quotes about judges

How long will it be before the cry goes up: Let's kill all the judges? It pardons shortcomings, it consoles failure. How diligently they read them! Supreme Court nominees should know that this exercise of judicial restraint is the key ingredient of being good judge, as the Constitution constrains judges every bit as much as it constrains we legislators, executives and citizens in their actions. I don't like bonuses for public services employees who do great jobs, like prosecutors or judges. Let judges secretly despair of justice: their verdicts will be more acute. There should be many judges, for few will always do the will of few. Law is equal for everyone, except for them. A man is morally free when, in full possession of his living humanity, he judges the world, and judges other men, with uncompromising sincerity. 2. Frank Johnson was recognized as one of the great federal judges of American history, I suppose. Criminal court is where bad people are on their best behavior. Votes: 0, God judges men according to the use they make of the light which He gives them. Votes: 0, Absent scandal, a federal judge can serve for decades on the bench, underscoring the importance of appointing judges who have a proper understanding of their constitutional role. . "You, attorney Leon, gave me $15,000. Votes: 3 A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors. Votes: 0, Knowing that religion does not furnish grosser bigots than law, I expect little from old judges. “Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge.” Anonymous. Judges have to have the humility to recognize that they operate within a system of precedent, shaped by other judges equally striving to live up to the judicial oath. “Never judge someone's character based on the words of another. Judges, as a class, display, in the matter of arranging alimony, that reckless generosity which is found only in men who are giving away someone else's cash. All civil states, with their officers of justice, in their respective constitutions and administrations, are proved essentially civil, and therefore not judges, governors, or defenders of the spiritual, or Christian, state and worship. “— Herr domare, gör med mej vad ni vill! Votes: 0, God judges what we give by what we keep. 13 So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. Judges are not politicians. Irritable Judges suffer from a bad case of premature adjudication. All judges have cases that touch our passions deeply, but we all struggle constantly with remaining impartial. He that judges without informing himself to the utmost that he is capable, cannot acquit himself of judging amiss. They largely protected civil servants’ turf from party intrusion and left their professional identity intact. The greatness of common sense, and its title to reverence, appear in this, that it deals with vast complexity, that is, with the innumerable elements of a situation. These quotes about not judging others will bring you the encouragement and inspiration you need to stop yourself from being so quick to make assumptions. “Some Christian lawyers—some eminent and stupid judges—have said and still say, that the Ten Commandments are the foundation of all law. We must give our advice . would be . There is a difference between constitutional government and judicial dictatorship. Today you are on the top of your game and tomorrow a new face arrives and all eyes are on her. My judges preach against free love openly, practice it secretly. Votes: 0, Marriage has been defined by every legislature that has ever sat in the United States from every State, now 50 States, the same way, but now we have unelected judges altering and changing that fundamental institution. Votes: 0, Let judges secretly despair of justice: their verdicts will be more acute. For the first half of this century, High Court judges have been cautious to the point of timidity in expressing any criticism of governmental action; the independence of the judiciary has been of a decidedly subordinate character. The California constitution provides that our judges are elected, not appointed. Today in Saudi, women are either at the mercy of their husbands or at the mercy of judges who tend to side with the husbands. Explore 140 Judiciary Quotes by authors including Caroline Kennedy, Walter Cronkite, and Brett Kavanaugh at BrainyQuote. Votes: 3, Judges were not the biggest issue for most voters in Georgia in 2002. Votes: 0, ... censorship often boils down to some male judges getting to read a lot of dirty books--with one hand. Furthermore, the slaves cannot be put into a more wretched situation, ourselves being judges, and the community cannot take a more lively step to escape ruin, and obtain the smiles and protection of Heaven. Therefore if a law is unjust, and if the Judge judges according to the law, that is justice, even if it is not just. I believe that one day the world will judge the witch hunt against homosexuals just as harshly as it judges the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust. The Constitution empowers the people to resolve our day's most contentious issues. I go, undismay'd. They have, with others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. It's a picture of God's love that never fails even when we do. But acting like a Lawyer when they do.”, How to Argue & Win Every Time: At Home, At Work, In Court, Everywhere, Everyday, Revolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modern World, Born to Rebel: The Life of Harriet Boyd Hawes, The One Year Unlocking the Bible Devotional, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms, Operation Justice: To Make A Society That Needs No Law, Processen ; Anarkismen ; Vår nattliga badort ; Den dödsdömde. Famous quotes about U.S. constitution, freedom of speech, the role of government, and the role of press. We need judges who understand the subtleties of unfair treatment and who are willing to call it out when they see it! Judges are appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. They have no power of the purse. We must use a judicial, rather than a political, standard to evaluate [a nominee's] fitness for the Supreme Court. Judges should not. King old ladies assure us that cats are often the best judges of character. We seem to have overwhelming faith in judges. Eliminating Jews sometimes opened up career advancement. Judges are but men, and are swayed like other men by vehement prejudices. Senescent judges show how patriotic they are by passing out hard sentences for tearing up a draft card or following one's conscience according to the principles established by our country at the Nuremburg trials. The people would always re-elect the good judges. It has not been unknown that judges persist in error to avoid giving the appearance of weakness and vacillation. He said on important issues like this the people should make the decision, not judges. Judges were not the biggest issue for most voters in Georgia in 2002. What is it that makes us trust our judges? Justice will be served. “I don’t know where, or by whom, Judge Wapner was raised, but my parents taught me, when you don’t have something nice to say about someone, say nothing.” It’s so easy to judge others and have others judge us, but we can be wrong, so here are the top 14 Bible verses about judging people from Scripture. At the beginning of each administration, the two oldest Justices would automatically hand in their resignations, to take effect at the President's convenience. It happens every season. The hungry judges soon the sentence sign, and wretches hang that jurymen may dine. A judge's duty is to grant justice, but his practice is to delay it: even those judges who know their duty adhere to the general practice. God alone judges and knows us. . Excise: A hateful tax levied upon commodities, and adjudged not by the common judges of property, but wretches hired by those to whom excise is paid. Judges pretty much act independently once they get on the bench so I'm not really sure why Harper's concerned that the court is currently being stacked with a lot of Liberal appointments. A person that judges others will inevitably judge themselves harshly. “A person that judges others will inevitably judge themselves harshly. "Lawyers Are": The only civil delinquents whose judges must of necessity be chosen from (amongst) themselves. Very early on, Uncle Georg had told me the truth about teachers: that they were moral cowards who took out on their pupils all the frustrations they could not take out on their wives. .Treats incompetent or abusive parents as its clients, and only secondarily considers the needs and well-being of the children involved. Prosecutors know how to play the press. Judges must interpret and apply the law, not make the law. Knowing that religion does not furnish grosser bigots than law, I expect little from old judges. Votes: 0, False judges are held up in the world's admiration and I alone know the true ones. If one judges love by the majority of its effects, it is more like hatred than like friendship. Explore 401 Judges Quotes by authors including Alexander Pope, Honore de Balzac, and Sandra Day O'Connor at BrainyQuote. The decision of such judges as Claudius and his Senate is worth very little in the question of a man's innocence or guilt; but the sentence was that Seneca should be banished to the island of Corsica. A thinner line from the freedom and the foul judges, Votes: 2 Votes: 2 And the evolution will continue. They don't have troops to carry out orders. A true Christian does not judge whether a person is worthy of help, but only judges a need and how to best meet that need. I want judges on the Supreme Court who will respect the words and the meaning of the Constitution, the laws enacted by Congress and the laws enacted by state legislatures. Votes: 0, I also read modern novels - I have just had to read 60 as I am one of the judges for the Orange Fiction Prize. That in the soul which is called mind (by mind I mean that whereby the soul thinks and judges) is, before it thinks, not actually any real thing. Votes: 0, A man is morally free when, in full possession of his living humanity, he judges the world, and judges other men, with uncompromising sincerity. As a defense lawyer, he refused to condemn his clients. Votes: 0, All the Congress, all the accountants and tax lawyers, all the judges, and a convention of wizards all cannot tell for sure what the income tax law says. Votes: 0, No one in America fully understands the constantly changing Internal Revenue Code. It judges us. Their independence in office and manner of appointment. Votes: 3, Judges in Texas swing the gavel with one hand and take money with the other. Votes: 1 In a society that judges self-worth on productivity, it's no wonder we fall prey to the misconception that the more we do, the more we're worth. Quotes by… Topic Author Search Shareable Images. Are writers reporters, prophets, crazies, entertainers, preachers, judges, what? Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. The job of a judge is to apply the law. The objects of this primary education . ... censorship often boils down to some male judges getting to read a lot of dirty books--with one hand. Their taste is very important. Votes: 2, We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is, and the judiciary is the safeguard of our property and our liberty and our property under the Constitution. . It is people that make the law. He cannot be strict in judging, who does not wish others to be strict judges of himself. Having federal officials, whether judges, bureaucrats, or congressmen, impose a new definition of marriage on the people is an act of social engineering profoundly hostile to liberty. The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not commit adultery," and "Thou shalt not lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. We don't pay judges to think; we pay judges to rule on the law. It belongs to you. In short, to the spirits everything speaks. Who is Mike Judge? Votes: 0, History will look back, and I'm fully prepared to accept any mistakes that history judges to my administration, because the president makes the decisions, the president has to take the responsibility. It's not about nine superannuated judges who have been there too long, imposing these demands on society. But the mainstream is itself the problem. There is no separation of powers where the lawyers are concerned. He who busies himself with the sins of others, or judges his brother on suspicion, has not yet even begun to repent or to examine himself so as to discover his own sins. Their unchanged purpose is to show respect for opponents and the game. And taking the role of policy makers and legislators, rather than being judges. Votes: 0, All judges have cases that touch our passions deeply, but we all struggle constantly with remaining impartial. Judges (415 quotes) Judges ought to be more leaned than witty, more reverent than plausible, and more advised than confident. Their job is not to pass laws, implement regulations, nor to make policy. Votes: 3, There is in each of us a stream of tendency, whether you choose to call it philosophy or not, which gives coherence and direction to thought and action. The not-self cannot have the bad, meaning they of the government and the judges and the schools cannot allow the bad because they cannot allow the self. Share. “A few words mumbled by a judge, ain't going to ensure justice in the society, what will, is a genuine sense of responsibility towards the society in each one of us.”. They are humans. How would we ever agree with a lot of foreigners when we can't even agree among our own judges? . Well, c'mon, that's ridiculous. Judges . And ultimate truth, if, indeed, it exists, is rarely recognizable in the endless rows of long words that crowd page after page of most judicial regurgitations.”, “There was polite laughter in the courtroom. Your lives and your children's lives can change by all of these appellate court judges who will be appointed who will reinterpret laws, and things can change. The Constitution does not trust judges to make determinations of criminal guilt. Absent scandal, a federal judge can serve for decades on the bench, underscoring the importance of appointing judges who have a proper understanding of their constitutional role. Judging Others Sayings and Quotes. It is a trial within a nation but a trial of victors against the vanquished. It is neither, because it is all. It's become a Star Chamber. Votes: 0, The politics of judges is getting to be red hot. Votes: 0, The mind judges in order to love. He was a law-and-order judge. As practitioners, you need judges who 'get it!' An independent judiciary does not mean judges independent of the Constitution from which they derive their power or independent of the laws that they are sworn to uphold. It is the people, and not the judges, who are entitled to say what their constitution means, for the constitution is theirs, it belongs to them and not to their servants in office—any other theory is incompatible with the foundation principles of our government. Votes: 0, Because judges may not issue advisory opinions, judicial nominees may not do so either, especially on issues likely to come before the court. Judges are the weakest link in our system of justice, and they are also the most protected. “If you judge people you have no time to love them.” Mother Teresa. When they don't meet the population's needs, when they are not up to expectations, that leaves society free to pick other parties. Votes: 0, An independent judiciary does not mean judges independent of the Constitution from which they derive their power or independent of the laws that they are sworn to uphold. Let priests secretly despair of faith: their compassion will be true. The cross in place of the gallows: sublime and yet so simple.”, “We need to suggest the enemy within. Kings, rulers, CEOs, judges, doctors, pastors, they are already expected to be greater and wiser. In the same way, we do not hate the Turks, we love them, but in their country. But against the laws of nature, there is no appeal. Votes: 0, Everybody hates lawyers, but they don't realize judges are just lawyers with a promotion. Judges have no actual power of enforcement. That judges of important causes should hold office for life is a questionable thing, for the mind grows old as well as the body. Without the basis in written law, and without the basis in our Constitution ratified by the people, judges can't make laws. Votes: 0, All the judges are lawyers; they interpret and enforce our laws. Robotic correctness is the last thing judges want to see or hear. We have a peculiar idea of what we think we are, and sometimes it's best left to others to decide what we play. Umpires don't make the rules. There is no fear of judgment for the man who judges himself according to the Word of God. Look at the Chandra Levy case. . A re-elected President would then have four opportunities to appoint. Judges rule on the basis of law, not public opinion, and they should be totally indifferent to pressures of the times. Independent and impartial judges must assess the proper balance between protecting our liberties and protecting our national security. . Votes: 0, One judges an epoch as much by its Art as by its customs. That's what democracy is all about. Votes: 3, Judges are the weakest link in our system of justice, and they are also the most protected. Their unchanged purpose is to show respect for opponents and the game. [Louis] Brandeis is often painted as an acolyte of judicial restraint, or the view that judges should uphold laws whether or not they like them. NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY MOVIE. And that's not what any of us should want from our judges. I vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters. Time decorates them. A list of the best judgment and judges quotes and sayings, including the names of each speaker or author when available.This list is sorted by popularity, so only the most famous judgment and judges quotes are at the top. Votes: 2, You can't legislate into existence an act of forgiveness and a true confession; those are mysteries of the human heart, and they occur between one individual and another individual, not a panel of judges sitting asking questions, trying to test your truth. “The world judges you by the decisions you make: “... if one is to rely on human judges, it is very important that they never admit to error.”, “Unlike my brother, I had no respect for authority. Votes: 0, Any actor who judges his character is a fool - for every role you play you've got to absorb that character's motives and justifications. Votes: 0, All civil states, with their officers of justice, in their respective constitutions and administrations, are proved essentially civil, and therefore not judges, governors, or defenders of the spiritual, or Christian, state and worship. Judges are like umpires. Here the judges should not be independent of the people, but be appointed for not more than seven years. Every man judges his own happiness and satisfaction with life in terms of his possession or lack of possession of those things that he considers worthwhile and valuable. Economic transactions between national bodies who are at the same time the supreme judges of their own behavior, who bow to no superior law, and whose representatives cannot be bound by any considerations but the immediate interest of their respective nations, must end in clashes of power. If you want a significant man, with absolutes, morality, and meaning, then you must have what the Bible insists upon - that God will judge men justly, and they will not be able to raise their voices because of the base upon which He judges them. Votes: 0, The judges are a big problem. Votes: 0, No one ever judges their own self. Everybody is presumed to know the law except His Majesty's judges, who have a Court of Appeal set over them to put them right. Votes: 0, Ultimately, the courts will make the final judgment whether the White House has gone too far. Votes: 0, There is no dispute that judges need a pay raise. Juries want to f- young girls. She threww me in front of the judges, And my silly old collar-bone's bust. When the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge and delivered them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed and afflicted them. the verdict was for plaintiff or defendant, prosecutor or prisoner, Votes: 0, Set goals for things you can control. - Romans 14:12 Votes: 0, It is only with the best judges that the highest works of art would lose none of their honor by being seen in their rudiments. The founders were not a chosen people except in the old Australian joke that they were chosen by the best judges in England. One of those habits of mind is the habit of delaying reaching conclusions until everything has been considered. They know how to manipulate the political process. Educated men - "civilized," as Fourier used to say with disdain - tremble at the idea that society might some day be without judges, police, or gaolers. . Votes: 0, The marketplace judges technologies by their practical effectiveness, by whether they succeed or fail to do the job they are designed to do. Votes: 0, The Russian leaders are keen judges of human psychology, and as such they are highly conscious that loss of temper and of self-control is never a source of strength in political affairs. Arthur C. Clarke, I think I am a pretty good judge of character in general and try to surround myself with the best people I can. Samson’s vengeance on the Philistines. Votes: 0, Good judges develop certain habits of mind. It's much more dangerous for lawyers and judges in family court, where good people are at their worst. The marriage of convenience has this to recommend it: we are better judges of convenience than we are of love.

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