proteus mirabilis antibiotic resistance

These isolates produced simultaneously CTX-M-1-like enzymes, TEM-ESBL (3/3) and SHV-ESBL (2/3) (Pavez et al., 2019). Anti Infect. The frequency of antibiotic resistance of the 40Proteus mirabilis isolates was determined Table (4). These plasmid-encoded enzymes belong to the functional group 2c as they hydrolyze benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, and carbenicillin (Bush and Jacoby, 2010). These enzymes are classified into five major phylogenic groups: CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2, CTX-M-8, CTX-M-9, and CTX-M-25 (Bonnet, 2004). The blaTEM–52 gene is located either on the chromosomal (Tonkic et al., 2010), or on plasmids (Sardelić et al., 2010) whereas blaTEM–3, blaTEM–24, and blaTEM–66 are carried by large plasmids (de Champs et al., 2000). In this study, although ESBL-producers were mostly found in E. coli (49.5%) and K. pneumoniae (40.1%), they represented 5.2% of P. mirabilis isolates (Castanheira et al., 2015). Front. R. Soc. In P. mirabilis, the blaVEB–1 gene was first described in Korea (Kim et al., 2004), on a non-transferable genetic support and in Greece in 2010 (Papagiannitsis et al., 2012) on a conjugative 120 kb plasmid (IncA/C2) carrying also blaVIM–1, blaOXA–10 and blaTEM–1 genes. Agents Chemother. Considering the presence of transfer elements and the relatively low hydrolytic activity toward carbapenems conferred by this enzyme, it is feared that the blaOXA–23 genes have already silently disseminated among Enterobacterales, especially in Proteus spp. In two recent studies using the revised breakpoints, low rates of susceptibility to imipenem in P. mirabilis (9% and 26.5%) were noted [ 15, 16 ]. More than 66 variants have been described (Naas et al., 2017) (BLDB1, last accessed 12/12/19) that can be divided in three distinct sub-families VIM-1-like (31 variants), VIM-2-like (33 variants; 90% AA sequence identity with VIM-1) and VIM-7-like (2 variants; 80% AA sequence identity with VIM-1). Diagn. 79, 463–467. Agents Chemother. doi: 10.1128/aac.45.4.1151-1161.2001, Yokoyama, K., Doi, Y., Yamane, K., Kurokawa, H., Shibata, N., Shibayama, K., et al. 11, 395–401. (2016) recently reported that the prevalence of CTX-M-2 and CTX-M-14-producing P. mirabilis in a Japanese hospital between 2013 and 2014 was 11.1% of the P. mirabilis isolates versus 11.5% of E. coli, and 6.2% of K. pneumoniae isolates. There are certain antibiotic drugs that proteus mirabilis has developed resistance to such as ampicillin. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00753-08, Villar, H. (1997). Mobile gene cassettes and integrons: capture and spread of genes by site-specific recombination. The antibiotic susceptibility panel of VEB-1-producing P. mirabilis strains shows an unusual synergy between cefoxitin and cefuroxime (Naas et al., 2000). Survey of multidrug resistance integrative mobilizable elements SGI1 and PGI1 in Proteus mirabilis in humans and dogs in France, 2010-13. Prevalence of beta-lactamases among 1,072 clinical strains of Proteus mirabilis: a 2-year survey in a French hospital. (2005) showed the high prevalence of DHA-1-producing Enterobacterales in one hospital in Korea. Jpn. Antimicrob. Carattoli (2009) have developed a molecular typing scheme using PCR amplification to discriminate the different families of plasmids circulating among Enterobacterales, such as IncHI2, HI1, I1-γ, X, L/M, N, FIA, FIB, FIC, W, Y, P, A/C, T, K, B/O. RESULTS: P. mirabilis 18306 showed the typical multidrug resistance phenotype of SGI1 as it was resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, … (2012). Mobilization of the blaCMY–2 gene by integrative and conjugative islands (ICE) has also been described in Asia (Li et al., 2016), Spain (Mata et al., 2011), and France (Aberkane et al., 2016), in Proteus isolates from humans (Harada et al., 2010) or from livestock, wild animals and pets. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087801, Hall, R. M., and Collis, C. M. (1995). Biol. An IMP-27-producing P. mirabilis was also identified in the United States in a soil sample in a pig farm in 2015 (Mollenkopf et al., 2017). Microbiol. Microbiol. Rods of the Proteus genus are commonly isolated from patients, especially from the urinary tracts of the catheterised patients. In Japan, CTX-M-2-producing P. mirabilis isolates are extremely prevalent (Nakama et al., 2016), but also those producing the variants CTX-M-10 and CTX-M-14 (Nakama et al., 2016). doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00607-16, Dirksen, M. S., Wintermans, R. G., Boerema, J. Antimicrob. Antimicrob. 53, 465–475. First report of blaOXA-24 carbapenemase gene, armA methyltransferase and aac(6’)-Ib-cr among multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Proteus mirabilis in Algeria. doi: 10.1128/jcm.42.11.5256-5263.2004, Nordmann, P., and Naas, T. (1994). (2014). 2, 322–326. Methods: P. mirabilis 18306 was isolated in March … marcescens(P<0.0001) andP. Production of ACC-1 is particularly suspected in isolates that are resistant to ceftazidime, without any synergy in the presence of clavulanate, together with full susceptibility to cefoxitin (in fact cefoxitin behaves as an inhibitor) and of decreased susceptibility to cefpirome (Girlich et al., 2000a) (Figure 1). Fursova, N. K., Astashkin, E. I., Knyazeva, A. I., Kartsev, N. N., Leonova, E. S., Ershova, O. N., et al. 39, 85–87. harboring plasmids with the qnrD genes disseminate worldwide such as, in China (Zhang et al., 2013), Argentina (2014) (Albornoz et al., 2014), Nigeria (Ogbolu et al., 2011), Italy (Mazzariol et al., 2012), France (Guillard et al., 2014) and Poland with P. vulgaris (Mokracka et al., 2012). Antimicrobial Resistance Antibiogram Enterococcus faecalis ... Proteus mirabilis. The blaVIM genes are generally inserted into class 1 integrons that are themselves located on plasmids of IncN or IncFI/FII groups, or integrated into the chromosome (Mojica et al., 2016). 54, 1144–1147. (2019). and 7-8% to cefuroxime or fluoroquinolone resistant. View all B., and Gimbrère, J. S. (1986). It contains the genes encoding a transposase and a resolvase and two ISs, ISKpn6 and ISKpn7 (Naas et al., 2008) or ISKpn6-like and ISKpn8 (Shen et al., 2009). 45, 537–539. Thomson, K. S., Weber, D. A., Sanders, C. C., and Sanders, W. E. (1990). 59, 3509–3517. In 2002–2006, TEM-type ESBLs were supplanted by CTX-Ms in 85, 71, and 43% of E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. mirabilis positive ESBL strains, respectively (Jones et al., 2009). PLoS One 9:e87801. Surprisingly, Proteus spp. Plasmid-mediated extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (CTX-M-3 like) from India and gene association with insertion sequence ISEcp1. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2010.08.019. Nosocomial infection and characterization of extended-spectrum β-lactamases-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Northeast Brazil. 63:e02655-18. OXA-23 has since been widely detected, always in Acinetobacter isolates, until 2002, when Bonnet et al. In Hong Kong, for example, the emergence of ESBL-producing P. mirabilis strains was monitored in a hospital by Ho et al. doi: 10.1128/aac.50.1.178-184.2006, Wang, M., Guo, Q., Xu, X., Wang, X., Ye, X., Wu, S., et al. The blaVEB–1 gene was located within a class 1 integron preceded by IS1999 and with gene cassettes aadB, arr2, cmlA5, blaOXA–10, and aadA1, a truncated 3′CS at the sulI gene, and having integrated additional cmlA9-tetR (G) -tetA (G) genes associated with the ISCR6 insertion sequence (Papagiannitsis et al., 2012). contains six species: P. mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus penneri, Proteus cibarius, Proteus terrae and Proteus hauseri, and three genomospecies 4, 5, and 6 (O’Hara et al., 2000). Acinetobacter radioresistens as a silent source of carbapenem resistance for Acinetobacter spp. & Enterobacter spp. doi: 10.1016/j.jiac.2016.12.013, Osano, E., Arakawa, Y., Wacharotayankun, R., Ohta, M., Horii, T., Ito, H., et al. Antimicrob. The prevalence of ESBL-producing P. mirabilis isolates has increased steadily in Japan to a dramatically high level from 2000 to 2004 (46.2%) (Nakano et al., 2012), much higher than in France (6.9%) (Chanal et al., 2000) or in the United States (9.5%) (Saurina et al., 2000). The success of the epidemic PER-1-producing P. mirabilis isolate in the study by Pagani et al. Clin. Harada et al. Microb. Zabel, M. D., Bunch, P. K., and Clark, D. P. (2000). Emergence of Proteus mirabilis carrying the bla metallo-beta-lactamase gene. The aim of this study was to investigate the association among biofilm formation, virulence gene expression, and antibiotic resistance in P. mirabilis isolates collected from diarrhetic animals (n = 176) in northeast China between September 2014 and October 2016. 38, 71–78. Basic Microbiol. CTX-M-1 has been initially characterized by a better hydrolysis of cefotaxime than ceftazidime (Bauernfeind et al., 1996a). Agents Chemother. 2,3 The former are generally plasmid-borne and the latter are found on transposon Tn 7 mainly inserted into … Manoharan, A., Sugumar, M., Kumar, A., Jose, H., Mathai, D., Khilnani, G. C., et al. Genetic structures at the origin of acquisition of the beta-lactamase blaKPC gene. Antimicrob. Antimicrob. As for ESBL, ampC and carbapenemase genes, resistance genes to other antibiotic families such quinolones (qnr, aac6’Ib) and to aminoglycosides (APH, AAC, AAD, methylases) are more and more frequently identified in P. mirabilis. (2006). Biomed Res. Chemother. The aim of this study was to compare the antibiotic resistance of 141 clinical (Sweden and Poland) and 42 laboratory (Czech Republic) P. mirabilis …

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