the blake mysteries: ghost stories wiki

Since then Jean has taken on her husband’s mantle as, a solver of mysteries. Mattie's friend Eadie getting married. Blake confronts Jock Clement with killing his mother; Clement points a gun at him. David Hoyle, a patient, is seen above her holding the knife that killed her. Almost 5,000 fans have now signed a petition demanding the ABC reverse its decision on the show. Ross killed McKay, the student he rejected but who had realized what was under the painting by Genevieve Ettienne. Helen designed a flower headband for Charlotte and used a piece of wire on it as her murder weapon, and she is charged with the murder. Her father is arrested. Blake notes the use of the outdated scalpel used to cut the man's blood vessels. The administrator, Malcolm Beaufort, holds a very low opinion of nurses, there only for the sexual whims of doctors, and thinks nurse Lambert is a suspect. Blake has been pushing Tyneman to upgrade the equipment, and calls Joy McDonald before the autopsy is complete. Jean tells Blake not to show her affection; it is painful for her and for Mei Lin. Sarah Alexander's father was killed in a plane accident while Noel Ashford survived and she is bitter about her father's death. Dr Harvey tells Blake of the result of tests of the soil above his mother's grave, revealing the presence of strychnine, which killed Franklin, and Blake is upset that his mother died that way. In Edward's next visit with Superintendent Lawson, he sees himself caught in the mirror in an image in the salvaged film. The autopsy results and a toy dropped at the camp lead to a sometime employer of Tamas, Dean Charles. Ashby calls Jack in for questioning as a long ago friend of Ray. Clive learned of the affair the night he died. Blake mentions that his daughter would be 23 now, and he is still seeking her and her mother. Charlie reveals to Blake his injury from Jack hitting him during the race, when it seemed that Charlie would win. He puts Rose's byline on the offensive article and then fires her. Mrs Monica Goodman, before she was married, was the first girl Blake ever courted, but then he left for school and the army. He then tries to kill Blake as Blake investigates beneath Hildebrand's car. Munro is brusque and pushy from the start. Includes investments, loans and grants. Mattie learns that Violet was reprimanded a year earlier because a patient died, perhaps due to an error in medications. Dr Harvey tells the police that the murder weapon is a finely measured bit of equipment from a complex machine. Back at home, Blake comes home to find Jean listening to some of that rock and roll music. She is arrested. Mattie brings antibiotic to inject in Romana as she waits in the jail, to treat the venereal disease. Instead, she was the local backroom abortionist, and Charlotte planned to announce that at the ball in revenge. The students are members of the CPA; they stay at the house of Colin Doyle, where Charlie Davis questions Joseph Beville, a medical student, and Wendy. Lawson arrests Dr Laine for the murder of Violet Ashby. In the autopsy, substantial blood loss is expected, but none was present at the scene. Blake finds some partially destroyed, 16 mm film in the projection room, which is not the 35 mm standard for the cinema. Patricia was poisoned and did not die of the cancer or the treatment for it. Blake receives a letter from his daughter, asking why she has not heard from him. The dead man, Ray, was a salesman staying at a local boardinghouse full of salesmen. Farmer is a conman with a record of killing his wealthy young brides. At the police station, Edward Tyneman insists he wants justice for Blake punching him. Ashby puts new flowers at the grave of Blake's mother, where Blake meets him. Is this your listing? Lawson questions him at the police station, where Ledwith explains his habit of destroying any pottery not perfect. Blake had found a sapphire stone in the fountain where Edward died. Lawson comes in the nick of time to stop the action and take Gus away. Blake tells Jean he does need help, perhaps not the housekeeping, and admits how different he is from his late father. Jean reveals that Celia is angry with Father Morton, as his sermons lately seemed to match her confessions, which should be private. Or Harry Potter without Harry. Blake considers that Mattie's patient may be that elder daughter, as she came from Bendigo for the memorial of her sister's death. Project-specific support provided by Screen Australia's development programs since the agency's inception in July 2008. This recent permutation however, Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories, has all the excellent qualities of the previous series—without the fascinating, complicated and essential Craig McLachlan as Dr. Blake. Blake's father donated the painting of Agnes Clasby to the local gallery. Blake and Davis are there, and Davis arrests Grant. Both men, and Frank, the owner of the boardinghouse, are homosexuals. The woman are not pleased with this arrangement, feeling relatively powerless. Blake still worries about lividity of the corpses, the changing appearance of the body after death. Tim had looked all this up once he found what medications Dennis has been taking. The telemovie FAMILY PORTRAIT airs Sunday 12th of November on ABC TV. Dr Caxton appears at Blake's office, and he needs surgery for intestinal blockage. Controversial writer Patricia Neville has returned to her old hometown, writing a new novel that bases its characters on the local people of Ballarat. Jean, Mattie, Blake and Danny return to the boarding house to purchase two appliances. Blake does a bit of re-enactment of the scene of the dead man, with Mattie and Jean. Blake gets a telegram saying his daughter is alive, so he leaves by taxi, headed for Shanghai to meet her. In the autopsy, Blake and Harvey find bruising around his neck, and in answering the question, why did Adam not run out when the fire began, realize he had been unconscious; it was a murder. Ashby gives Blake 24 hours to demonstrate this is a murder, not an accident, then ups the ante to suspending Blake if there is no quick decision. Jean and Lucien go out for the ANZAC Day events, with Jean wearing her husband's medals. Susan Tyneman was in charge of preparing meals, including what Miss Maddern ate before the performance. Gus and Blake perform the autopsy; showing blows to the head, and soft hands, unexpected for a gold miner. Charlie Davis and Blake find broken pottery at McKay's place; they pursue Ledwith at his pottery studio, where he goes after Blake. Next morning, Wendy Smith sees Des Somerville lying dead on the steps of the memorial. Georgie confesses. Those two piloted the tobacco flights. In the closing scene, Cec serves a drink to William Munro, back in town. Solving the case provides Blake with the opportunity to propose to Jean just as Mei Lin, Blake's wife long reported dead (last episode of Series 1, first episode of Series 2), arrives at the front door. His brain tumor is reaching into the frontal lobe and may have been affecting his judgment. Sergeant Hobart and Danny Parks take Ron Jackson in. Coming out for her curtain call after the performance, famous actress Jacqueline Maddern falls dead on the stage. He slept in the barn so his wife could honestly say she did not know where he was overnight, when he lost his watch to his brother by gambling. Gus is charged, Ray is cleared, and he and his brother are on better terms. The owner is arrested for keeping the snakes and for murder. Albert tells police he last saw his father a week earlier, when it was made official that he was not in his father's will. Ashby has the court records opened before he questions Clyde, who will inherit. Charlie learns that McLaren undercounts his sales to cheat the film distributor, explaining his odd lie to Lawson. Comedian Blake Clark also worked at the Comedy Store as a doorman. The military police arrive to escort Sullivan away. Joshua Orpin is an Australian actor. An attempt is made to kill Doctor Blake, but suspended superintendent William Munro takes the fatal bullet instead. Charlie finds her car, and a cushion from the hotel at that scene. Jean notices the scent of a particular perfume on Charlotte's ball dress. Gus, the other police doctor, sees the wound to Mosca's head, showing he was pushed into the machine and thus murdered. She gave it to him as he was called out in the evening by a late-night penitent. Blake describes the scene, when Des puts a wrestling hold on Georgie, Georgie bites him to break it, then punches Des, who falls on a brick, the fatal wound. A woman's body is found in a lake; she was run over by a car, as the autopsy by Doctor Lucien Blake reveals. Set in Ballarat in the 1950s, The Doctor Blake Mysteries ran for five popular seasons on the ABC, before being axed in 2017, controversially because it still attracted a dedicated following. Doyle gave photographs to Patrick Tyneman's newspaper, revealed under harsh questioning by Munro. The money from the sale cleared the mortgage debt, but there is no money for Ruth to inherit. A young mechanic, Errol Moore, is found dead under the car of Trevor McKenzie, apparently murder. Vern had parted ways from Percy and was using Ethan to fill out the patent forms. Edward Tyneman comes on to Rose, bringing a picnic to show her farmland he is buying. At home, Blake plays the piano. Blake becomes suspicious of the autopsy blood tests and draws his own sample at the mortuary; Gus darkens the room and challenges Blake, but Blake challenges Gus that he is a morphine addict, learned from the records of the hospital pharmacist. In Melbourne, Blake goes to Catherine's address and discovers a dead woman in the cellar. Blake bakes scones with Mrs Toohey's help, and brings them to Jean. Lucien and Jean have a happy wedding, with Lawson and his niece Rose standing up for them. The autopsy reveals he died naturally and then lost control of the vehicle. He, in turn, is murdered by Hannam. Tyneman switches from sponsoring Dennis Goodman, to Tim Webb. His name is never known for sure, an agent for another government, perhaps the Soviet Union. Adams’ decision to jump the storyline forward to 1963 is inspired. Blake's father locked his wife's room in the house when she died, 40 years earlier, when he also sent Lucien off to boarding school. Track The Blake Mysteries: A New Beginning new episodes, see when is the next episode air date, series schedule, trailer, countdown, calendar and more. Mark tells Munro it is the cash from the sale of Ben's farm, given to Mark to manage. At the same time, Colin Doyle is punched in the nose by Blake and caught by Munro, while another youth tosses red paint on Martin O'Brien, in protest of his speech that morning, after being introduced by business owner Ken Farmer. The cast gathered on set at Port Melbourne to reflect on the next instalment of the series, which was axed by the ABC early last year citing budget restraints, and which once starred Craig McLachlan as Dr Lucien Blake. Peter hit Clive on the back of the head, but that did not slow him down. The trail begins when a key is recognized as one from a locker at the train station, where his destination in Ballarat is identified, and a page from a book of poetry by A D Hope is found. Blake tells Mattie that Doyle used her to get to her father and used Georgie to get to his uncle. Harold Morris appears at the shed with his service pistol; his homemade whiskey was in the cellar. Jean remarks that Richard was a good man, but he had something sad about him. Doctors Blake and Alice Harvey await identification. He changed to running a hardware store. Noel Ashford was the president of the local flying club. The other one, Rowley Grant, acts to protect Mattie, but goes too far, beating up his partner. Lawson and Ashby enter the room; Ashby and Clement struggle over the gun and Ashby is shot, dying in Blake's arms. 17 04 2018 - Media release The Blake Mysteries delivers for Victoria. Blake's aunt Dorothy, estranged from the Blakes since his father married, asks him to track down her granddaughter, Catherine Lucas. Townsend has a record of flying contraband, so Lawson calls in Willard Baxter to close this connection, and arrests him. The poison was strychnine. Evelyn Toohey, his housekeeper, thinks she killed him by giving him a new fruit to eat, a kiwi from New Zealand, as he died of anaphylactic shock. Patrick Tyneman has given his son Edward the position of editor of The Courier; Edward seeks articles that sell more papers and had printed the address of the lottery winner. Blake notices the eye color of people at the two farms; Janet has brown eyes, but the two people said to be her parents are both blue-eyed, and a child from them should have blue eyes. Blake borrows Jean's engagement ring from her first marriage to have his mother's engagement ring resized. Her husband is now Deputy Warden in the Masonic lodge. Mrs Barbara Dempster says it is not her husband Mark, but her brother-in-law Ben. It was the coin he received at his initiation; he got the other half in the mail from a person unknown and it scares him. Seven only wants to show Murder Mysteries on Friday nights, when there aren’t AFL games or cricket (otherwise they air on 72). Lawson arrests her for two murders. Project-specific support provided by Screen Australia's production investment programs since the agency's inception in July 2008. The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories is the sequel to The Doctor Blake Mysteries, the hit crime drama series that starred Craig McLachlan as police surgeon and mystery solver Lucien Blake, and Nadine Garner (City Homicide, Blue Water High) as Jean Beazley, Lucien’s housekeeper. Blake and Rose discover a break in the fence around the base, where Merv was running home, not running because he could not sleep. She then painted a portrait of her friend Agnes Clasby over the Davies painting because her husband sold the painting to Patrick Tyneman's father, Michael, but the transaction was not completed due to the painting being "lost". Rachel later says Dennis was seeing another girl, so she put vodka in his drink hoping he would be caught, as alcohol is forbidden. Sean admits to his innocence as to murder, and Blake has Mrs Cooper arrive with the baby, so Sean can see his son. After a party at the hospital, Hazel Mahoney and Carol Stanning argue not far from where Mattie is standing. Munro tells Sergeant Charlie Davis that Blake's daughter is in Communist China and he visited her there, putting his name on confidential lists. A button from a police uniform was collected in the freezer with the dead body. So he put the snake in Ray's car, and confesses to Lawson and Blake, including the challenge of living as a homosexual when it is considered unlawful. She has a second son, Lucas, considered academically gifted but working hard rowing, too. Mattie O'Brien leaves Ballarat for a new post at St Bartholomew's hospital, London. Ben is looking like a suspect for killing the priest. Charlie and Blake find Ethan attacked at his work site, with the weapon still in his chest, and he is saved by surgery. Philippe was at the restaurant to meet a delivery. Charlie has been working to support his mother and brother, and his brother is not getting on with him. Mei Lin writes to say she agrees to a quiet divorce. Chief Superintendent Frank Carlyle replaces Lawson. Others bribed the judge, including Jean with a cake; it turns out Osmond cannot eat the cake, and that triggers Blake to figure out why Angela, his patient, is deteriorating too rapidly. He and Mattie go to the hospital, where Blake learns from the administrator about the ambulance men bringing in the woman with the broken leg. Ashby questions Clyde Dennison, who has been in court to take control of the family's many assets in the prior year, and he lost. Police hunt for him. The body is identified by his watch and being on what they think is his own farm, Mark Dempster. At the flying club, Blake and Davis examine the log book and speak with Hugh Dankworth and his co-pilot Lyle Townsend. Police learn he was Arthur Pike, renting a small place to live on the property of Margaret and Eric Reid. Blake and Lawson dig up another body, at night in the cemetery at the site of the last burial before Bartel was found. There is a shoe imprint near the body, unusual in its shape. The aconite poison was extracted from flowers in the garden of Mickey's fiancée Tracey Corelli. The next morning, hotel owner Catherine Lewis tries to wake him up. The Best of British TV and Culture. Tyneman has high blood pressure. Mattie is not pleased to hear Jackson was hit by the police, as she knows him and is sure he did not do the murder. Then Charlie and Blake question Georgie Bromley, nephew of Ken Farmer. He sees how Munro is getting at people who are friends of his, considered too loyal by Munro. Lawson realises that when he can walk, it will be with a stick, and he expects that means he will not pass the medical exam and says good-bye to his staff. Blake learns that his wife is unwilling to sue for divorce as the current law requires her to name an adulterer, which Mei Lin will not do. Shortly this will also incorporate project-specific market and festival support provided by Screen Australia since its inception in July 2008. a month earlier. On another night, he and Joey were cleaning up when Joey decided to antagonize the ghosts. Another employee, Gorski, tells Blake that Mosca had been taking a percent of the wages of all the workers. The crowd cheers the winning pair of rowers, from the college; then the losers from the high school accuse Dennis of cheating. Arnie Ross and Dennis Goodman are tossed into the water as part of the celebration, and only one comes out. Dennis took Rachel away from his rowing partner, Arnie. Blake shows the half-coin to a Mason, Jock Clement, who says it was stolen from the lodge cabinet, and the theft had been reported to Munro. She is being stalked by violent prior boyfriend Walter Gregan and has been afraid to speak. It is the week before Christmas, and Blake investigates the murder of Daryl Fitzpatrick, a local farmer shot to death at point blank range. The driver for the funeral home hit Bartel's cart with their car, and beat Bartel up. He leaves a new placard in his own name for his medical office, to replace his father's name plate, as Ballarat is feeling like home. Digoxin, a medicine derived from the foxglove plant, makes things appear yellow; it is treatment for heart problems. As the killer did touch Franklin's skin, Blake does not believe Edward could be the killer. Blake meets Davis at Doyle's home, where they find the track of a wheel leading to the memorial. Joy McDonald appears in town to do a story at the request of Patrick Tyneman, who is on the hospital board, about Blake, but he talks her into digging about Dr Nicholson. All the employees, but not the management, in the factory are immigrants with no political power. Jean saves Blake by hitting Hildebrand with a wrench as he lowers his car onto Blake. The young daughter Elizabeth of the couple goes from the care of the neighbor to her maternal grandmother Irene to Rose, who finds her at home alone, to the police, and then to Jean. Back at the scene of the death, Chief Superintendent Lawson pushes Charlie Davis out of the way as a car comes speeding from the garage, hitting him, bouncing him in the air and driving away. Jean Blake will become the solver of secrets and crime in a world awash with murder and mayhem when she is drawn into the investigation of Ballarat's most infamous unsolved mysteries. Davis tells Lawson how he was sent from Melbourne to check up on Ballarat, and they think Blake is a liability; Lawson says Blake simply needs managing. When he returns, Jean tells him her granddaughter Amelia Jean is born, and that he is called to work. Police at the Lloyd house are restraining Ben, who has injured his wife. In the course of that, they met Catherine, who was quite ill. Milton killed Harriet's sister Evie, leaving her to die in Catherine's cellar. As the sky darkens during the eclipse Alderton is stabbed in front of Blake, but the murderer is not known. Mrs Cornish became angry and struck him with a frozen leg of lamb, the third and fatal blow. Bomber Denman works with Jones; Blake uses fierce methods to get Bomber, mechanic for to Trevor, to admit his use of dynamite against competitors, and to stop it. Waterman considers Simon very bright but such a trouble maker. Lawson charges Hannam with the murder, while Hannam replies only with his name and rank. Tamas and Nadya planned to run away the night of the wedding and settle in Sydney, as her father does not approve of him. Preparations for marking Anzac Day bring Major Alderton into Ballarat, and Sergeant Hannam.

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