spiritual meaning of wheat and barley

BARLEY. That is, the action of the wind itself (by means of fans) are sufficient to get rid of the chaff. Both wheat and barley have approximately the same caloric content (about 90 calories per ounce). Paul is here referring to Passover and Pentecost, the harvest of the barley and the wheat. The barley is valued at 50 shekels of silver, and this associates the barley with the outpouring of the Spirit, both in its earnest and its fullness. Barley corresponds to gevura (restraint). And do thou take to thyself wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and spelt, and put them in a vessel, and prepare them as bread for thyself, according to the number of the days on which thou liest on thy side; three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat it. The purpose of the law was to feed the poor, the orphans, the widows, and the foreigners. In Biblical times the wheat hull must be crushed by a Tribulium Board, hint that is where we get the word tribulation from. (Wind represents Holy Spirit) The process of winnowing barley is much easier then wheat. The chaff from the barley falls away very easily, so barley is said to be winnowed. Barley is harvested by winnowing, the barley is thrown into the air with a winnowing fork and the wind blows the chaff away. And, as there are roughly 40 ounces in one "choinix," one day's wages could acquire at maximum 3600 calories of wheat or 10,800 calories of barley. Israelite law also required that the corners of the fields were not to be harvested. This speaks of the barley company, who so quickly respond to the wind of the Spirit. “To remove the chaff from the wheat requires threshing. The first "squadron" to be raised from the dead are the barley Overcomers; the second is the Church in general, the wheat harvest. The barley harvest is the first early “fruit.” The world, larger harvest, all earthly families, all peoples are represented later by the wheat harvest, the great multitude that will come in from the influence of the “smaller group,” “spiritual Israel,” or the 144,000 made up of those ten tribes (Revelation 7:4). bar'-li (se`orah): (1) In the Bible, as in modern times, barley was a characteristic product of Palestine--"a land of wheat and barley, and vines and fig-trees," etc. When wheat and barley fields were ready to be harvested, some of the grain was allowed to fall to the ground so that the poor could gather what they needed for provision. Once we realize that Paul was using the theme of Israel's three harvest festivals, his meaning is clear. According to the renowned rabbi and physician Maimonides, wheat strengthens the body and increases mother’s milk, the ultimate nourishment and expression of chesed. Wheat likewise reflects the nourishing food of kindness and to this day remains our main sustaining food staple. Ezekiel 4:10. Barley. This is consistent with the revelation of the overcomers who attain to the first resurrection or—if they are alive at the end … This Hebrew word study is about the meaning of the Hebrew word שְׂעֹרָה, 'se'orah' meaning 'barley', and gives every verse where the Hebrew word "se'orah" appears in the Old Testament. ‘A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil, and honey.’ Deuteronomy 8:8 For thousands of years, the Seven Species have played an important role in the food of Jews in Israel and the religious traditions of Judaism. To obtain a true understanding of this word these scriptures need to be meditated on and notes made of their meaning in different contexts.

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