novena for protection from enemies

ST. Do whatever pray whatever you want ! We pray to you St.Peregrine too end Cancer Forever ! Get Novena prayers delivered to your inbox! Please God protect and shield him from his enemies, the devil, all sin, every diseases, sicknesses, accidents, anxieties, depression, bad news, bad decisions, fears, woes, death, spiritual warfares, natural disasters, Coronavirus, influenzas, and calamities. Protect us from our enemies and from Thy just judgment. For answering all my Prayers and delivering me from dangerous pitfalls, toils and the snares of the devil, my enemies. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.” Amen. Biopsy results, which I asked for benign never happened and I dreaded the call today and got malignant invasive cancer results, so intervene and show your miracle for me Jesus today, Amen. We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Please intercede for her to have full recovery of all her nerves that were effective/damaged in the process of her second knee surgery on her meniscus. BLESS THEM TO BEGIN THEIR LIFE TOGETHER IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT ANYMORE DELAYS AND HINDERANCES. Lord Almighty, Eternal Father l entrust into Your loving care and hands all Your clergies, Pope; Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict, Cardinals, Monsignors, Archbishops, Bishops, Fathers, Deacons, priests, nuns, friars, the Franciscan, Dominicans, Marian, Claretian brothers and sisters, monks, Seminarians, all Your Holy Catholic and Apostolic churches, EWTN and Staff, Sister Michael, and all the Sisters, all church members, the Laities, all prayer warriors, the sick, my mother Margaret, CO, SA, Gloria, GA, the dying, the forgotten, the marginalized, the destitute, the barren, expectant mothers, unborn babies, children, parents, the old and elderly, the young, the poor, the orphan, the widow and the widower, the vulnerable, the prisoners, the innocent, the persecuted ones for Your sake, atheist, agnostics, all hardened souls, those that blasphemes against You, the lonely, blind, mute, deaf, crippled and the maimed, the homeless, addicted, abused, the refugees and the migrants, unemployed, the weary travelers, those in mourning, especially my cousin Kojo and her family, Liz, Aggie, Eunice, Donna, Fr. If Padre Pio could pray for his dead uncle, I can pray for all. We pray for our enemies and those who oppose us. “There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.” Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima, So tomorrow begins our 54 Day Rosary Novena. I Praise You my God. I Praise and Magnify Your Holy Name Lord Jesus my Savior. Lord Jesus Christ, with faith in Thy merits, I invoke your most Holy Blood and spill over us and our families. Jesus we Trust in You. All I want to say to You God every moment and every second of my life is THANK YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD JESUS CHRIST for bringing me through the surgery and CURING ME. I adore Thee my Lord. PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 08:13PM bypor Marguerite Franceski, PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 08:18PM bypor Stephanie Holtz. Please Jesus have pity and mercy on me and grant my heart desires according to Your Holy Will. I Thank You God for healing all my sufferings; my stomach ailments and all my discomforts for Your Glory and my Salvation. In our app you will have access to the most beautiful and powerful prayers of St. Michael the Archangel and the protection they offer you. 2). And God, with His Divine Mercy and great power, is my defender against the evils and persecutions of my enemies. Novena to the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus please forgive all our sins, cleanse our hearts and fill us with Your HOLY SPIRIT, Encircle us with Your Holy Ghost Fire, Wash us with Your PRECIOUS, ROSY BLOOD from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. Posted Enviado April 30 2020 at 03:57PM by por Betty … Opinions are those of the respective authors only. Crush the plans of the enemy under your heal and obtain from your Divine Son an election according to His Holy Will. For a TRUMP 2020 victory, for a merry Christmas, for peace safety and security and mercy in our homes and the world, for my personal intentions and yours, for those of the blessed mother; For God to deal swiftly with our enemies and, as you Promise to Do Jesus, be an enemy to my enemies and yours. Please God, continue to guard and guide him in all his doings, goings and comings and in everything he does. Ye Angels and Saints please Entreat God’s favor to hear my constant, persistent silent cries and continue coming to my aid. I think you will remember my husband died fire years ago in this coming December. May the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary TRIUMPH and REIGN! Very timely in this time of persecution of the faithful. I HOPE IT HAS IMPROVED AND NOT SPREAD TO OTHER ORGANS. I Thank You Father, l praise You Lord Jesus Christ for his … Joseph. Praise Your Holy, Glorious Name. Dear Lord, the Uganda Martyrs were willing to give their lives as witness of their faith in You. Looking forward to the next Novena! Prayer For Work Power Of Prayer Prayer Against The Enemy Prayer For Enemies Spiritual Warfare Prayers Spiritual Attack Prayer For Protection Christian Prayers In God We Trust. Lord please listen to all the prayers and the needs of all those who are calling upon Your Holy Name with their Daily Novena prayer requests including me Edith Your poor, wretched servant. Count me in. Statue the rosary and my prayers with confidence. Please Lord accept my Thanks and Praises for l place all my Trust in You Jesus. PEREGRINE beg Your God and My God to Forgive us our sins, to help us and heal us of our afflictions; spiritually, physically and emotionally. I Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for answering all my prayers and rendering me normal results on all my medical tests for Your Glory and my Salvation. Thank You Father. Mine were gifts from my son. Fill us with Your Love, Mercy, forgiveness, good health, strength, Victory, perseverance, wisdom, prudence, knowledge, kindness, charity, purity, humility, humanity, meekness, patience, endurance and compassion for all others. Here’s Day 9 of the St. Please continue to pray and Entreat God’s Favor, strength, God’s corporal and spiritual healing miracles and blessings for me, my son, mother, siblings, family and friends. Thank you to John-Paul and Annie for making these Novenas available. I began the same day with The Fatima Crusader started by Father Gruner but will pray ithe rosary for the intentions if Our Lady of Good Success as well as I just redound your address after so many years. Thy Will be done. Thank you for all that you do! Now what do I ask st Peregrine? I Thank You Lord Jesus for You are worthy to be Praise. Look down in pity on all those who I term ‘enemies’ and give me the grace to show them the love of Christ in my actions and attitudes towards them. I will “NEVER” FORGET YOU ! Thank You Jesus for allowing me to gain some weight. Please God do not fail her. Amen PEREGRINE please Entreat Your God and my Lord’s favor on my behalf and my son Christopher, mother Margaret, my brothers Paa, Edwin, Fred, Mike,JB, Eben, JB jnr, Joyce, Naomi, Elizabeth and their families. O God I am so Grateful to You that My soul is so satisfied in You. I will exalt Thy Blessed Holy Name, I will testify to All Nations for what you Lord have done for me. l invoke your names to please Entreat God’s favor on my behalf to forgive my sins, to have mercy and pity on me and to please accept my constant, unceasingly, daily Thanks and Praises. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM TO COMMIT TO HER SO HE FEELS IN HIS HEART AND SOUL THAT SHE IS “THE ONE” FOR HIM AND HE WANTS TO SETTLE DOWN WITH HER FOREVER. Of Fatima, O.M. Peregrine, Thank you for a glimpse of hope at my daughter’s neurologist appointment today. I beg You. Thank You my Jesus. I am striving to do your Holy Will for Your glory. For healing my mother from all her illnesses and delivering her from death. O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. Mother help us all. PEREGRINE FOR YOUR INTERCEPTION She is happily accompanied by O.L. Please God bless him with good health, longevity and Your Amazing Grace. I am praying that he will be cured of Cancer & Blood Clots. This is the most complete and beautiful app dedicated exclusively to St. Michael The Archangel, with his prayers, Chaplet and novena. PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 10:16PM bypor Selma, PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 10:41PM bypor Carole Rieger, PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 11:16PM bypor Sal Biscotto, PostedEnviado May 01 2020 at 12:39AM bypor ETHELYN, PostedEnviado May 01 2020 at 02:00AM bypor Patriciap, for a vaccine to cure covid 19 and to bring all the lost lambs back to the church, PostedEnviado May 01 2020 at 02:01AM bypor Frances Gallagher, PostedEnviado May 01 2020 at 03:26AM bypor Helen Gogarty, PostedEnviado May 01 2020 at 04:53AM bypor Dwight Arnott, PostedEnviado May 01 2020 at 08:10AM bypor Paula Devlin. I Thank You SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Praise God. Please Lord Jesus, continue to heal her eye and body with your Precious Blood from your wound and water from your side for by your Stripes we are all healed. 31 prayer points for protection against enemies. At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. I HAVE A PET SCAN ON FEB4TH. Alleluia I Thank You Father, l praise You Lord Jesus Christ for his life and all that You have done and still doing for him. Of Perpetual Help, and other shrines of our Mother. l give myself to You. Please God protect and shield him from his enemies, the devil, all sin, every diseases, sicknesses, accidents, anxieties, depression, bad news, bad decisions, fears, woes, death, spiritual warfares, natural disasters, Coronavirus, influenzas, and calamities. It … PostedEnviado May 01 2020 at 06:40PM bypor Susan V. Spear. St.Peregrine, you are the Bomb !! I will call upon Thy Holy Name to Glorify Thee. For ES, that she may win her battle with lung cancer and enjoy restored health. In Jesus’s name I beg and trust our Lord. Please God lock my son Christopher’s heart to Yours and keep him safe beneath Your loving protective, wings. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. You are a Good God that never fails on Your Word and Promises. Please Lord do not take Your HOLY SPIRIT away from me. PostedEnviado May 31 2020 at 10:55PM bypor Ruth. Oh God I am so Grateful to you For giving me another chance in life for Your Glory; For allowing me a place in the land of the living. , Dear St. NOVENA FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE UNBORN. THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST MY LORD FOR YOUR HEALING MERCIES. My Sovereign God. How are all your family now as I remember one of them had some health challenges? Amen I lay her recovery in our Great Lord through your interception. Peregrine Novena! Dear St. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick. God Bless. 4) Let the angel of destruction … Fr. Please Father, do not allow my enemies, the devil, satan the evil spirit to defeat, shame, gloat or laugh at me. My currrnt parish is small but we recently ordered more books from Marion. I trust and believe in Your WORD that by your Stripes l am healed and You O God HEALED me. My Praise Report and Persistent, Persevering Daily Prayer Request to My Almighty Heavenly Father My Lord, SACRED HEART OF JESUS CHRIST THE KING, THE RISEN GOD, HOLY SPIRIT, THE PARACLETE, BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UNDOER OF KNOTS, ST. JOSEPH, ST. Please God, Guide, guard, defend, direct, protect and deliver me from all evil, bad dreams, night terrors and sicknesses. God Bless Everyone and give the good death. PEREGRINE, St Anthony, ST. JUDE, ST. ANNE, St Bernadette, St Benedict, St Faustina, St Teresa of Avila, ST. MARIA GORETTI, St. Margaret, St Thomas, St. Francis, ST. PADRE PIO, St Michael the Archangel, St. Gabriel, St Raphael, St. Uriel, St Therese De Lisieux, St. Agatha, St. Lucy, St. Catherine Laboure, ST. MONICA, St. Veronica, St. Gerard, and All Ye Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints for interceding on my behalf to the Almighty God. “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. I Thank You Lord God Almighty that My Soul is so Satisfied in You. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. PostedEnviado May 03 2020 at 10:34PM bypor Sagaya, PostedEnviado May 05 2020 at 02:31AM bypor Marianne Fox, I will join the 54 day Rosary Please grant me protection during this novena as I have been under some misfortunatr circumstances for some time now. Peregrine, I know You will take care of me and make a way for me. PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 08:25PM bypor Rey Reyes, I will be a part of the daily praying of the rosary, PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 09:29PM bypor Ernest, PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 09:43PM bypor Brian Wheeler. AMEN……….. Please Lord accept my daily conversation with You. I Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for hearing me and taking care of me in Your mercy and answering me for Your Glory. Virtue and integrity be my protection, for my hope, Yahweh, is in you. Dio, Praise Be Jesus and Mary ❤❤❤❤. Amen More … With the help of the Holy Spirit, may all people learn to work together for that justice which brings true … Here are five prayers you can use when you feel like Satan or his demons are attacking you. Your children and I are yearning and pining for You like a dry, patchy land thirsting for Water. St. A Novena is nine consecutive days of prayer for a special intention, and may be prayed privately or with others. Righteous Father God in heaven, I know that there is a dark force out there that is opposed to You and to me. for the sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Received good news on 7th day of Novena. PEREGRINE, ST. JUDE, ST. ANNE, ST. MONICA, HOLY MOTHER MARY, UNDOER OF KNOTS, please undo the snarls of knots in my life. Jesus, Thou art a King of Mercy. For all those in my online faith family who have asked for healing prayers for themselves or loved ones who are battling cancer. I am living witness. All Ye Holy Angels and Saints please join me in Thanking and Praising God. 40 days novena prayer for the dead Thank you. My results is invasive cancer !! Unless you guard me and rescue me I shall be put to shame, for You are my refuge. Prayer of Thanksgiving to be said before each Our Father: Be at peace, pray always, I pray my Rosary everyday in reparation for blasphemies outrages and indifferences by which Our Lady is offended. WE LOVE AND TRUST YOU. Glory be Thine. Please God direct my paths to Your Ways so as to Serve You. THANK YOU BLESSED ST. PRAISE GOD! PEREGRINE, ST. MONICA, ST. RITA, St. Jude, ST. ANNE, Blessed ST. PADRE PIO, All Ye Holy Angels and Saints. PostedEnviado April 30 2020 at 09:56PM bypor Shannon. Protect our loved ones from them as well, and may they meet the same … Please ST. Please God give us Restful nights. Please God, in your mercy grant her your Supreme healing miracles, protection, strength and good health for unto You she daily lament. I am Thankful to You. We pray for all on this Novena. Posted Enviado April 30 2020 at 03:37PM by por Iveliz Ahumada. Please God the World needs You. PostedEnviado May 23 2020 at 10:54PM bypor Tony & Eileen Harding. I need you desperately God. Create in me a Clean Heart O God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me. 22 nd. Please God grant us all a piece of Your Kingdom. Please Jesus direct his ways and lead him to the path that You Lord have laid down for him to do Your work for Your Glory and for his Salvation. Please God forgive her sins and deliver her soul from the devil’s grip, satan her enemy, the evil spirit and from death of her soul. He was told that the Cancer is stable. Do to others as … Please God deliver him from the devil, and protect and guide him with his job, finances and in all his endeavors. Thank you! DEAR ST PEREGRINE IN JESUS NAME PLEASE BLESS CHRIS L TO BEGIN CONVERSING WITH RIMPY VIA TEXT AND CALL AND FOR HIM TO BEGIN SEEING HER IN PERSON MORE AND MORE. I ASKN GODS HELP FOR A MIRACLE. Everyone that digs a pit for me shall fall into it in Jesus name . Judy … Thank you God! And as long as You are … LET HIM NOT BE INTIMIDATED BY HER RATHER LET FEEL SAFE, SECURE AND FEEL GODS PRESENCE AROUND AND WITH HER. I pray for healing and conversion for my husband, children and myself. We are confident in our infinite security. 3). Ransom Israel, O God, from all its troubles. Kathleen I have not had news from you for so long and miss your insights you always wrote about. I also thank You for All Your Blessings to me, to my son and my family and for allowing me to receive all benefits to achieve my fulfillments for my crown of Glory. Please God forgive my sins and hear my cries in my Humility. Please God put satan under my feet and make satan my Footstool. Praise the Lord O my soul. Let our enemies fall into their self made traps, nets, snares, pits that they have dug for me and my family and let them fall way down to the bottom of that infernal abyss whiles me and my family escape unharmed. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. I am pleading with You Jesus. l Know, l Believe and l have Faith in You my Lord Jesus that You do Miracles, the Impossible for me. Lord please be in our midst on this earth and where there is sickness, despair, brokenness, emptiness, loneliness, sadness, weakness, sorrow, suffering, war, Disasters of nature and Calamities of CORONAVIRUS & Influenzas , grant us your Peace, protection, grace, deliverance, healing mercies and Devine mercy. Thank you God. Praises be unto Thee. I Thank You God for his life and all Your healing mercies, benefits, fulfillments and Blessings to Him. Praise Your Holy Name Father. I lost so much weight after the surgery but You God know all that already. Leonard’s father who joined You in Heaven recently, all CORONAVIRUS victims and all Religious clergies. You made me an instrument of Your Devine, Supreme Healing Miracle. I need Your Healing Hands on me right now Jesus. Please Lord, Fortify and Purify my Charity, Increase my Faith,Trust, Believe and Hope in You Master. Thank you for the healing of all who are suffering from cancer. I’m happy to report a friend came back after her surgery,.. Blessed Angels and Saints please do not leave God’s side until God hears Your prayers on my behalf. We started our novena I will join you in the 54 day Novena. THANK YOU. Amen. PROTECTION FROM ENEMIES PRAYER (Against Evil). AMEN . Thank You God for heeding my sighs and moaning. Please help my son Anthony Peter. Thank you very much. You can use them as protection against enemies, since these prayers basically repel bad energy, returning its evil energies towards the one who sent them. You are the Sovereign Lord who holds the entire universe in your hands, may I find peace in the security … Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you because you will never leave me or forsake me. I Thank You Lord for Guiding, guarding and protecting him all the time in all his doings, goings and comings, for Your traveling mercies and bringing him back home always and safely under Your protective watchful eyes and care. Article by What Christians Want To Know. ❤️❤️, *SPECIAL INTENTIONS* lord have mercy * thank you lord for these answered prayers * your child, I Love You Father, my Sovereign God, my Master. on May 1st. Remind me that I can trust you to protect me and my loved ones at all times. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME JESUS. ALL YE HOLY ANGELS AND SAINTS I implore your aid, intercession, grace, discernment, and providence into my soul and for my intentions listed here in my daily, pleading petitions for myself, son Christopher, mother Margaret, siblings especially Paa, Edwin, Fred, Michael,JB, Eben, JB Snr, Naomi, Elizabeth, Joyce, all my relatives, friends, loved ones, the sick and the suffering to whom this Daily Novena is intended for and the whole world. I place in you all my interests and desires. Heal us with Your Stripes. Please continue to protect me for my upcoming cat scan test and please intercede for God’s good report. Thank you! Sanctify my Soul for in You Lord do l take refuge and wait. Lord Jesus my God. Please Lord Bless and guide me at all times and please do not leave my side as l strive to do Your Holy Will. Each morning I pray in front of my beautiful O.M. St. I Thank You HOLY SPIRIT. Jesus please make him obedient to Your Precepts.

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