much simplified and convenient new versions. 2.1 Industry Size, Growth Rate and Sales Projections Apple Inc.'s target market is customers with unique needs when it comes to the purchase of electronic gadgets. Market Segmentation of Apple Inc Published by James Taylor Market segmentation is the identification of different portions of a market to satisfy the needs of all the potential customers. Segmentation, targeting, positioning in the Marketing strategy of Apple iPhone – Apple is a famous multinational technology company in the world. [1] Marx, P. (2019) “Apple’s Product Line Is a Mess” Medium, Available at:, [2]According to Young &Rubican lifestyle classification model, Interpretivism (interpretivist) Research Philosophy,, Operating system & software: iOS, OSX, iLife, iWork, Accessories: Apple TV, Apple Watch and related accessories. Why is Apple the biggest competitor for Samsung? Under the leadership of late Steve Jobs, Apple mainly used mono-segment type of positioning, appealing to the needs and wants of a single customer segment. Lastly, I will provide information on how the IPhone 7 has motivated buyers to purchase their product and how promotion has improved Apple’s sales. Analyzing Apple market segmentation strategy. As of March 2015, the company operates in 16 countries with 453 retail stores and employs 115,000 permanent full-time, Introduction Apple is one of the leading brands in the IT & Technology sector. The company is estimating RM 37.7 million to start this business. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. And then Apple is the biggest competitor for Samsung. The project is that the company is in search for other multinational company to cooperate with. ... . The table below lists the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), top Apple competitors and includes Apple target market, segmentation, positioning & Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategy of Apple Apple segmentation, targeting and positioning represents the core of its marketing efforts. The company will make sure that every problem regarding the smartphones will be solved and try to discover new methods to enhance iPhone M further based on customers wants. In this sense, in January 2007, Apple Computer changed its name to Apple Inc, to underline that the company had undergone a shift away from its computer vendor roots. With the online presence or official websites in the 88 countries. 1453 Words 6 Pages. Why does this brand command so much respect? Here's who's buying what at Apple , according to Slice: -- A higher percentage of customers who buy the iPhone, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro, and Apple … The Purpose of this report is to conduct a market analysis of Apple Inc. and discuss its commitments and brand strength. If you look a little closer at Apple’s go-to-market strategy for the Apple Watch, I think you’ll find that perspective to be short-sighted and reactionary. In order to answer this question, I will evaluate how marketing mix has been utilised for the seventh generation of Apple’s smartphone, known as IPhone 7. 2. a. Market Segmentation. In the real world of building products and attacking market opportunities, market segmentation is the process of defining and sub-dividing the aggregate, homogeneous market into addressable, targeted needs and aspirations buckets. In addition, I will show how place has affected Apple’s sales as it’s more accessible to consumers. Segmentation involves dividing population into groups according to certain characteristics, whereas targeting implies choosing specific groups identified as a result of segmentation to sell products. (Bajarin, 2011) It could also be a segmentation of people on the basis of behavior, culture and economic status. Accordingly, Apple target customer segment comprise well-off individuals who are willing to pay extra for technology products and services with advanced design, functions and capabilities. Segmentation Strategies used by Apple and Samsung A Bit about Apple and Samsung Products Segmentation Strategies: Apple Segments The smartphone industry is dominated by two giant companies: Apple and Samsung. Other than that, the company also hope that iPhone M can attract more middle income earners to buy this product and bring a new hype to the smartphone industry. However, after Tim Cook became CEO, the multinational technology company has been consistently increasing its product ranges shifting from mono-segment type of positioning to multi-segment positioning. It is the market leader in the technology industry and their rivals are playing catch-up, Samsung are beginning to close the gap. This report will also discuss Apple Inc. business strategy, its privacy policies, goals and market share. And that is Hong Kong basic style smartphone only. While Apple leads by profits, Samsung leads by market … I will research how prices have changed throughout the release of each model in order to compete with other rivals (E.g; Samsung, HTC, Google Pixel). Don’t try to be all things to all customers. Updated January 20, 2021 The industry for technology is extremely popular and fast-growing. Geographic segmentation: Apple’s retail stores are located in highly populated cities all around the world and has a significant online presence. 1 in 4 people in the 18-34 age demographic express a strong interest in purchasing an Apple product at some point in the next 6 months. Behavior bases. The segment is usually the urban population with enough buying power for purchasing Apple products. As apple is one of the big company and well known in worldwide, it’s interesting to do the research for the SWOT of Apple Inc. Market Segmentation. Here's a little interesting weekend reading from Mark Sigal on O'Reilly about "Apple's segmentation strategy." It generally uses lifestyle segmentation as Apple is the most premium brand out there. According to Interbrand (2016), Apple is the top brand worldwide. This is a great achievement for Apple, coming from a place where they were literally about to be bankrupt and being able to turn everything around by taking on a great partnership with a man determined to see his dreams come, These are the pioneers of superior improvement in PC, music and smartphone industries. A study showed that ⅓ of the users have a household earning of $100,000. The Company also sells a variety of Apple-branded and third-party Mac-compatible and iOS-compatible peripheral products, including printers, storage devices, computer memory, digital video and still cameras, and various other computing products and supplies. Speed of service, advanced features and capabilities. Market segmentation is a marketing strategy that divides consumer's interests, demographics and behavior into different groups to better market to specific needs. 5.2 Segmentation involves dividing population into groups according to certain characteristics (whereas targeting implies choosing specific groups identified as a result of segmentation to sell products). ... Apple - … Psychographic bases. segmentation is based on variables such as behavior, demographics (e.g., gender, age, education, and income), … (Reference for Businesses) The company's wide range of products and services include the iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple TV, a variety of consumer and professional software applications, both the iOS and OS X operating systems, iCloud and several other product accessories. In fact, in some ways, it seems that Apple is actually architecting its go-to-market strategy for the Apple Watch around fewer sales to a very specific type of buyer. Now, the challenge for Apple is to get their product beyond the youthful technophiles and into the hands of mainstream users in order to maintain sustained growth To conclude, segmentation is a basic and important strategy to … The report also comprises discussions of Apple business strategy, ecosystem and addresses issues of corporate social responsibility. The current mission statement of Apple Inc; It is expected to have a higher average monthly household income. Moreover, the report contains analyses of Apple leadership, organizational structure and organizational culture. Thirdly, Apple’s has created a company culture of hiring the best of the best in the technology world. Apple targets the market with medium to high-income households or individuals. Segmentation and targeting of Apple: Market segmentation is the process of dividing a broad consumer or business market, normally consisting of existing and potential customers, into sub-groups of consumers (known as segments) based on some type of … Apple segmentation, targeting and positioning represents the core of its marketing efforts. Of late, there has been a phenomenal growth in the sale of Android phones, and Samsung has emerged as the main competitor of Apple in mobile handsets. Apple Swot Analysis., Pest analysis, market analysis, market segmentation,positioning strategy. Apple Inc. is perceived to defy the law of marketing and employ a rather unique marketing strategy where the company’s products are made to suit different end users’ specifications. The average age of an Apple customer is 35-44. Apple is a multinational technology company that is among the strongest and most influential representatives of the industry. Segmentation targeting and positioning of the brand There are three major segments which Apple targets. One of the things that Apple did was – i)switching to Intel microprocessors - which was a market leader in microprocessors. Market Segmentation Of Apple Company; Market Segmentation Of Apple Company. Strategies of Apple, Inc. Market segmentation strategy involves dividing the market into groups, where individuals have similar needs and wants for services and products. The market segmentation of apples includes demographical bases, geographical bases, behavior bases and psychographic bases. So, the target market of Apple Inc, is undoubtedly conserved in close to standard to high payroll individuals. The report illustrates the application of the major analytical strategic frameworks in business studies such as SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain analysis, Ansoff Matrix and McKinsey 7S Model on Apple. Segmentation involves dividing population into groups according to certain characteristics, whereas targeting implies choosing specific groups identified as a result of segmentation to sell products. The market segmentation includes: Demographical bases. Market segmentation is the process of dividing a broad consumer or business market, normally consisting of existing and potential customers, into sub-groups of consumers (known as segments) based on some type of shared characteristics. Apple’s share in the Chinese smartphone market 2015 Online audience distribution of in GB 2020, by age group Apple iPhone U.S. users by device family 2014-2016 The report will provide a SWOT analysis of Apple Inc. Its include strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Tablets we yet again a great product for Apple and they have continued to release additional generations of the iPad since. In this report, it aims to analyze and evaluate the market segmentation of Apple iPhone 4S. The Company manufactures the Apple LED Cinema Display™ and Thunderbolt Display. It’s in the business of different kinds of technologically advanced consumer electrical products.. Apple segment its customer base based on the combination of segmentation strategies, it uses Behavioral, demographic & … This has ensured that the company has been able to continually develop highly advanced products surpassing the capabilities of the competition. The Trends of Apple’s Target Market Demographics Men outnumber women on a 2:1 basis when it comes to purchasing Apple products. • Geographic Segmentation: The retail stores of Apple are located in the highly populated cities around the world. Question: What are the strategies and marketing tools that Apple utilised in order First of all, based on the theory of means end chain, the product is analyzed through product attributes, consequences of use and personal values. Samsung competitor has Apple, Sony, Xiaomi, LG, HTC, Nokia, Microsoft, Motorola. The demographic market segmentation of Apple is successful in that the company develops products based on lifecycle, age, and occupation of the customers. Apple segmentation, targeting and positioning represents the core of its marketing efforts. With the success of the iPhones, there is a correlated growth in the app market and the Mac computers sales. Building on innovative products, a loyal customer base, and an innovative business model established on integration and synergies that the competition could not easily reproduce, Apple is considered as the world’s largest technology company by revenue and total assets and became the first U.S. company to be valued at over $700 billion. The company target market will be teenagers, businessman/woman and young working adults. Title Page Student Name: Tural Aliyev Course name: Marketing Management Course code: MCO104 Assessment type: Report Report title: Apple company Abstract The goal of my report is to realize how the market segmentation works in the real universe. 2.0 Industry Analysis Geographical bases. Apple not only offers a variety of mobile communication, media devices and portable digital music players but they provide a variety of related software, services, networking solutions, In 2010 the iPad was released giving consumers another great innovation with the creation of a tablet. Apple - Target Market, Segmentation Essay 763 Words4 Pages Apple conducts all sorts of research to determine and identify their specific target markets to assist them in their marketing strategies to promote their wide range of products. Many companies fail by being unwilling to make … Common set of characteristics shared by Apple target customer segment include appreciating design, quality and performance of technology products and services over their prices. Or to put it another way, market segmentation is the division of a mass market into identifiable and distinct groups or It designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. Apple segmentation, targeting and positioning is illustrated in table below. The headquarters of Apple is located in Cupertino, California and it designs, manufactures and sells consumer electronics, computer software as well as personal computers. Apple Inc., an American multinational corporation was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 197. On August 9, 2011 Apple became the world’s most valuable publicly traded company, and to this day still remains the world most valuable company.

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