shrimp smells like rotten eggs

This totally sucks. It touches most of the marks, gluten-free, low carb, and other diets. The flock I had maybe 15 years ago were as close to free range as you could get and they still required some grain and a calcium supplement (plus grit for digestion) to be able to produce eggs without shortening their lives. However, when I make a quiche I experience no problems at all. its almost immediate. Those taste great! It would explain why I also had the same stomach problems when I eat fried shrimp which are very high in cholesterol. I’m Glad I’m not the only one who has noticed this about themselves. I’m so glad you found my post! I don’t think I’ll be touching eggs for a while now :/. Rarely will I have a problem with that, like boiled eggs. Required fields are marked *. I react to milk. ( no pesticides, hormones, mass production.,) (v.r.) SO helpful! It explains so much. I’m not a doctor though and know very little about allergy testing. Thank you. The same thing with the nausea and back pain, but it kicks in up to 30mins after I’ve eaten – then dependent on how much I’ve had, it’s exorcist vomiting and then I have to find somewhere to sleep (snooze time again dependent on volume of garlic consumed). The more I think of it, the more the age of the eggs makes sense to me. Hmm. I have recently began even having issues with homemade cookies and casseroles and that just makes me totally sad. The egg substitutes are just awful but if I buy local farm fresh eggs, I am fine! And within three or four hours, that sick feeling came back. So humans don't like the smell, but flies do! I’m going to try super fresh eggs someday when I can afford to be sick as a dog that night just in case… SA definitely doesn’t clean their eggs prior to packaging for selling in the store. This was super helpful to know that I’m not alone! Makes sense. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but many of you may have a genetic CBS snp that makes it difficult for you to process sulfur foods. Wow, I’m not alone! I’ll update the post! Wow….almost the same with me. And yes, egg or eggs for breakfast, usually poached. allergy? Funny, I realized that some egg dishes, fried especialy, gave me problems, but in baked goods they didn’t. At first I thought it was dairy period!! Doing an elimination diet I finally realized it was egg whites that were causing my symptoms. I don’t seem to remember having a problem until we moved three years ago from the US to South Africa, but I am also in my 40’s. The pain is caused by an “allergic reaction” from your gall bladder. :-) ps we need to start a FB help group on this ;-), Thx a ton!!! I came to the conclusion that I suffered from acute gastritis which has similar symptoms to the ones you have described. Since, all you need to do, is place the frozen shrimp in a bowl of cold water, they should be defrosted within a matter of minutes. Thanks for your post. The carton I have in my fridge now says “308” (just look for a 3-digit number without any letters or anything else). Maybe it’s what the chickens are eating, or maybe this farm gets its eggs to the store quickly. Anyhow, we eaten farm fresh eggs for years. No clue, but I will say that the eggs I’ve been buying that are supposedly from pastured chickens always have an expiration date further out than that – usually about 45 days or more. Not from older eggs either. are banned in Europe and other countries. You might be right about the last comment, at least for me. I’m so sorry to hear that, that all sounds awful. Today for the first time in month I ate my daughters left over runny eggs and poof! Glad to have found this! (I know NOTHING about chickens.). It’s easier for me to figure out what is affecting what. Same problem since my second child. My mum said even as a small child eggs made me a bit sick, maybe this was (and still is) why!! And I was fine!!! I can eat hard boiled eggs all day and it doesn’t bother me but for some reason eating even some dishes with scrambled eggs in them make my stomach hurt! Having issues in her 20’s. Make sure you never miss a single recipe! Being from Boston, my uncles were all fishermen. I will probably make it in the next couple of weeks, as we finish up Lent. I’m also now in my mid-30s and have always had “off” hormones so not sure if that’s part of the culprit. Did I have some kind of cancer? I noticed this for me as well! Great article. Straight from the hens, they can be kept on the counter and They’re fine. I did notice that if I add water to them, as in when I make an omelet, I don’t get sick. Oh man, that sucks! It took and hour but I got seriously ill..and have hit the bathroom! I bought this to try after reading how highly recommended it is from several different sources. The longer food, any food, lays around, the more histamines are produced. For me it’s brain fog, tired, and nausea. I would visit my parents on weekends. I tried a keto diet for 6 weeks, and had eggs on that, and still had problems, even though I wasn’t eating bread, pasta or rice. YAY! So why now? I can’t find anyone who experiences the same thing.. I stumbled upon this website because I am currently feeling nauseous after eating some eggs. Unfortunately that’s not the case with me. I’m fine with scrambled, fried and poached eggs. A bunch of things that I read said that for most people with an egg sensitivity, it’s usually the whites that are causing the problem. Not every egg tho which is weird! Well, back to the old drawing board! Was upset of all the allergies they said I do have when eggs was the reason I was there! Everything I read said that it was most common in kids, and that they usually outgrew it. I prefer scrambled, poached of soft boiled- have eaten hard boiled & sunny but not a fan. This isn’t the first time it has happened but because I haven’t eaten any eggs in a few weeks, I’ve come to realize that this sick feeling is most definitely associated with the eggs. Yes, I’ve had this exact problem for 10 years (I’m 62), and figured out that farm-fresh eggs are the only kind I can tolerate. For me its related to generalized inflammation… Eggs seem to make it worse. Thank you so so very much for your article! Your blog was one of the top results when I googled “eggs and diarrhea.” And the brain fog! Thank you for sharing this post! Sulfur could also have something to do with this, although sulfur is actually good for you in a certain amount. I’ve been getting nausea and back pain after eating brined eggs and I wondered if it was something about the salt or the way I boiled them–but now I think it’s probably that brined eggs are left out for several weeks and develop sulfur, like you said. Thanks again for your post!! I’m 21 and I have the exact same issue! I have no allergy from the blood tests so I’ve been just baffled. Ah, you are lucky! Is there some place where you can get really fresh eggs to test the theory out? Crazy how your body changes as you get older (48) :( I’m going to have my husband start doing the float test at home even though he has no sensitivity to eggs at all. I forgot to say that this includes any product with eggs in it, like mayo or baked goods. I have never had salmon, so it was an acquired taste, my mother-in-law prepared the finest salmon that I have ever had. (though I only consume the yolks if eating raw) and still the same on and off nausea. Yesterday I ate some potato salad with eggs and im staying paying the price. Yes salmonella is a bigger problem As an egg ages, its protective membrane gets weaker, and air gets inside. I have had low back pain, allergy like symptoms, headaches upon awaking and an upset stomach for awhile . I quit eating them for a long time, but then found I could have them occasionally, though even this is risky and unpredictable… About two or three years ago I started eating egg beaters for breakfast and have been fine… The last few months I’ve been eating egg whites without issue, but today I’m a bit achy… When it happens, I switch to unsweetened oatmeal in the morning, and it fixes the problem almost immediately. it’s been years I’ve tried to figure out why. In the spring 2019 I had an allergy test that revealed I was intolerant to egg yolks and told to avoid them. This hasn’t happened for a while and I eat eggs usually once a week. It must be a very protective layer that is stripped away and those of us who are sensitive will feel the consequences. I would love to find a liquid egg product like Burger King uses, that’s the whole egg. In all honesty I’m glad I did because I never even thought to question my eating eggs. Air Fryer, How To Make Trader Joe’s Tempura Shrimp in the Air Fryer. The second-stage cooking time will take about two minutes less than the normal cold-start approach. I’m going to try some farm fresh and see if that helps. On the one hand I was glad – I could still eat bread! Any Ideas besides the possibility the eggs packaged are not from the same batch? For some reason white eggs give me gas, I know there is no difference but still. And it doesn’t matter if it’s fresh-from-the-chook’s-bum. At least I could eat them if I had enough forethought to take it. If I buy white eggs from the grocery store the smell alone will make me feel sick when scrambled in a pan. It wasn’t until this month I realized it might be eggs. Not always nauseous, more like how you feel when you know you’re going to have diarrhea. Sometimes I eat them I’m fine and others I’m not. Now … It’s not all eggs. It could be the Lysozymes they are injecting the chickens with at the chicken factory farms. Not good. You can get a clue as to how old an egg is based on whether it floats, stands, or sinks in water. Twice now within I’d say about 3 days I’ve been very ugh.. My stomach is sour, leaving me nauseous, the gross bathroom business, feeling really horrible. I am currently nursing an awful bout that came on a couple hours after a cafe brunch and I realised that his always happens after cafe brunches and I always think ‘it couldn’t be what I ate, I eat bread and eggs all the time’ but now it’s all making sense! I never thought about the sulfur building in eggs. Good luck!! I have suspected something within the whites as well, though I have not had an issue with any meringue, but yes with hard & sunny side… Good Luck Y’all! Thanks for sharing your experience! This is the package, I used in the recipe. Ugh I am so sick right now. I have back pain as well. I suppose anything is possible, but without some kind of statistics controlling for people who don’t get flu vaccines, etc., I would have no reason to suspect this. I was so bad that I couldn’t even walk into the kitchen if someone was cooking eggs. Will stay clear of eggs as much as I can, it’s not worth the agon! I wonder if the McDonald’s sausage egg and cheese McMuffin I ate this morning and flushed down the toilet by noon is made with eggs and milk. Try cage free organic brown Egglands took me years to figure out cheaper eggs caused the problem .good luck. [Read more…]. I have said all this because it is all related….one thing leads to another. About fifteen months ago, I started feeling sick to my stomach. Or could that still be it? Ugh I feel soooo sick right now :(. I don’t know it’s very strange. Curious. By the way, I’ve had egg and sausage wraps from Tim Houston’s many times and never got sick from those. Tried them several weeks ago and not a problem, but made scrambled eggs yesterday ( older eggs) and quickly remembered why I had stopped them before. They came right from the store and yet, they made me sick! Now it is as you said, the symptoms right down to the fog and back pain, headaches and eventually vomiting. No itching or obvious “allergy” symptoms, just when eating them I can get to a point where I feel like if I eat one more bite I will vomit. Also, allergy symptoms usually happen immediately, not several hours later. I get fresh eggs from my neighbor and they affect me the same as eggs I used to buy at the store. I very much miss eggs as scramble or poached. Oh that’s terrible! The ones that have sulphur smell drink water that is high in iron. Any Ideas? I ate eggs every day that I was there and never got sick. another F was added: Fair. I always test them in water to make sure they don’t float. I honestly don’t know if the number represents the day the eggs were laid or the day they were packaged up or what, but that’s what I use as a reference. Hi Amy. The closest I can get is eggs from a local CSA that buys from a farm upstate. I didn’t even know that histamines in food were a thing. I have been searching for years. So the first day I could have eggs I made this huge omelette with tons of veggies and ugh I felt SO sick afterwards…I just blamed it on over eating after being so restricted. I felt like this all day, every day, for the summer of 2013. I’m guess the process of baking eggs in a cookie probably breaks down a lot of chemicals in the egg so those don’t bother me. ... For some reason white eggs give me gas, I know there is no difference but still. I don’t know why this is. Could it be something that is used to thicken the dairy that gives me gastric distress? Thankfully his reaction didn’t last as long since he only injested minimal amounts. I can no longer eat eggs at any old restaurant. I buy a dozen eggs from pastured hens each week, and I use the leftovers from the week before for hard-boiled eggs or baking. She also started When I first started raising chickens, I scrubbed my eggs really well, I was sick after eating them. Otherwise, I hate it but I’m giving up eggs! I have this same problem and miss eggs tremendously what supplement helped you? If the egg is cleaned too well, its going to be bad. ): Terminology such as “Use by”, “Use before”, “Best before” indicates a period that the eggs should be consumed before overall quality diminishes. So happy I found this article. A sounds like the “a” in “fat.” ... J'ai éventé l'oeuf pour voir s'il était pourri. The question I have – how do you make it stop. The egg sub products are mostly soy based so you may have to watch or try that Hey Amy. So I usually just avoid them. Not many would be brave enough to do it. I’m so glad I wrote this. But to eat scrambled or an omelet…I’m in bed the rest of the day! Looks like I’ll be asking my allergist about sulfur allergies. Really really old, rotten eggs smell overwhelmingly like sulfur, but it takes a long time for an egg to get to that point. (Can’t remember if I mentioned it in the post, but Burger King and Dunkin’ Donuts eggs also don’t bother me at all.). I could still eat baked goods! I’d missed my eggs for breakfast so much! This is the same issue I was having. At last an answer and now I can stop feeling like I am weird or crazy. Anyways, I don’t think I’m going to try duck or farm fresh eggs, even in Iran, because the pain just isn’t worth it for me. I don’t think that’s what happened with me. In terms of other pastured animals, oddly the chickens themselves are totally fine pastured. Thank you so much. I feel like its the egg white? Egg shells are like the skins of humans and can absorb any type of odor near it. Long ago the word autoimmune disease was almost unheard of and now days, it seems everyone including their dogs have at least 1 diagnosed autoimmune disease. I am now 66. When I finally did it was like a giant light bulb going off over my head. Miss my breakfast eggs I made and an ate an omelette and had no problem. The doc ruled it as food poisoning.. Whats really strange is on our yearly trip to Cuba I can eat as many eggs as I want and because I know this I pretty much have an egg fest! Appreciate your research and sharing!! But here is a factory egg on the left and an expensive farm-fresh egg on the right. Contact ~ Privacy Policy ~ Full Disclosure ~ Giveaway Rules ~ Advertising ~ Disclaimer~ Copyright © 2021 Amy Ever After ~We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising programdesigned to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Wow! But that was a LONG time ago, and it hadn’t occurred to me to check and see if their methods had changed. I haven’t tried duck eggs. The age of the egg never occurred to me to be a factor, or the brown or white or free range, etc. I’m so confused why and why all of a sudden. I coud have written this myself! I can’t do scrambled/hard boiled/ or even poached. Plenty of things I can live without during my lifetime, and an EGG is one of them. Bacteria growth and rancidity can make bacon smell nasty. So hard to figure out because it’s so different for everyone! In your seafood department, most shrimp is actually frozen or has been frozen, and the seafood counter just thawed if for you. Thank you. I have never in my 53 years been allergic to eggs. I have been sick for nearly 5 weeks. I’ll be getting some fresh eggs now to try! Oh my gosh, that makes me so happy! I was wondering if you could store your eggs in water (so no air can get to them)? Thank you for letting me know!! Thank you for sharing. I know you posted this awhile ago, but know that you are not crazy! For the most part, when you buy something “old” in a “fresh” department, it is because a worker messed up. No, it’s not lactose intolerant, and in fact, not a wheat problem, thank goodness because I love pasta and bread, especialy hard/dark breads. I think it is the additives. I miss eggs desperately sometimes! I ate eggs for breakfast for many years without issue. Keywords: trader joes tempura shrimp price trader joes tempura cauliflower air fryer trader joes panko shrimp trader joes shrimp tempura sushi trader joes tempura vegetables trader joes air fryer recipes trader joes coconut shrimp trader joes breaded shrimp. I had two big bowls of pasta last night and then went to bed. So this theory digesting sulfur may still have some bases for those people with issues in the metabolism of sulfur amino acids, but what about those that don’t have a sulfur problem? That’s why you can eat some eggs ok. and others not ok. Something for researchers to ponder. I know this is an older post but I have issues with eggs “sometimes” usually hard boiled ones, causes me cramping and upper abdominal stomach pains. I get a nauseous and sick feeling & a pain in stomach just below sternum but definitely not heartburn- I refer to it as my “Yuk Spot” as alcohol, onions, & peppers, as well as some natural remedy supplements have also triggered it- laying down isn’t usually an option and it would wake me from a sleep if triggered- plain bread is usually the only calm for it, or Zegrid (not zantac, beano, or pepto.) This is so frustrating. Now even if someone else here at home cooks eggs and washes the dishes in the dishwasher…clean… the dishes all smell like sulpher. I thought maybe it was a bad egg and kinda avoided them. Late to the party but…I found this post after searching for a reason for my husband’s nausea. After reading this, I am going to have my doc do some tests so I know for sure. We have our own flock of chickens and I have noticed over the years that only hard boiled eggs give me diarrhea but all other eggs are fine. I’ve never tried them but I should. This has been happening last few months everytime I eat eggs. I’m about to use that in a recipe, so I’ll be looking out for a reaction. I had the exwct same symptoms on Sunday after having pancakes for breakfast. Then about a year ago became so ill.. vomiting stomach cramps. For me it started a few years ago but only when eating straight eggs. Interesting that it took me so long to find your blog. I knew I would, because it happened when I first made the casserole, but it really does taste good:) Anyway, I realized it depended on how the eggs were cooked, at least for me. The egg feeling is awful. Before I was diagnosed and effected by mine, (I have 4 diagnosed), I have zero problems with eggs or any foods for that matter. It took me months to figure out that eggs were making me sick to my stomach. Crap. Back in Hong Kong I would cook them like this, or order it this way in restaurants and never had an issue. posted my story. Find really fresh eggs and see if those are OK. BUT I can eat egg sandwiches and scrambled eggs from a restaurant! First thank you… I also suffer with eating eggs. It took me awhile to realize it was the eggs I ate for breakfast every Friday. Deviled eggs, boiled eggs, and eggs cooked in food still dont bother me. I have been worrying that I am developing an allergy to eggs, but I know that I have no problems with fresh local eggs and am even able to eat certain brands from certain stores. Any sign of slime, avoid as it is a sign of rotten shrimp. At home I start pretty much every single day off with an egg or two, scrambled or in an omelet. Hard boiled, and scrambled seemed to be fine, but now I seem to be having a problem with those too. Think about how babies are reliant on what we eat while they are in the womb. You’re welcome! I used to eat bacon and egg sandwiches with a little mayo, which I fixed at home, but now eggs I fix ANY way (scrambled, boiled, fried, over easy, etc.) No food is worth that pain! Never had any idea of why. Here are some hints when buying shrimp at the grocery store: 1. I’m going to try fresh eggs from a friend. There are places for egg producers to buy organic layer mash or crumbles and you should find out if your egg seller of choice buys organic feed for their flock. I have been doing tons of research on this topic, as I am exactly like you…no pain with baked or boiled eggs. A reader has found an interesting correlation between her soy allergy and her problem with eggs. I thought I was the only one!! After 4 days your prime rib roast should look like the picture above. After each kid I’ve lost something i can eat. Thanks for this post.. Rotton shrimp smells a lot like ammonia, which means the shrimp has spoiled. This is great insight! I also found that duck eggs do the same thing, even thoroughly cooked. I woke up this morning thinking it was just the red sauce, which always gives me trouble if I eat it too late. And eating eggs isn’t a necessity for me, but I sure would enjoy having them from time to time! The free range ones don’t. (I smelled the egg to see if it was rotten.) I discovered this 5 years ago. interesting thoughts . 7yrs ago. I am so thankful that I found this! Eggs in a cake or fried don’t seem to cause a problem but if they’re not fully cooked then I suffer. I had brain fog and could barely function. But pastured beef gets me sick too and pastures lamb tends to as well. Processesed powered eggs come from regular eggs so that wont work. the “use by” date can be as long as 45 days after the egg was packed. However, if your roast smells bad or rotten, then you have a problem. If I cook my own cracked eggs or order scrambled cracked eggs at a restaurant, I have no problem. Usually have one every couple of weeks and no issues ever. Dixie I get sick if I eat frozen dairy or drink dairy milk. Fresh bacon will always have its natural meaty smell. Thanks, Amy. I have no problems at all eating McDonald’s or Dunkin’ Donuts egg sandwiches. Once again thank you for sharing your experience ! I was also worried about wheat allergy too. My gallbladder has already been removed, but stones can still occur. It may not be one or the other by itself so much as some byproduct of the combination of the two? Eggs baked into things were fine, but eggs on their own were dangerous. Wow this is so long i don’t know of amyone else mentionwd this. The first time it happened I didn’t know what was going on but felt sick for like 2 or 3 hours afterwards but didn’t put 2 and 2 together. Like others, I also seem to be fine when eating highly processed eggs like in baked goods or eggs that have been heated in the oven in a homemade cake. This type of shrimp is generally more expensive since they did the work for you. Oh wow! I always had eggs as a child, and it is only in the last ten years, (I’m 66), that I began having the same stomach distress you are speaking about. It is not dangerous to eat, but typically it is removed. I just thought because they were hard boiled.. That i wouldn’t get sick. Sue, You were unreasonably rude to Luke. Like all other times when I ate eggs, I was sick almost immediately upon finishing my food! Thanks. Yeah, that does suck, as I am allergic to pain! It’s all about dairy and gluten. And good luck trying fresh eggs! Last week I went to Germany to visit a friend, and when offered eggs I declined, telling her about my issues. It hadn’t become a problem for me until about the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy. I learned I had this problem when I was on some back medication that advised “not to be eaten on an empty stomach”. Dear Amy, Thanks ever so much for this post. Pasture raised eggs from chickens on their natural diets do not. Luckily it wasn’t an anaphylactic reaction, but he was projectile vomiting! I cook completely egg-free and am a huge baker. One other thing about “free range/cage free” farm bought eggs-see if the farmer will sell them to you unwashed since if they don’t spray a waxy sealant like the factory farms do to them after washing, they will age more quickly. I am now looking for some fresh eggs in my area. Thanks Amy! I’ve played around with all the different types of eggs and pretty much I just avoid them now, and not worth the risk when I don’t have control over the egg variables. I thought it might be me staying indoor all the time (it’s been winter the whole time I was here) or dehydration. I’m 68. Thanks for sharing! I feel a bit relieved that it’s the eggs. I have long discovered I can eat the low cholesterol eggs in a carton. Then, after about three months of feeling like that (it was beginning to feel normal – I have no idea how I was functioning), I took the kids to my mom’s house in Buffalo for a six-day visit. I used to live in the Netherlands I never got sick from eggs. Could be what they feed the chickens too. I will still mention it to my doctor next time i go back. I use flax, the “wonky cake” recipes and if we are craving scrambled eggs I use tofu! Haha I also realized after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in my 40’s that I got more and more food sensitivities after every physical or emotional trauma. Really really old, rotten eggs smell overwhelmingly like sulfur, but it takes a long time for an egg to get to that point. give me a stomach ache and diarrhea. :-) I’ve also been in ‘crazy land’ trying to figure out what in the world is making me so sick and bloated (like I look 7 1/2 months pregnant). We usually get our eggs from another farm and those do not bother us at all. Try white eggs. The problem started when I had my gallbladder, but continued after I had my gallbladder out (I was hoping that would be the end of it, too). The more I thought about it I started to realize it had been this way for awhile and I just always tried to blame other factors i.e. Thank you so much for your comments. But I’ve been eating eggs since I was a kid with no problem, so I didn’t blame the omlette and rather blamed other parts of my meals. I used to eat eggs daily. Most info out there, whether online or offline, is wrong. Interesting, we have chickens so my eggs are extremely fresh.

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