upenn cis courses fall 2019

The focus is on probabilistic and statistical methods for prediction and clustering in high dimensions. This course will look at how professional software engineers address those challenges, by investigating best practices from industry and emerging trends in software engineering research. Fall 2019 Graduate Seminars. The topics will include: Particle Systems, Mass spring systems, Deformable Solids & Fracture, Cloth, Explosions & Fire, Smoke, Fluids, Deformable active characters, Simulation and control of rigid bodies, Rigid body dynamics, Collision detection and handling, Simulation of articulated characters, Simulated characters in games. Semesters Offered: Fall 2019 and Spring 2020| Course Website. Neuroepigenetics (CAMB 713) Z. Zhou E. Heller-Mesznik H. Wu. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of algorithms, data structures, automata theory, propositional logic, operating systems, communication protocols, and hardware (CIS 262, CIS 380, or permission of the instructor). PHRM 532-401. How does your position in an economic network (dis)advantage you? If CIS 519/Introduction to Machine Learning is used to fulfill the CIS/MSE core requirement, then CIS 520/Machine Learning, cannot be used to fulfill the CIS/MSE core requirement, but can be used as a CIS elective. Deep learning techniques now touch on data systems of all varieties. As a side-effect of the material of this course, you will learn about some aspects of large-scale software development: assimilating large APIs, thinking about modularity, reading other people’s code, managing versions, debugging, etc. Topics covered include: lexical analysis, grammars and parsing, intermediate representations, syntax-directed translation, code generation, type checking, simple dataflow and control-flow analyses, and optimizations. How organisms exhibit flocking behavior? This course will focus on web programming. Data will be drawn from a variety of domains, including but not limited to travel, entertainment, politics, economics, biology etc. Prerequisite(s): Proficient knowledge of C/C++. reaching out to CAPS, any member of the instruction staff will be happy to contact them on your behalf. Course Timetables are published for upcoming semesters and reflect only the time of scheduled courses. Among the question we will consider are: What inspired the Civil Rights movement, when does it begin and end, and how did it change … ENGL 100.401. crosslisted as: COML 100. Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with threads and concurrency; familiarity with Python, C++, or equivalent programming experience. The intended audience for this class is both those students who are CS majors as well as those intending to be CS majors. by Aleph One, errata for "Smashing the stack for fun and profit" by M. Walfish, (optional) Low-level Software Security by Example ANTH 234: Pharmaceuticals and Global Health. The course emphasizes rigorous mathematical reasoning as well as connections to practical computing problems such as text processing, parsing, XML query languages, and program verification. Neurodevelopment, Regeneration and Repair (CAMB 597) G. Bashaw Y. Involves coursework and class presentations. One-time course offerings of special interest. Africana Studies AFRC-509 Reading Historical Arabic Manuscripts (Ali-Dinar, W 3-6). This course is for students who do not have an academic background in computer science and who are not pursuing the Master’s in Computer Information Technology and who are not graduate students in the CIS Department. Computational approaches to the problem of understanding and producing natural language text and speech, including speech processing, syntactic parsing, semantic interpretation, discourse meaning, and the role of pragmatics and world knowledge. by P. Gutmann, Same origin policy, cookies, SQL injection, Secure Session Management With Cookies for Web Applications by Chris Palmer, SQL injection prevention cheat sheet by OWASP, Cross-Site request forgery prevention cheat sheet by OWASP, Cross-site scripting prevention cheat sheet by OWASP, Security problems in the TCP/IP protocol suite by S. Bellovin. FISHER-BENNETT HALL 201. Visit coronavirus.upenn.edu, the University's dedicated coronavirus COVID-19 web page, for the latest updates.Penn LPS is ensuring that all students have access to the … Over the course of the semester, students work on group projects in which they use programming techniques to solve open-ended problems, e.g. Contact. Upon completion of the course, this application will be deployed and made accessible to the public. What is the “cloud”? top. ... will be admitted on the basis of an application by email briefly describing their interest in the course to bujo@sas.upenn.edu. It is being increasingly used in industry by organizations such as Facebook, AT&T, and NASA, along with several financial firms. Python has quickly become a popular language for getting things done efficiently in many in all domains: scripting, systems programming, research tools, and web development. This is a course about Algorithms and Data Structures using the JAVA programming language. The second part will focus on Rails, the web framework and will include all topics required to develop and deploy production-ready modern web applications with Rails. ... Students will enroll in 165 in the fall and then re-enroll in 165 in the spring. This event has passed. How do you design a communication network? If SDS has approved your request for accommodations, please make an appointment to meet with me as soon as Below are links to course lists and schedules for students enrolled in CIS graduate degree programs. The first part of the course will focus on Ruby, the language that powers Rails. Then, we describe data structures like stacks, queues, maps, trees, and graphs, and we construct efficient algorithms based on these representations. Sector 6: 20th Century … A section of this course is also devoted to understanding NP-Completeness, Graduate Courses The course covers the fundamentals of classical and modern uniprocessor design: performance and cost issues, instruction sets, pipelining, superscalar, out-of-order, and speculative execution mechanisms, caches, physical memory, virtual memory, and I/O. In the modern Internet, virtually all large Web services run atop multiple geographically distributed data centers: Google, Yahoo, Facebook, iTunes, Amazon, EBAY, Bing, etc. Courses are available for students at the University of Pennsylvania (and also open to Swarthmore, Drexel, and other consortium colleges). University of ... NVIDIA GDC 2019 Courses (Mostly Real Time Ray Tracing) Machine Learning by Andrew Ng (Coursera free) Deep Learning Book (Free to read in HTML) CUDA Programming Guide; All previous CIS 565 (https://cis565-fall-201X.github.io) Grading. Over the last decade, the language has evolved to meet the needs of a variety of programming styles while supporting the ever-growing capabilities of the .NET runtime and libraries. Graduate Course Information Fall 2020 Schedule. We will begin with sorting and searching algorithms and then spend most of the course on graph algorithms. Topics to be covered include: Internet architecture, network applications, addressing, routing, transport protocols, network security, and peer-to-peer networks. The objective of the game design practicum is to provide students with hands on experience designing and developing 3D computer games. As a result of their game development efforts, students will learn first hand about the creative process, design documentation, object-oriented software design and engineering, project management (including effective team collaboration and communication techniques),  design iteration through user feedback and play-testing, and most importantly, what makes a game fun to play. How do you optimally encode a text file? The course divides into three major sections. Topics covered include architectural aspects of modern GPUs, with a special focus on their streaming parallel nature, writing programs on the GPU using high level languages like Cg and BrookGPU, and using the GPU for graphics and general purpose applications in the area of geometry modeling, physical simulation, scientific computing and games. Students should discuss with the faculty supervisor the scope of the Independent Study, expectations, work involved, etc. Prerequisite(s): CIS 121 or CIT 594 or equivalent. We will cover basic concepts, threat models, and the security mindset; an introduction to cryptography and cryptographic protocols including encryption, authentication, message authentication codes, hash functions, public-key cryptography, and secure channels; an introduction to networks and network security including IP, TCP, routing, network protocols, web architecture, attacks, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems; an introduction to software security including defensive programming, memory protection, buffer overflows, and malware; and discuss broader issues and case studies such as privacy, security and the law, digital rights management, denial of service, and ethics. The course will focus on sequence analysis problems such as exon, motif, and gene finding, and on comparative methods but will also cover gene expression and proteomics. It uses Matlab and is said to require a lot of work, but prepares students to … CIS 700: Integrated Intelligence for Robotics Fall 2019, University of Pennsylvania Instructor: Eric Eaton, Ph.D. Prerequisites: A working knowledge of C++ programming isrequired (one year programming experience in general). Graduate seminar in advanced work on machine perception as it applies to robots as well as to the modeling of human perception. Course Information. Contact us with questions about admissions or academic programs | For website issues, email the webmaster CIS 497 - DMD Senior Project . How do you find shortest paths in a map? This course introduces principles and practices of computer and network security. Using two classic Haitian texts, Marie Vieux-Chauvet's Love, Anger, Madness (1968) and Michel-Rolph Trouillot's Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of … How can you be as successful as the best horse-racing expert at betting on horse races, without knowing anything about horse racing? The intent of this course is to provide a basic understanding of a wide variety of programming paradigms, such as logic programming, functional programming, concurrent programming, rule-based programming, and others. The world is becoming image-centric. may use to turn assignments in late without penalty and without needing to ask for an extension. Course : Discrete Mathematics I. Prerequistites: This course will assume a solid knowledge of modern biology. Wewill study the theory ofrelational and XML data design; the basics of query languages; efficientstorage of data, execution of queries and query optimization; transactions andupdates; web-database development; and “big data” and NoSQL systems. No specific programming language background is assumed: basic experience with any language (for instance Java, C, C++, VB, Python, Perl, or Scheme) is fine. This project-oriented course is centered around application development on current mobile platforms like iOS and Android. Topics vary with each offering. The course also will examine game development from an engineering point of view, including: game play mechanics, game engine software and hardware architectures, user interfaces, design documents, playtesting and production methods. How can modern technologies be applied to do a better job at presenting what is difficult to experience firsthand? Advanced topics as time permits: Circuit complexity and parallel computation, randomized complexity, approximability, interaction and cryptography. Penn LPS COVID-19 Update LPS staff are not onsite, but we are still available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. by phone and online in case you need support: (215) 898-7326 or lps@sas.upenn.edu. | Course Website, Prerequisite(s): Some previous programming experience. Read more about ANTH 234: ... mmcco@pennmedicine.upenn.edu Dr. Kate Dorsch Faculty Advisor in The College kdorsch@sas.upenn.edu. The curriculum is heavily project-based, and culminates in a group project focused on building an interactive first-person world exploration application using the various real-time interaction and rendering algorithms learned throughout the semester. This course covers generations of wireless mobile network standards and systems, basic differences and their evolution, charting the development of mobile telecommunications systems from 3G, to today’s state-of-the-art wireless technology 4G LTE, and the next generation wireless technology, 5G. The use of logical formalisms in Computer Science is dominated by a fundamental conflict: expressiveness vs. algorithmic tractability. Co-requisites: CIS564: Computer Game Design and Development. What properties might we expect any social network to reliably have, and are there simple explanations for them? science. Design and implementation of a significant piece of work: software, hardware or theory. Fall 2019 Graduate Courses. This course provides an introduction to the broad field of database and information systems, covering a variety of topicsrelating to structured data, ranging from data modeling to logical foundationsand popular languages, to system implementations. Course Information. Basic programming experience. Prerequisites: CIS462/562: Computer Animation, CIS277 or CIS460/560: Computer Graphics Penn InTouch is the only way to access course information that is verified as accurate by the University. Students will be expected to display knowledge of both theory and practice through written examinations and programming assignments. This course surveys methods and algorithms used in modern operating systems. Prerequisite(s): CIS 121. ", " If the Cis 192 upenn. What are the basic mathematical concepts and techniques needed in computer science? At the end of the first semester, students are required to submit an intermediate report and give a class presentation describing their project and progress. Topics will range from critical basic skills such as examining and editing files, compiling programs and writing shell scripts, to higher level topics such as the architecture of Unix and its programming model. New topics are discussed each year. General Education Courses. An introduction to the problems of computer vision and other forms of machine perception that can be solved using geometrical approaches rather than statistical methods. This introductory course will present basic principles of robotics with an emphasis to computer science aspects. Last Day to Drop a Course: Oct. 7 Fall Break: Thursday, Oct. 10-Sunday, Oct. 13 Last Day to Withdraw from a course: Nov. 4 Midterm 2: Thursday, Nov. 14 from 3:00-4:20pm in DRL 3W2 Thanksgiving Break : Thursday, Nov. 28 - Sunday, Dec. 1 Last Day of Classes: Monday, Dec. 9 Final Exam: Wednesday, Dec. 18 from 12-2pm in DRLB A6 Prerequisite(s): Mathematics through multivariate calculus (Math 241), programming experience, as well as some familiarity with linear algebra, basic physics, and statistics. Python is an elegant, concise, and powerful language that is useful for tasks large and small. In this course, students will be introduced to the IPython programming environment. The purpose of this course is to deconstruct the hype by teaching deep learning theories, models, skills, and applications that are useful for applications. This course will explore three topics: 1) image morphing, 2) image matching and stitching, and 3) image recognition. The course selection period for Fall 2019 courses is still open! If CIS 520/Machine Learning is used to fulfill the CIS/MSE core requirement, then CIS 519/Introduction to Machine Learning, cannot be used to fulfill the CIS/MSE core requirement, but can be used as a CIS elective. This course examines the architecture and capabilities of modern GPUs. Semesters Offered: Fall 2019 | Course Website. What is the Novel? Integrated Studies Program College of Arts & Sciences. Developing a “software product”, however, introduces numerous challenges that make it a much more difficult task. – Assignments involve programming in C/C++ in the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Working in teams of two, students will design and develop an authoring tool that that facilitates the creation of a new type of user interaction, animation/simulation capability or 3D graphics special effect. For doctoral students studying a specific advanced subject area in computer and information science. Evaluation is based on selecting an interesting topic, completing appropriate research on the state of the art in that area, communicating your objectives in writing and in presentations, accurately estimating what resources will be required to complete your chosen task, coding necessary functionality, and executing your plan. The first half will focus on the the basics of the Internet and the Web, HTML and CSS, and basic and advanced Ruby. We will also examine ideas that have been proposed for tomorrow’s Web, and we will see some of the challenges, research directions, and potential pitfalls. Topics cover: geometric transformations, geometric algorithms, software systems, 3D object models (surface, volume and implicit), visible surface algorithms, image synthesis, shading, mapping, ray tracing, radiosity, global illumination, sampling, anti-aliasing, Monte Carlo path tracing, and photonmapping. (If you got at least 4 in the AP Computer Science A or AB exam, you will do great.) by B. Barak, Symmetric encryption IV and Hash functions, block ciphers, PRPs, Merkle-Damgard construction. NOTE for students interested in CIS 552 in Fall 2019: If you are an undergraduate (even a submatriculant! members of the community. Grades are based on the report, the presentation and the satisfactory completion of the project. We  will study the theory of relational and XML data design; the basics of query languages; efficient storage of data, execution of queries and query optimization; transactions and updates; web-database development; and “big data” and NoSQL systems. Prerequisite(s): CIS 400, senior standing or permission of instructor. The links (and the lecture notes) should appear in their final form roughly a week ahead of the corresponding lecture dates. Courses for Fall 2019. Undergraduate-level coursework in programming languages, compilers, functional programming, or logic is helpful but not required. C++ Workshop Fall 2019 . This is a challenging, implementation-oriented course in which students build a full compiler from a simple, typed object-oriented language to fully operational x86 assembly. In addition, emphasis on technical writing and oral communication skills. The course will examine both rule-based and corpus-based techniques. CIS 526 may be used towards fulfilling the CIS doctoral student seminar requirement. Some knowledge of programming in C and/or Matlab. 3330 Walnut Street | Levine Hall | Philadelphia, PA 19104-6309 | 215-898-8560 These are updated as full Course and Room Rosters closer to when registration opens for the … Students learn the material through lectures and via a set of computer exercises developed in MATLAB. The course also introduces the C++ programming language, and covers important concepts in modern operating systems, including processes, scheduling, caching, and virtual memory. The following three books (available for free) are The students will be expected to use the Maple programming environment in homework exercises which will include: numerical and symbolic computations, simulations, and graphical displays. The aim of the course will be to allow you to use Haskell to easily and conveniently write practical programs. If you have an extenuating circumstance, you must contact the course staff before the assignment is due. Cyber phsyical systems are integrations of computation and communication with physical processes. Such techniques are used in 2D and 3D drawing and plot, object silhouettes, animating positions, product design (cars, planes, buildings), topographic data, medical imagery, active surfaces of proteins, attribute maps (color, texture, roughness), weather data, art, etc. In the new era of big data, we are increasingly faced with the challenges of processing vast volumes of data. length extension attacks, PRFs, ciphertext integrity, Pseudorandom Functions by M. Bellare and P. Rogaway, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, trapdoor functions, public key encryption from trapdoor functions, Public Key Tools by D. Boneh and V. Shoup, RSA trapdoor permutation, RSA-KEM, RSA-OAEP, RSA digital signatures, RSA-FDH, PKCS#1 v1.5, Public key encryption by D. Boneh and V. Shoup, MACs and Digital Signatures by R. Popa Prerequisite(s): CIS 120 (CIS 121 co-requisite), CIS 160. It is meant primarily for freshmen in SAS and Wharton, who have an itch to learn about a beautiful subject that intrinsically unites quantum physics, computation, and information Increasingly, the major providers (including Amazon, Google, Microsoft, HP, and IBM) are looking at “hosting” third-party applications in their data centers – forming so-called “cloud computing” services. (a lightly-edited version of some ancient CIS 530 lecture notes by Mark Steedman) Introduction The idea of a speech-act is familiar. Grader's Office hours: Thursday 1:00-1:50pm in DRL 3N2B. self-identified and received approval from the Office For master’s students studying a specific advanced subject area in computer and information science. This course is suited for students from all Engineering backgrounds, who have the basic knowledge of linear algebra and programming, and a lot of imagination. C++ Workshop Fall 2019 Home. The answer to all these questions is in the affirmative provided we allow the use of randomization. The topics include finite automata and regular languages, context-free grammars and pushdown automata, Turing machines and undecidability, tractability and NP-completeness. Logic has been called the calculus of computer science as it plays a fundamental role in computer science, similar to that played by calculus in the physical sciences and traditional engineering disciplines. The course surveys a wide range of applications of software analysis including proving the absence of common programming errors, discovering and preventing security vulnerabilities, systematically testing intricate data structures and libraries, and localizing root causes in complex software failures. CIS 565 GPU Programming at UPenn - Projects. Late pair projects will be charged to both partners. Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with programming (CIS 120), algorithms (CIS 121), and mathematical foundations (CIS 160). DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. Potential class projects include fly-throughs of architectural and landscape renderings, simulations of astronomy and cosmology, modeling of human behavior within architectural and landscape settings, and study artifacts in the Penn Museum. Prerequisite(s): CIS 121, 160, and 262 (or equivalents), plus substantial mathematical maturity (at least two additional undergraduate courses in math or theoretical CS). The third major part of the course concerns file systems, including topics such as storage devices, disk management and scheduling, directories, protection, and crash recovery. Course Description: Purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide a mathematically rigorous foundation for probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistical inference. Offered Fall 2019 and Spring 2020. Can you verify that a program has correctly computed a function without ever computing the function? Are these presentations accurate? See Timetable for more information This course will be taught in English. Haskell is a high-level, purely functional programming language with a strong static type system and elegant mathematical underpinnings.

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